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The insulin half-truth spread by Jason Fung / Gary Taubes and other Keto lovers


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8 minutes ago, TravelerEastWest said:

I ordered the dip/chinup station from Decathalon after looking at it in the store - good quality as in heavy metal that does not move around and the fit and finish looks good.


it should arrive on Saturday.


Now I have to cleanup my extra room and get it ready.


About steroids I am sure taht you are correct but I still think Frank Zane is honest and didn't take them.

Great hope it is good for you you can do quite a few exercises on it. Like pull ups and dips  (triceps) and a abworkout. 

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16 hours ago, TravelerEastWest said:

Thank you for your encouragement - probably it will arrive tomorrow.


I wont be able to do a pull up or chin up the first day but I hope to step by step work into it!


I suppose it is OK to do them every second day?

To be honest you can also order special rubber bands that help you pull up. This way you can do your pull ups better. I can do pull ups easy with close grip but wide grip ones are harder. Given that my back muscles are not as strong as most other muscles. 


I have used a band like that it has like that to make things easier at times do more and better controlled pull ups




I am posting from amazon but Thailand might have them too.


As for doing these things every day is not a good idea. Best to give your body at least 48 hours between strenght session trainings that target the same muscle. Otherwise its hard to gain muscle and get stronger.

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10 hours ago, TravelerEastWest said:

I had heard that ab muscles can be exercised every day - what do you think?

I think its a myth that keeps being repeated. But your still a complete beginner so it does not really matter that much. Once you start at first your muscles can take a lot. I am not sure why anyone would care too much about abs. Spot reduction is not something that is real. 


Id just keep those long walks with the dogs and other other cardio is better. But really when your just beginning you can do things as often as you like. But its not the most effective way.  Because you need recovery too But i guess it depends on how far you push yourself.

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I agree with you that spot reduction is not possible.


I think doing ab work daily makes me feel good. Until I lose "my spare tire" I wont see my abs anyway... smiling.


I watched some Youtube videos today and in general the view seems to be daily or almost daily is a personal decision no special rules.


I don't use weights for my ab workouts only leg lifts crunches etc,. So maybe a basic training schedule like mine is easy and can be done almost everyday...

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23 hours ago, TravelerEastWest said:

I agree with you that spot reduction is not possible.


I think doing ab work daily makes me feel good. Until I lose "my spare tire" I wont see my abs anyway... smiling.


I watched some Youtube videos today and in general the view seems to be daily or almost daily is a personal decision no special rules.


I don't use weights for my ab workouts only leg lifts crunches etc,. So maybe a basic training schedule like mine is easy and can be done almost everyday...

There are no absolute rules in fitness, everything is relative to what you do and how far you are in your own fitness. Its almost impossible to cover stuff with absolute rules.


In general if your not going to heavy you can do anything every day, however it wont really improve much. Its better to for progressive overload and take enough rest. Buty you say its an easy routine then just do it. But if you feel like your no longer making any progress. Then go heavier and reduce frequency.


But if you don't train heavy and are not increasing things then you can do it every day.


To be honest if it makes you feel good just do them. But abs are no different from other muscles they all need to recover.



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For my abs I do 300 leg lots (100 each leg and 100 both legs), 100 bicycles, 100 crunches, 200 side leg lifts (100 each side - lay on my side and lift my legs). 


Daily I feel good and not sore.


My 16 year old daughter does intense 45 minute workouts from YouTube - music and fast exercise with only a little rest. She wants me to follow her but I can't keep up not yet anyway...


Later I will add a few more sets of ab exercises.


My whole family likes the new pull up dip station - they all are doing better than me... but I have will power and will keep going!


Off to go walk my dogs now...

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/18/2022 at 4:22 PM, robblok said:

Indeed, but most people dont want to eat less or healthy foods.


Same goes for exercise the fitness influencers come up with the most crazy workouts and exercises. Why because they need new content.

Hong Kong people live longest. They eat loads of meat.

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8 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Hong Kong people live longest. They eat loads of meat.

Strange, I thought they tend to eat small pieces of meat chopped up into food not too far off from a mediterranean diet...


Also I have heard the reason they live long is not becasue of their meat consumption but:


"A number of factors contribute to long life, ranging from the economy and social welfare, to tough government measures to curb smoking."

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16 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

That quote comes from CNN website.

