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Seems the Unvaccinated Topic hit home, 50/50 in response


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1 hour ago, jackspade said:

I am pro-vaccines (I have had quite a few, especially during adolescence) but happily skipped COVID mRNA therapy since I don’t trust the manner in which they were produced and blanket foisted onto the public with zero regard for age, preexisting conditions, or risk factor. I am young and healthy and not at risk. The vast majority of my friends, both here and scattered around the world, also passed on this “vaccine”. Like attracts like, as they say. I have lost quite a few friends over the past year—once they heard I did not get mRNA therapy, they simply stopped engaging with me. I assume they are paralyzed by hatred and fear that I am some type of murderer for not putting my head down and complying like they did. And now that the inefficacy of the mRNA therapies is becoming obvious, they are probably angry at themselves and projecting that into the rest of us.


Ironically, neither I nor any of my unvaxxed friends has been sick in the past couple of years, and certainly not with COVID. One friend of mine who went back to a job in Northern Europe told me that all of his vaxxed coworkers have been out sick frequently over the past several months. Last week he was the only one working in the office, since the rest was out sick! A few of my jabbed coworkers back in my home country have all been suffering very oddly recurrent sicknesses after getting jabbed. They will get sick, then recover then be sick again within just a month or two. Quite odd and I don’t remember that sort of thing happening years ago.


While my good friends are all unvaxxed, most of their girlfriends, on the other hand, have gotten vaxxed and boosted, and nearly all of them have complained of disruptions to their menstrual cycles. One friend’s GF got vaxxed 7 months ago and hasn’t had a period since. My girlfriend has shared text messages revealing her coworkers discussing such things, though they wouldn’t dare bring it up in the workplace due to fear of losing face. One must wonder how permanent the damage to their reproductive systems will prove to be.


That said, many of my family who are also unvaccinated did get COVID, and experienced varying levels of symptoms. My mother was affected the worst (sick for two weeks) but it was never worse than a bad flu. Even my 90 year old grandmother (who is vaccinated) got COVID, but she is also fine now.

You should publish this in The Journal of Unverified Anecdotes.

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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

What don't you understand about percentages?

I understand them well. But here's my stats:

  • I know about 20 people that got covid.
  • I do not know a single anti-vaxxer. I do not know a single person that is not vaccinated for other reasons.
  • My sister is a nurse and got it twice so far. Fully vaccinated because of her job,
  • I know one person that died - and she had a heart attack after recovering - she was a great gal and she is missed. She was older and in a high risk group. No doubt at all that COVID took her. Fully vaccinated.
  • When my wife contracted COVID - she was in a room of mostly vaxxed people - every single one got it. All adults. They caught it off the son of the owner - who was vaxxed and not yet sick - he fell sick the next day and they called everyone to tell them.
  • The people I know that did get it - all got it as a group - from a party or something similar.  Well - except me that got it off the wife after she contracted it on a night out with her mates. All vaxxed.
  • As an employer- I have had more people off sick from the reaction to the vaccine than the disease itself. I have no vaccination policy - but everybody got vaxxed.
  • I got it 4 days later, presumably from the wife.

From my perspective

  • I am vaxxed - too soon for a booster though
  • I can see that vaccines lose their effectiveness quickly - but in my case, I think it was Omicron and vaccines just not providing much protection.
  • I don't care whether someone else is vaxxed or not
  • I am not sure if I will take the booster or not. You can argue all you like that I would have got sicker without being vaxxed - but we'll never know.
  • I would like us to get past all this emotion and name calling before making my decision on the booster. So we can get past the name calling we see here.

I do know that there will be a limit on how many vaccines we can have. I would prefer a strong therapy to the virus over continued vaccinations that wear off quickly.


I also pity humanity that we have Chinese vaccines, Russian vaccines, Pfizer vaccines, Moderna vaccines, AZ vaccines. From day 1 it was a competition, when it should have been a collaboration. 


Anyway - I think the technology will improve and I see these vaccines as phase 1. I think we'll get better, more effective, longer lasting vaccines - I am looking forward to that. 

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I am Mrna vaxed boosted because i want to travel, not under thai rules.

almost all those in ICU due to omicrom are unvaxed

I think thailands hospital higher numbers are because of sinovac and low booster take up.

policies and imcompetence will hold any recovery back in thailand

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14 hours ago, Paul Kernell said:

I'm vaccinated, my booster is due. I'm sceptic about my booster because I've heard some bad reports of the after affects.

Why do you suspect a booster/ 3rd vaccination is particularly more dangerous than the other two you already had?

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8 hours ago, illiterate said:

Yes, the only way to make many people take these vaccines was to basically give them no choice. In other words, forced. Which is what is coming to a head in Ottawa and other parts of the world now. If medicines are so great they should sell themselves, not be forced upon the public. 

They do in my case.

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14 hours ago, connda said:

If someone goes into a gold shop and says, "Give me all of your money and jewelry or I'll shoot you." 
So there would be nothing wrong with that - The gold-shop owner/employee did have a choice?

You missed the key concept:  "Under Duress."  That's not a choice.  That's survival.

Has anyone been forced to get vaccinated at gunpoint?


People responsible for the health and safety of others are required to do things that minimize risks to others.  Do you consider a doctor who required to go through onerous hygiene requirements before performing surgery or he will be fired as being under duress?


