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Immigration bust foreigners partying in Bangkok amid "Omicron" fears

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9 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Nonsense. We have no information, scientific data and studies to point toward your rather extreme and panic mongering conclusion. 

Take another look at the chart. The bottom scale is in days not months. Why is cases doubling every 2 or 3 days not worrying to you? 

I doubt it will keep up that rate and will almost certainly be a lot slower in warm countries but it will spread. We are all being told to get a third dose before the end of the month if it is more than 3 months since our second dose. That's around a million a day. The queues at vaccination centres are huge. Luckily I got mine last week  (as well as the flu jab) and am still suffering. The gift from China that keeps on giving. 

41 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I have never heard a black person refer to another ad a colored person. Anyone using this term is just ignorant.

Not sure that is a good base to judge ignorance. I have heard them call each other N****r many times on different forms of media but it is definitely off limits for anyone else to use.

I would expect the reverse could also be true. 

If white is OK for us, why is black so offensive to them? 


I am guessing any label that can easily integrated into a derogatory chant is out. Hence the move to labels with multiple words like "people of colour". 

I would like to get some input from a person of colour who understands the issues that I need to know about.

1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Oh please. Such a weak reply. Nearly every time I see someone complaining, or observing a shortfall within Thailand, some guy, who has not taken the time to think things through, nor to devote any focus or effort to a reasonable reply, says something like "Perhaps Thailand is not for you", or maybe you should leave, or the top prize, "if you do not like it here, go back to your own country". Hard to even respond to such inane statements. Why? Because I have some issues with the place?


Sorry to inform you, but the nature of a discerning mind, is to have issues. Though absolute contentment must be a beautiful state of mind, it is not something most of us are blessed with, in case you have not noticed. The fact that I complain, does not mean I do not love Thailand, nor most of it's people. I do. 


I have a very good life here. Do I have some complaints, and are there are some things I would love to see improved? You bet. I should leave because of that? Please. Next time you make a post, try to devote at least two moments of thought to it.

There are some very sad and nasty people on here, a lot think they are clever, some think they know everything but actually know nothing, then you have the self opinionated ones who genuinely believe that  people really do value and crave to hear their opinion, when in truth they are the only  person interested.
You also have people who unfortunately have mental health issues.
Take no notice of the moronic keyboard warriors as they live sad boring hate ridden lives, its a shame because Covid has not helped these poor souls it's just made them into worse arrogant, ignorant, selfish bad mannered people, who continually troll looking for a bandwagon to jump on because they really do not possess the intelligence to form an opinion of their own.

Here's 4 minutes of thought enjoy.

Just now, Stargeezr said:

If the people were mostly from Africa, as an expat or tourist or what ever,

they could have been called Africans, yes?

Exactly. Do they have editors?

12 hours ago, Kelly Davy said:

Whoever is responsible for writing this news is a disgraced to humanity. It’s unfortunate to see a clear and blatant racism and yet people are ok with it. How is this ok “They had been servicing the dark skinned community for the last month” or this “The media in their headline as well as immigration on a vinyl board called it a party for "colored" people”. 
Are they not humans? I bet you couldn’t hide your racist views. I don’t think I have read on this platform about thais been arrested in similar gathering and been referred to as “Party of Yellow or brown people”.  This is just so wrong. 

Unfortunately growing wealth does nothing for a third world mentality. 


Poor choice of words that were chosen by the Daily News writers who reported on this.  Yet ASEAN Now decided to run the article as is with no editing of the offensive words.  Kind of shows what ASEAN NOW is all about.  Perhaps an apology is in order?  Oh wait, this is Thailand.  Not going to happen.  

10 hours ago, goloeilmanz said:

Nothing wrong with this, they are dark skinned and that’s just a fact, not racist. 


Racists never think they’re racist... do you.


Who writes this tripe? Do you have editors on staff Aseannow????
Manageress????? <deleted> is that .. It's manager regardless of male or female.

They had been servicing the dark skinned community for the last month. 

What is "Dark-skinned" community? Complete rubbish. If you are going to rerun stuff from other publications fix this insulting language. 

1 hour ago, spermwhale said:

Who writes this tripe? Do you have editors on staff Aseannow????
Manageress????? <deleted> is that .. It's manager regardless of male or female.

They had been servicing the dark skinned community for the last month. 

What is "Dark-skinned" community? Complete rubbish. If you are going to rerun stuff from other publications fix this insulting language. 

Native English speaking editors are widely available.

14 hours ago, Smokey and the Bandit said:

I believe the correct way to say it now is person of color!


And I thought it was n!gger.....at least that's what they say in all the rap music ????

  • Haha 2
15 hours ago, Kelly Davy said:

Whoever is responsible for writing this news is a disgraced to humanity. It’s unfortunate to see a clear and blatant racism and yet people are ok with it. How is this ok “They had been servicing the dark skinned community for the last month” or this “The media in their headline as well as immigration on a vinyl board called it a party for "colored" people”. 
Are they not humans? I bet you couldn’t hide your racist views. I don’t think I have read on this platform about thais been arrested in similar gathering and been referred to as “Party of Yellow or brown people”.  This is just so wrong. 

I was thinking "oh you poor sensitive snowflake", but I changed my mind after some thought.  Be honest you've never been to Thailand have you ? You've stumbled across this obscure website (dad's laptop ?)  and you can't wait to throw your little "woke"  tantrum thinking you've found some racism, where in actual fact none exists. In any case, Its hard for me to imagine anybody actually being as  "offended", as you claim to be, by anything written in the above article, unless they have deep rooted psychological problems, but that isn't the case here is it ? You and your sort are not really offended at all, are you? so why do you waste your time typing that drivel? . I can think of two reasons, either you are just trolling, or, more likely, Its a pathetic attempt at virtue signalling, to show to your wokie mates how woke you are. Or a bit of both !

