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Thai Elite with an overstay

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I've heard one can not get a 20 year Thai Elite visa if they have an overstay.


Are any overstays counted or just severe ones?


I have a 10 day overstay from 7 years ago. I paid a 5,000 thb fee (IIRC) to a  BKK customs official who grumbled to show discontent. After that, never another issue. 


I think I was on tourist visas at the time. Since then I have been stringing a chain of EDs and Volunteers more recently.


The overstay was on an old passport. I understand all old passports are linked to new ones.

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I believe it's only recent overstays that are considered, I have multiple overstays but they are from way back, like 10 years or more and I'm on my second 5 year membership.


From the 5 year membership application form, end of 2019 version when I renewed my membership (the screening process is going to be identical) :




It costs nothing to apply, email them, fill out the forms make the scans they require and send them back and you will have your confirmation.


I'm going to be very surprised if old overstays such as the short one you had will make any difference at all.

Edited by ukrules
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7 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

I don't think your overstay from 7 years ago will be a problem.

I was looked at the qualification for membership and  I could find the mention of overstaying that was there before.

See: https://www.thailandelite.com/join-thailand-elite?locate=en&popup=false

I suggest you contact them about it.

i got the same question as the op. i hear different things... some say they have been asked about overstay only for the past three years, some say ppl with overstay record are not eligible to obtain an elite pass. the thailandelite application form asks if one has ever overstayed.. :/

i wonder if thai immigration ever clears overstay records after let's say 10 years.. well, probably not.
maybe records from 10y+ aren't in the system bc they did not collect data that efficiently back then...wishful thinking, i guess..

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4 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

I have 20 year Elite and was on overstay years back (9 days - in about 2014 if memory serves?) not deliberate and a terrible shock when I go to the airport lol ????.

I was asked in my application process of any overstays in the last few years prior to applying, I mentioned the 2014 year and never had any issue with my application and issuing of my Elite. 



sounds good..
in the last 10 years i had one for 2 days, in 2014.
but between 2000 - 2010 i had quite a few, and one very long. that was before they started punishing with bans. at that time it was possible to stay long term with just tv and border runs...

i'll find out soon enough, when i apply...
did you use thailandelite?

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