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The Silent, Vaccinated, Impatient Majority


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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO not so much believing they know more, but more not trusting scientists. IMO doesn't matter how long they studied, if they are dependent on grants from people or institutions that require a certain outcome.

Unless they are self funded, they are beholden to those that pay them.


'Follow The Money'

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57 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

Forgive me gentleman, I’m doing my laundry.


I actually had my laundry make a couple of more compelling arguments than I see here. 

Anyone wanna answer why the vax is not mandated if it’s so “safe and effective”. You know, mandated like all other proven (over time) safe and effective vaccines. Maybe someone can ping me when someone does in fact take a shot at this. 

Think about it. The vaccines have ALL THE SUPPORT. From government, from big pharma, from all the msm. Why on earth wouldn’t they mandate it? They have all the power and influence. There must be a reason or two! 

Now you give us a double non sequitur.


That some safe and effective vaccines have been mandated is not a logical argument that a safe and effective vaccines must be mandated nor is the observation that a vaccine is not mandated evidence that it is not safe and effective.


I trust are doing a better job with your laundry.

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5 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

I will try this one more time, gotta assume there may actually be some curious, genuine folks in here.


Virus populations have genetic variation. When you introduce vaccines, much of the variation is eliminated, and certain strains, sometimes recently mutated, become more prevalent. This is how the strains we speak of arise. 

It’s funny isn’t it, when what you say actually makes perfect sense and all the facts line up with it. Because what do we see? We see vaccinated individuals being infected at a much higher rate than we expected. That’s exactly what the model I proposed above would predict. Ie decreasing vaccine efficacy… again, exactly what we see. Why? Because the strains that were not killed off by the vax are the ones surviving. If you don’t get it at this point you never will I suppose. But non vaxed don’t cause strains. That’s preposterous. 

If your point had any validity, that would mean that in unvaccinated populations, there would have been no rise in frequency of variants such as Delta and Omicron. This is not the case.

You clearly are confusing genetic variability with genetic novelty (i.e. mutations). Yes, it is possible to select  naturally or purposely for existing variations within a population. But that doesn't address the question of mutations and transmissiblity. Omicron is a mutation. Which means it's novel. Which means it didn't exist until recently.  It's increased transmissiblity is what is fueling its rise, not vaccinations The same as in the case of Delta, which arose in a country that was largely unvaccinated at the time.  You've got nothing.

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2 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

Variants are created, in most cases, from…. Genetic variation within populations… you know, I have blonde hair, she has red hair tryin to splain this as I would to a 3 year old bc of the question I got


That genetic variation within the population then get “acted upon” by our medicines. Nothing unnatural happens without vaccines or medicines, that’s absurd to claim. 

When the virus’s genetic variation is now acting upon a vaccinated population, only certain strains can make it (assuming the vaccine is actually doing its job). These strains then become much much more prominent. When before this strain was only 1% of the population, now it’s 50%and rising, because of the induced treatments (ie vaccines). 

That’s how this works. And you see, I do t need bogus links to “back” me, because I actually understand stuff. 

The problem is, you won’t hear whati just wrote on the 8 o’clock news. But that doesn’t mean it’s not the truth, you see how that works?

Very entertaining fiction.  I do love the sincerity with which you claim to understand genetics and mutations.

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10 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

Very entertaining fiction.  I do love the sincerity with which you claim to understand genetics and mutations.

Actually he doesn't seem to understand at all the role that mutations play in the evolution of the virus. Doesn't even mention them. He apparently believes that the more transmissible variants were there all along but somehow selected for by vaccination. He apparently believes that Mendelian rules are all that's needed to understand evolution. He is seriously confused.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Isn't selective reasoning wonderful? One gets to post all sorts of things that are easily refuted, but few bother to do so.

It's good to see a couple of posters standing up to the usual suspects.

Speaking of standing up, I understand you are or were a male nurse. You have colleagues worldwide who are under the pump, dealing with a pandemic, exhausted and stressed. They are that way because the majority of their patients crowding out non-Covid patients are unvaccinated idiots. Obviously, you don't feel any solidarity with the profession you have chosen.

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3 hours ago, rattlesnake said:

The problem with this reasoning is that it does not take into account age and health (nor does the bmj article referred to above). If I am in the unvaccinated group but young and fit, I am not 6 times more likely to end up in hospital than a vaccinated 60-year old diabetic. It is a fallacious argument.

You have as much chance of repealing the laws of probability as you have of overturning the laws of thermodynamics or nullifying gravity. Have at it.

It is not about you. It's about the selfish turds who won't get vaccinated and are 6 times more likely to tie up stretched hospital resources. Even politicians understand that, and they are not the sharpest tools in the drawer.

Fallacies arise from invalid assumptions. I am stating fact, sorry if that inconveniences you.