Just out of interest is the following statement of advice racist  " When you are in Bangkok do not buy any precious gem stones from Nigerians on street corners". Or is it just good advice ? Or how about this true story...  Among my friends there are 3 guys all called steve, so when the rest of us refer to them, in order to differentiate, we gave them nicknames  there's "lofty" steve obvious really as he's 6 foot 8 tall,  then there' s   "goldie" steve  its obvious why we call him that as he has a gold tooth, the third guy ,we just call "steve" because, well, obvious really........he's black, as the Ace of Spades (his words)

Nothing racist there as most right minded people will agree,  but i bet you are apoplectic by now, just by having seen the word "black" your sort are obliged to be offended on behalf of somebody, anybody!!   I mean, it must offend somebody somewhere mustn't it?  Well it doesn't, so keep your woke whingeing to yourself

  Your sort are not welcome in Thailand, in fact if the truth be known, your sort aren't welcome anywhere really  

  • Thanks 2
4 hours ago, Hanuman2547 said:

Poor choice of words that were chosen by the Daily News writers who reported on this.  Yet ASEAN Now decided to run the article as is with no editing of the offensive words.  Kind of shows what ASEAN NOW is all about.  Perhaps an apology is in order?  Oh wait, this is Thailand.  Not going to happen.  

For gods sake an apology to who ???

3 hours ago, spermwhale said:

Who writes this tripe? Do you have editors on staff Aseannow????
Manageress????? <deleted> is that .. It's manager regardless of male or female.

They had been servicing the dark skinned community for the last month. 

What is "Dark-skinned" community? Complete rubbish. If you are going to rerun stuff from other publications fix this insulting language. 

Its not rocket science is it ???  Dark skinned community =  community of dark skinned people what don't you understand     as opposed to pale skinned community which would be Caucasian, interestingly also sometimes referred to as palefaces by others.......is that racist?

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, Stargeezr said:

If the people were mostly from Africa, as an expat or tourist or what ever,

they could have been called Africans, yes?

I wouldn't worry too much, I doubt they will be reading this, and even if they are, who cares? be honest

  • Like 1
12 hours ago, chang1 said:

Strange how people get worked up over describing skin colour unless it is white. Just imagine if I was offended by people saying I have white skin. Why does racism only matter one way when light skinned people are involved. 

Like everyone I am racist but I am not prejudiced which, to me, is far more serious.  If, as in this case, you have an idea of the races involved you can start to understand how the cultures of these individuals changes the context of what happened here. 


Yeah, handy to know the races involved so we can keep well away from them

  • Haha 1
12 hours ago, Smokey and the Bandit said:

You are 100% correct, the article was in no way racist. just factual. Its a shame some people take offense at anything!

They are not actually offended as such,  its just "virtue signalling" it what they teach the stupid ones that they have to allow to go to "university"

  • Thanks 1
12 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

It's Thailand the land of darlie toothpaste and chocolate man. It's all very innocent in a way. It's the self righteous WHITE virtue signallers that get upset by applying western cultural values to a Thai setting..Wait until you can speak and read Thai! You are in for a shock.lol

Those people wont be learning Thai anytime soon, most of them will have never been to Thailand

12 hours ago, Flink said:

So Iassume they police and immigration will investigate, and prosecute the people responsible for modifying the container with the same diligence they used to find the foreigners? Or is that wishful thinking since it will probably be Thais?

Its not necessarily an offence to "modify" a container

13 hours ago, jesimps said:

Problem is that people of my generation remember it being the accepted term for referring to African looking people. Referring to them as "black" was considered racist. There've been many PC terms used over the years, I honestly don't know what the current one is. 

"White" person has never changed, as indeed it shouldn't. 

I worked in a schools for 15 years in South London  with over 70 spoken languages the student were called  black or with their country code of origin.

If I would of called a Jamician student the coloured boy they would of been offended and and laughed at. Coulored is an Americian term and used more these the group many ethical group together. An example is Canada is a mosaic of enrhicity and America is a melting pot. 

Calling black is not racist in the UK. End of day you don't need to use black or coloured in the sentence. They can just say Ugandan Nigerian Kenyan Libyan...... Somalian Cameroon


  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

Its not necessarily an offence to "modify" a container

But you could put bars, (not for beer) ,take the doors off,seal it off. The criminal elements could be held there,throw a banana or two in,job done

7 hours ago, chang1 said:

Not sure that is a good base to judge ignorance. I have heard them call each other N****r many times on different forms of media but it is definitely off limits for anyone else to use.

I would expect the reverse could also be true. 

If white is OK for us, why is black so offensive to them? 


I am guessing any label that can easily integrated into a derogatory chant is out. Hence the move to labels with multiple words like "people of colour". 

I would like to get some input from a person of colour who understands the issues that I need to know about.

Most of my black friends like being referred to as black. Only one uses the very weak and PC expression African American. African? Wait part of you is African, other than ancestors who were brought over hundreds of years ago. It is PC nonsense. However, colored is offensive to most American blacks. 

34 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Most of my black friends like being referred to as black. Only one uses the very weak and PC expression African American. African? Wait part of you is African, other than ancestors who were brought over hundreds of years ago. It is PC nonsense. However, colored is offensive to most American blacks. 


Say black.

But in this case it was about actual Africans.

22 hours ago, Hamus Yaigh said:


Not surprised: at all with the colorful use of skin color in these news reports. Tone deaf comes to mind.

Surprised: Omicron has to be in quotes.

Omicron = Moronic

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