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Scar reduction (acne and other) recommendation


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Given how helpful this forum has been in the eyelid surgery recommendation post so far, I thought I'd ask about recommendations on who to get some scarring looked at.


I've seen some comments about dermatologist Dr. Niyom Tantikun. Would he be a good person to talk to?


Who else might be worth talking to?


Approaching Bangkok Hospital, Yanhee Hospital, Kamol Hospital or a specific cosmetic dermatologist better? I have some eczema and light allergies, so that might be also a concern.


Thanks for the help.

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Dr.Niyom mainly focuses on skin disease rather than cosmetic issues, you need a cosmetic dermatologist.


Normally IPL treatments work well for acne scars (if not too deep) but as you mention light allergy, might not be advisable in your cse.


Yanhee hospital is a good place to start.



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Thanks for the response.  Does the specific doctor at Yanhee matter? Or will just about anyone they recommend be good?


I've been told one of my scars might also require more aggressive treatment as it is was caused by an accident to face in my youth.

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