Please show me a credible link that demonstrates there is ANY age cohort where the PROBABILITY of a vaccinated person requiring hospitalisation is greater than someone who is unvaccinated.

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13 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

I will try this one more time, gotta assume there may actually be some curious, genuine folks in here.


Virus populations have genetic variation. When you introduce vaccines, much of the variation is eliminated, and certain strains, sometimes recently mutated, become more prevalent. This is how the strains we speak of arise. 

It’s funny isn’t it, when what you say actually makes perfect sense and all the facts line up with it. Because what do we see? We see vaccinated individuals being infected at a much higher rate than we expected. That’s exactly what the model I proposed above would predict. Ie decreasing vaccine efficacy… again, exactly what we see. Why? Because the strains that were not killed off by the vax are the ones surviving. If you don’t get it at this point you never will I suppose.

Vaccinations don't prevent one getting infected, I am living proof. What they do is prevent one getting seriously ill. Your concept of the strains being killed off by the vax is an entirely false premise. They may be supplanted by more infectious strains, that's what viruses do.


Omicron has supplanted delta, but that certainly does not mean delta is extinguished.


Viruses mutate, and vaccinations have to keep up with them. That's what happens with flu, just about every year flu vaccines are modified.


The big difference is that flu is usually over in two weeks, vaccine or no vaccine. COVID is far more dangerous than that for some.



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Misleading troll posts and twitter stuff have been removed.


18) Social Media content is acceptable in most social forums. However, in factual areas such as news, current affairs and health topics, it cannot be used unless it is from a credible news media source or government agency, and must include a weblink to the original source.

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8 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

If that is your opinion you only have one thing to do. Vaccinate. And once you do that’s it. Your participation ends. You don’t get to vax other people. 

You know a very interesting question that none of you have considered yet, is what if you are wrong. What if the vaccine ends up having very serious, long term effects. The exercise in answering that question is a good one, because then you can better understand why another (healthy) human being may not want to wake up one day with one of these effects. 

Do you take Viagra, be honest now, because if you do, your theory has been buried....?   ????....????

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1 hour ago, utalkin2me said:


You know a very interesting question that none of you have considered yet, is what if you are wrong. What if the vaccine ends up having very serious, long term effects. The exercise in answering that question is a good one, because then you can better understand why another (healthy) human being may not want to wake up one day with one of these effects. 

Sinovac, Sputnik, Sinopharm and AZ are all underpinned by technologies that have been around for over 70 years.

No-one looks for the long-term effects of vaccinations for typhoid, tetanus, hepatitis and polio anymore, because there aren't any. Same for flu shots.

Evidently, you are not a student of vaccine history.

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On 1/18/2022 at 6:39 AM, cdemundo said:

Apparently some political leaders are looking to exploit bad feelings against the unvaccinated.

Thailand may not be exempt from this trend, we will see.


I don't think so. They are in the same camp as the survivalists (believers in Darwinism, and stable, intelligent folks) who are willing to take a small chance, in order to protect themselves, their families and society. Believing the YouTube nonsense, and utter fools like Rogan, is not particularly sane, nor is it sensible. Darwin seems to have been right. Some of us are better at surviving than others. 

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7 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

I love how nobody brings up in these parts, there is not even a thread on it, that the cdc stated natural immunity was more effective that being vaxxed. And the cdc is a pro vax govt organization. That should really tip you off.  Not to mention this was “misinformation” about a week ago lol

Aren't you the party that claimed that vaccination is the cause of the rise of Omicron? Ya think the UK govt agrees with that? Why the sudden respect for their decisions?

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6 hours ago, utalkin2me said:


I got some disturbing news for you. This thread is about covid vaccination.

Clearly the proof about Sweden is beyond you. As epidemiologists know, the most valid comparisions between populations are those that are most demographically similar. Sweden is extremely similar to its 3 Nordic neighbors, especially to Norway and Finland. (Denmark is more densely populated). When compared to its demographically similar neighbors, Sweden performed very poorly. What is so difficult to understand about that. Ya think the difference is due to the fact that the covid-19 virus respects borders and refused to cross over?


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5 hours ago, placeholder said:

I got some disturbing news for you. This thread is about covid vaccination.

Clearly the proof about Sweden is beyond you. As epidemiologists know, the most valid comparisions between populations are those that are most demographically similar. Sweden is extremely similar to its 3 Nordic neighbors, especially to Norway and Finland. (Denmark is more densely populated). When compared to its demographically similar neighbors, Sweden performed very poorly. What is so difficult to understand about that. Ya think the difference is due to the fact that the covid-19 virus respects borders and refused to cross over?



No,I think in 10 years all the numbers are gonna shake out equally, just like I said from the start. And what do you know, the countries you mention are catching up to Sweden. I notice you don’t address the issue about all cause death rising in those other countries.


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