13 hours ago, connda said:

Paxlovid prevents death.  I'm a fanboy of early treatment, not mRNA and AVV shots.

Treatment is far more dangerous, expensive, and risky than prevention.

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13 hours ago, JustAnotherHun said:

vaxxed or not, the risk to die from covid is minimal outside the vurnerable group. Even less with Omicron.

Covid was the third leading cause of death in the US in 2020.  Since the vast majority of deaths now occurring are of the one third of the population that are unvaccinated, then Covid is probably the leading cause of death for the unvaccinated.  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm


If there were vaccinations that prevented to two leading causes of death, heart disease and cancer, I would eagerly get them.

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4 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

An alternative explanation is that there are a lot of morons who believe misinformation fed to them for political reasons.

That’s not really an alternative. If a medicine truly is needed to save peoples lives, they’ll take it. People understand that the risks associated with the vaccine are not necessary to expose oneself to. 

We all do know that every vaccine has risks, right? 

Recently in headlines was one of the top athletes in the world. One of the fittest people in the world! And they are trying to compel vaccination on him. Well, he most likely has a better chance of being in a plane crash than dying from Covid, he’s rightfully not too concerned. But, they want to use him to fit their political agenda. In other words, the side trying to force him was into politics, not his actual health. He’s one of the fittest people in the world, he knows how to take care of his health himself, as most people do.

Edited by illiterate
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4 minutes ago, illiterate said:

That’s not really an alternative. If a medicine truly is needed to save peoples lives, they’ll take it. People understand that the risks associated with the vaccine are not necessary to expose oneself to. 

We all do know that every vaccine has risks, right? 

Recently in headlines was one of the top athletes in the world. One of the fittest people in the world! And they are trying to compel vaccination on him. Well, he most likely has a better chance of being in a plane crash than dying from Covid, he’s rightfully not too concerned. But, they want to use him to fit their political agenda. In other words, the side trying to force him was into politics, not his actual health. He’s one of the fittest people in the world, he knows how to take care of his health himself, as most people do.

If this athlete participates in a team sport then he can catch Covid and infect his team mates and their families.

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10 hours ago, pedro01 said:

I do know that there will be a limit on how many vaccines we can have. I would prefer a strong therapy to the virus over continued vaccinations that wear off quickly.

Why? You should know that many drugs, particularly antiviral drugs, can cause damage to you liver and/or kidneys, to various degrees. There is a cost/benefit/risk ratio for every treatment or prophylaxis, so  far in modern medicine vaccines, in general, are coming out a long way ahead.

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9 minutes ago, illiterate said:

It’s sorta sad that the reason I’m given for one of the fittest people in the world to be forced to vaccinate is to stop transmission to others. It’s abundantly clear at this point the vaccine does not stop transmission. That’s clearly been ignored by the “science” crowd. There are even countries 100% vaccinated and the virus spreads rampantly. 

However the probability of passing it on when vaccinated is not as high as the unvaccinated. 

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20 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

And what exactly has this to do with my post you've quoted and replied to?

If there was a vaccine to prevent from panic and hysteria I would recommend to get it ????

It provides some perspective to your claim that the risk of death from Covid is minimal.


Yes, a vaccine that would prevent panic and hysterical responses to false information about vaccinations would be great.


If there was a vaccine to prevent gullible people from getting their information from social media I would recommend it.

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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

It provides some perspective to your claim that the risk of death from Covid is minimal.


If there was a vaccine to prevent gullible people from getting their information from social media I would recommend it.

What perspective? I claimed, the risk is minimal for people outside the vulnerable groups. This is proven by all studies.


Did you google already for such a vaccine? 

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On 2/13/2022 at 4:59 PM, illiterate said:


 Vaccines are quite effective at preventing transmission. In the case of delta, very much so and in the case of omicron about 50%. The research and date have been posted here many times.


This is like an omicron reinfection. This abhorrent deception keeps being repeated despite plenty of science refuting it. It's just lying.

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17 minutes ago, illiterate said:

It’s sorta sad that the reason I’m given for one of the fittest people in the world to be forced to vaccinate is to stop transmission to others. It’s abundantly clear at this point the vaccine does not stop transmission. That’s clearly been ignored by the “science” crowd. There are even countries 100% vaccinated and the virus spreads rampantly. 

Name one of those 100% vaccinated countries.

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8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Name one of those 100% vaccinated countries.


I can help you though, vaccinated people pass the virus too. Their viral loads bw vaccinated and unvaccinated are “similar”, at least according to UC Davis. So at best let’s call it a question that doesn’t have a clear answer yet. You don’t get to just make stuff up because you want it to be true 

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Free info: this is why the cdc told vaccinated to remask up. We all remember that?


Cdc says no masks for vaccinated, and they 180 on that decision. Why??? Because the “science” as you guys call it, came out. But some of us are selective readers. 

That is to say, the cdc realized the viral loads between vaccinated and unvaccinated was the same due to study results, and they rescinded that order.

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2 minutes ago, illiterate said:

That is to say, the cdc realized the viral loads between vaccinated and unvaccinated was the same due to study results, and they rescinded that order.

You're throwing out as much as possible hoping it sticks, its failing each time.


Vaccinated people with breakthrough COVID infections had lower viral loads

UCLA study of 12,000 health workers found infected individuals who were unvaccinated shed more viral particles


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