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Whats Open and Whats Not


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Hey guys,

We are thinking of going to Thailand in the next month for a 90day stay to travel. However i'm a bit concerned about what's open and what's not open. I.E Tourist attractions but also jungle excersions, river boats, car hire and all that lovely stuff. Can you help with giving me some idea please. Also, as a country, what is Thailands attitude towards the whole pandemic thing? Thank you. Andy 

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Pretty much everything is open except some bars that could not prove they can serve sandwiches. Universities are online except for a few exceptions like labs. Masks mandatory everywhere even outside but in the provinces its much relxed. Many of the tourist traps are closed. What hotels are still open are usually fully booked on weekends with domestic tourists.  Enjoy your 90 days.

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Not a good time to travel anywhere. You might suddenly find you have to quarantine upon arrival in Thailand or anywhere else as rules can change daily with little or no warning, and the same applies when you get home. Expensive, but then if you can afford to spend 90 days to travel then that might not be a factor.


Why not wait until the world is normal again, although that might not be for a year or two.

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On 12/19/2021 at 10:35 AM, jvs said:

I would do the smart thing and stay home,a lot of countries are closing down again

because of Omicron and no one knows what is going to happen.

Many things are closed here anyways and i would just wait until things are better

and Covid is more under control.

Not a smart move to come over here now,chances are of a big outbreak here after new year.

Imo we are more or less in the same boat as in March 2020.


If the OP is concerned about doing stuff rather than relocating then absolutely agree not to go to Thailand now. FWIW I would rather be stuck in Thailand than in the UK (or any other locked down country) though. If OP can work remotely or stay long term then Thailand not so bad. Many wish they never fled in March 2020! I was lucky and stayed. Sadly I am now in UK and booked to go back to Thailand on 18th January but suspect it will not be easy.


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