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Omicron may become dominant variant with its high transmissibility – Dr. Yong Poovorawan


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To be clear, if you are using or claiming something has been said/anounced etc then you MUST supply a credible source/link to support it, otherwise its hearsay and just gossip and it will be removed.

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3 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Thanks. Already read that and nothing like the fake news the previous poster was spreading, which has now been correctly removed. 

fake news when it’s on the BBC, yea right, as I said over 8000 new covid cases, hospital admissions rising, this is all verifiable on many links including the one given to you above, regards the deaths, you can check any site such as your favorite worldometers or ourworldindata. 

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8 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

On this occasion it was WHO themselves who have changed their own statement and lead to the confusion.


This was the original on the 30th Nov at 19.17





This is the updated with the edit notification at the bottom.






Yes my original reply was to a post stating "the story i read on yahoo. didnt mention vacced or not vacced it just said over sixty"

Your correction quote does indeed include vaccination in the equation (so fair play on this occasion) but I still would rather read "facts" from the original source rather that "interpreted facts" from a journalist.

Also, do you know if Yahoo posted a correction after WHO amended their information? If not, my preference is all the more valid....IMO


in other words, if Yahoo, BBC etc say that "The WHO have announced.....whatever", I would rather go and confirm it on the WHO site than automatically trust MSM.

Edited by VBF
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On 12/1/2021 at 12:22 PM, lavezzi said:

wait, normal flu has new variants every year.

We are getting vaccinated with 2 doses and boosters too.

New variants will pop every 6/12 months.


Covid already has high transmissibility and now the new varaint has high transmissibility? 

What's new?


While we should warn and keep pressure on unvaccinated to get it we also should stop terrorizing the world.



Why? That was the original intention. 

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More sort of good news.


The new Omicron variant has been detected in a vaccinated Minnesota resident with recent travel history to New York City, the Minnesota Department of Health said in a statement.

Driving the news: The confirmed case involved a patient who developed mild symptoms on Nov. 22 and got a COVID-19 test on Nov. 24, per MDH. He is no longer experiencing symptoms.



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11 hours ago, Pinot said:

Jeesh. How mild this is has yet to be established. If it spreads easily more people will be hospitalized. Get vaccinated and we'll leave you alone.

It's been around way longer than when it was identified.. we would have already seen the uptake in hospitalisations. 


How if it's weaker would we see more hospitalisations even if it is more transmittable?? You don't make sense.. 


Also I am vaccinated multiple times.. when you gonna leave me alone? 

Edited by Sanookmike
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9 hours ago, jeanrem said:

Yes, so let's move on. Vaccine available but not mandatory, let's stop to intimidate and try to change people life.

Vaccinations are critical to stopping the spread of this virus.  Sadly, some won't get inoculated for ridiculous reasons.  Mandatory vaccinations seem to be the only way.  Unfortunately.


Seems Omicron is better at reinfecting those who've been previously infected.  Not good.  We need more to be inoculated.




S.Africa's health body sees threefold higher risk of reinfection from Omicron

South Africa had been seeing a sudden spike in daily reported cases of coronavirus with the government reporting 11,535 new infections on Thursday, up from 312 ten days ago.


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There seems to be another and even more transimissible virus flying around that's spread over the net.


A sort of maggot-in-the-brain virus. The last time I dropped in here it was Brexit that was ripping everyone's neocortex up (even non-Brits), now it's covid.


Does anyone believe they have ever persuaded their cyber adversary one way or the other I wonder.

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12 minutes ago, blackprince said:

There seems to be another and even more transimissible virus flying around that's spread over the net.


A sort of maggot-in-the-brain virus. The last time I dropped in here it was Brexit that was ripping everyone's neocortex up (even non-Brits), now it's covid.


Does anyone believe they have ever persuaded their cyber adversary one way or the other I wonder.

I stayed out of that Brexit thread.  I'm not from there.  Guess it's good I did! LOL


But like this, but are serious issues filled with false and misleading information.

