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Just back from Koh Samet - Observations


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First the weather was great.


If you are going then I suggest that you take the minibuses to Bang Phe.  Easier and the busses take you right to the pier.


The big difference is that there are no boats that go to the resorts the only way onto the island is through the main pier so it is a pain in the assets from that standpoint.


Island taxis (they call them busses) are expensive.


Thais and domestic expats are flocking to some of the locations.  Sametville where I was was quite busy.  While the bars are closed you can still buy beer and have it with your meal.


None of the day trips are happening.


Getting back to the mainland was easy highly recommend fast boats as they are not as crowded.


Over all it was a great weekend lots of sun and relaxation.


If you are looking to get away from BKK then highly recommend Koh Samet




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1 hour ago, RafPinto said:

At least, you save the money for aircon.????

Aircon on the beach novell idea but I think I willpass extension cord too long.

1 hour ago, northsouthdevide said:

I'm in London. 

Its 11 degrees right now. 

I hate you ????

Sorry  guess I better not post any pics LOL


sand surf sun and cute bodies in bikinis



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