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You will need to cut out al coffee after a certain time say at least 8 hours before planned bedtime, for some people 12 hours would be needed.


That plus melatonin should help.


However, in my experience you will have to "tough out" the first day i.e. force yourself to stay awake minus caffeine until the planned bedtime.


Also - get sun exposure during the daytime to help cue your body, and avoid computer use for a few hours before sleep.

1 hour ago, vandeventer said:

Or try a hammer to the head, you haven't told us how old you are. I am guessing 20 to 30 as there are not many student's in there 60-70 range. Try some warm milk before bed and there are some exercises you can do as well, when you are in bed to help you relax.

Hammer to the head, never heard of that technique for getting to sleep, i will be sure to give it a go.....NOT.


Melatonine should help, as it is your body system to make you feel asleep.

It is also in food, like banana. Though never experienced feeling sleepy after eating banana.

Concentrations is low, i red.

From alcohol you dont get the right sleep.

Blue LED light can effect your sleeping ritme. Changed my screens in blue light, but ... no change for me.

If i cant sleep, all kinds of thoughts come up to me and make it worse. Then im really <deleted> and get out of bed , playing game on phone. Stupid enough that helps.

Sometimes im focusing on my breath and sometimes enough boring to block thoughts and fall asleep finally.

Already have a problem with sleeping , as i have apneu and sleep with a *** machine. Having nose cap on my face. 8 years now and sometimes stil annoying me. 


But from all stuff to get sleepy, what about having sex?  

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