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5 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Yea I just saw that also, for those who think this variant only produces mild symptoms then why are hospitals admissions increasing so much just when the Omicron wave occurs and becomes the dominant variant?


To go to direct source to the rise in hospitalizations you can go here https://www.nicd.ac.za/diseases-a-z-index/disease-index-covid-19/surveillance-reports/daily-hospital-surveillance-datcov-report/


To put things in perspective a little however, only about 1 in 4 people are vaccinated in South Africa so this was a perfect hotbed for such a rapid spread and the hospitilizations.


The real test will be to see its transmissibility in highly vaccinated countries, Germany in the links above are taking drastic action still to halt the Delta wave and nip in the bud the Omicron wave, will all countries need to do this? I hope not.

US had first community transmission yesterday.  Luckily, a fully vaccinated and boosted person who has mild symptoms.  Shows the jabs work.  Now, we need to get the holdouts jabbed.  Not going to be easy.

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2 minutes ago, blackprince said:

I agree Jeff, there's a lot of deliberately false stuff flying around for political reasons. Books have been written about the bot armies that have been deployed in an attempt to shape public opinion (I've even read one of them).


I think there's also a grey area where the stats aren't detailed enough (yet) or where the stats are just too obscure for the non-statistician to understand.


I read in this morning's headlines from Europe that Germany is considering closing society to the unvaxxed. This raises a number of ethical questions, one of which I'd like to ask the anti-vaxxers and non-vaxxers:


If you don't participate in government health schemes (ie covid vax) do you think it's ethical or fair to receive the benfit of government health care when you get covid?

IMHO, and that of probably a majority of people, since a majority are vaccinated, if you refuse a jab, your insurance should be higher.  Only makes sense.  Already, if you are a smoker, some companies make your rates higher.  Makes sense.  Why should those of us who've been jabbed pay for those who refuse for ridiculous reasons?  Doesn't make sense.




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Unvaccinated COVID patients cost the U.S. health system billions of dollars

The analysis estimates that the preventable costs of treating unvaccinated patients in the hospitals total $3.7 billion in August, almost twice the estimates for June and July combined. The total preventable costs for those three months now stand at an estimated $5.7 billion.

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But if true, this would be good news, as Omicron symptoms are much milder than normal.


Not all mutations are more harmful.  Maybe we will get lucky, but...


They'll be a new mutation in 6 months.


Nobody is 100% safe until everyone in the world is vaccinated. ????

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3 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:



But if true, this would be good news, as Omicron symptoms are much milder than normal.


Not all mutations are more harmful.  Maybe we will get lucky, but...


They'll be a new mutation in 6 months.


Nobody is 100% safe until everyone in the world is vaccinated. ????

Not speculation.  Already happening in SA and expected to happen elsewhere in a few months.  Symptoms have not been proven to be milder, as only a few have been reported.  Mostly young or vaccinated.  Which makes sense.  Hospitalizations and cases in SA are skyrocketing.  Doesn't seem milder...


This is what's bad:


S.Africa's health body sees threefold higher risk of reinfection from Omicron

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3 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

As do people who refuse to exercise, overeat bad food, smoke and drink excessively.


None of those things are illegal. ????

Agreed!  And in some cases, they pay more for insurance.  Not to mention those things don't impact my life.  Covid does.

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6 hours ago, Sanookmike said:

WHO estimates that flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people a year and causes 9 - 41 million illnesses. 


Something that kills with a average age of 83 is not a pandemic. If your that scared why don't you go back in your hole and let the rest of us get on with it.


I've complied with everything.. had all my jabs etc but enough is enough now. There are lots of things that kill more people but we have tunnel vision on covid, all common sense is out the window and replaced with fear. 

I am so sorry you are tired of Covid, but, if left unconstrained, Covid may mutate into another form that is more infectious and nastier.


BTW, Covid kills some 4 million per year now.

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