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Travel Insurance

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Probably been asked before, but couldn't find an answer. My regular health insurance (USA Blue Cross) covers me overseas. How do I show it meets the $50,000 minimum. Print a copy of the actual policy? But the policy just says I'm covered, it doesn't have dollar specifications. Any help here? Or easier to just buy AXA or some Thai expensive insurance??

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Contact you insurance companies.  They should send you a certificate showing the coverage and if you need Covid ask them to specifically spell that out in the certificate. I know AXA does this because I have one.

Edited by bkk6060
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3 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Contact you insurance companies.  They should send you a certificate showing the coverage and if you need Covid ask them to specifically spell that out in the certificate. I know AXA does this because I have one.

Thanks..but will the Thai authorities accept it if its not one of specific Thai Insurance companies?

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Cost of insurance....I have no idea. I'm referring to the compulsory 50k.

Not even ballpark idea.


I realize age is an important factor. So is period of cover.


Take a common bracket say 60-70 age group. What would be sensible stab at say 6 month cover?


I picked 6 months as some on extensions could easily have that length of time on their reentry permit.

Any stabs? 

Edited by DrJack54
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I too have BC insurance. When i looked into going I asked BC to send me a letter showing I was covered and to include alll the pecifics in the letter. required by thailand.  For example BC wrote the polcy covered covid expenses and was vsalid until ...etc Received the letter in about one week. I used it to apply fro a coe and had no problems getting the coe BUT I never went so didnt have to deal with immigfation

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