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Purchasing Ledger hard drive wallet


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Hey Guys,


Just wondering if anyone has had any recent experience with purchasing a Ledger nano form the manufacturer from Thailand? Did they get through without any problems?


Given Thailand's stance on trying to regulate the industry



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Thanks for the information guys. I am going to purchase from the official Ledger website.


I just wanted to know if there would be a problem getting through customs.


Thanks again.

Edited by promotz
didn't add quote
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5 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

Beginners question, why is a solid state device preferable to a software wallet?

The answer is: it depends.  ????   I wouldn't say it's preferable but that's just me.   My issue with having a Ledger or Trezor, etc. (despite the air tight tech protecting your crypto) in my possession is that it announces to anyone who sees it:  this guy has crypto.   If you're going to lock it away in a safety deposit box in a far off place, then yes, it's probably better than using an old phone with non custodial software wallet apps (which is probably better for your daily carry, going through customs, going to your tax audit, etc....then you're just a dude with a second outdated cell phone).   

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