Don't take advice from CNN about anything.





I understand your point of view on CNN and meat you are clear - I don't agree and I wish you well... I like CNN's world current events coverage I was aware that some are strongly against them.

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3 minutes ago, TravelerEastWest said:

I understand your point of view on CNN and meat you are clear - I don't agree and I wish you well... I like CNN's world current events coverage I was aware that some are strongly against them.

Their info is usually wrong. Trying to make out veges is what makes them live longer is just wrong. Veges don't make you live longer, proven already. Meat eaters live longer.


HK diet is high meat and high salt. Both of which are good for you.



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22 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Their info is usually wrong. Trying to make out veges is what makes them live longer is just wrong. Veges don't make you live longer, proven already. Meat eaters live longer.


HK diet is high meat and high salt. Both of which are good for you.



Complete rubbish, the opposite is true and well established.





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4 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Wrong and totally debunked nonsense. I note your sources to be left wing. Always peddling veganism anti meat.


Totally debunked out of date anyway.



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Another common myth is that consuming meat increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, supposedly because the cholesterol and saturated fats in meat clog your arteries. 

I can’t believe this myth has stuck around since the 1960s, when Ancel Keys released the now-debunked and highly-flawed “Seven Countries Study.”

Let me be clear: Saturated fats and dietary cholesterol are good for you, and they don’t increase the risk of developing heart disease. That’s been demonstrated by several studies, including this one published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

What does cause chronic disease is the consumption of industrial seed oil (i.e. vegetable oils) because they contain high amounts of volatile and inflammatory polyunsaturated fatty acids (and omega-6 in particular).

The “Sydney-Diet Heart Study,” which was published in the peer-reviewed medical trade journal BMJ, concluded that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats (PUFAS) from seed oils (specifically, linoleic acid) increased death rates from all causes, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease.

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2 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

lol, no medical training at all. How can you call that debunked?

Gps get 4 hrs training on diet and see above studies.


Facts say high salt high meat eaters live the longest.


Vegans ie countries like India and Sri Lanka live short lives

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1 minute ago, Sparktrader said:

Gps get 4 hrs training on diet and see above studies.


Facts say high salt high meat eaters live the longest.


Vegans ie countries like India and Sri Lanka live short lives

show us the "facts". Indians eat plenty of meat and lots of dairy..

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Dairy isnt that good for you, at least not most milks which are hardly real milk anymore. Real milk on a farm is good. The processed stuff has lost it's goodness.


If you look at beef, oysters and say salmon or herring and add up the nutrients it's massive compared to fruits and veges which are ok but largely not absorbed. The bioavailability of animal food nutrients vs plants is just much higher.

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Google nutrients on these 6 foods









Those 6 cover nearly everything. Plus the body absorbs the nutrients well.


You might add in almonds and apples and maybe some pickles to round off.


That diet is better than any diet book promoting rabbit food which is largely not absorbed.



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On 3/30/2022 at 10:05 PM, TravelerEastWest said:

I had heard that ab muscles can be exercised every day - what do you think?

I do abs everyday, but I don't do abs at all.  lol.

Meaning...I keep my heart rate up, and when I can't get a 2nd muscle group in, rotating with main exercise, then i'll do a set of 24 to 45 abs (depending on exercise),  Or....if I need extra rest time for my specific muscle group between main exercise I'll do some abs.

I don't stop in the gym for rest (at least not on purpose).  Rest naturally happens though as I move to different exercise and need to do the weight set up for whatever next machine is.

But I never have an "ab day". or a session of 4 sets of abs daily or whatever like many do.  I'm not a boxer taking punches to the gut for a living ????

Keeping my heart rate up, I've completely eliminated cardio that I did for 18 years to get same results I did when I did standard lifting plus 45 minutes cardio.  Obviously, I'm much older than my early 20's now too.  So I'm even beating the advantage of youth metabolism (which I never had, I'm the worst body type of the 3.  I smell a brownie, I gain fat lol).

Also,  my preference for Abs is kneeling crunches with ropes...highest weight I can do without machine pulling me up.  Why?  I operate under the principle that stomach muscles are muscles like every other body part.  Use weight to make them grow.  Obviously, seeing them is a matter of your diet and genetics though.

Wish you well in your health journey!.  Biggest reason for any  results is consistency.  Keep consistent and it will come!

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