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Cabinet Approves Tax Incentives for “High-Potential” Foreigners


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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

According to Deputy Government Spokesperson Trisulee Traisoranakul, the measure is expected to attract at least a million of foreigners on long-term resident visas (LTR visa) to the Kingdom.

100% delusional.

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Cabinet offers a complexity of tax incentives for LTR's that at first glance appear extreme.

Thailand is competing against many other countries for LTR's. While Thailand considers itself the Hub of Everything in Southeast Asia, it is not the Hub of the Industrial World.

It would behoove the Cabinet to compare the reasonableness of its plan of incentives with other industrial countries to attract LTR's. If it should prove world data is lacking for such  comparison, other parameters should be consider rather than go blindly into the dark.

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The one thing I can say with certainty is that they will be attracting nowhere near one million foreigners meeting those requirements. If for no other reason than those cohorts having many options.


Like with the original SMART visa, they will probably get a few thousand applications, or maybe 10,000s max if many existing (!) non-immigrant visa holders switch over.

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As much as I love Thailand for all its faults and issues. One that has always annoyed me is the one that people like in the cabinet have no real idea of what the country is like compared to the rest of the world.


The amount of times I hear Thailand comparing itself to Singapore which is absolutely ridiculous on so many levels, especially infrastructure.


I am all for being positive but constantly sprouting nonsense, does get tedious. Thailand is a great place for sure but has so many problems compared to many other countries.


These ministers are like having the Jones as neighbours who are always trying to trump and do better than you put really they haven't a pot to p in.


I wonder when the masses in the country will wake up and realise that the idiots leading them have no idea what the rest of the world is like and that they are continually failing them and just don't care.


As a guest in the country when I am there, I have no say and just shake my head and wonder with disbelief.

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There is no rest of the World as many Thais are taught.

Quite a while back, I was speaking to a Teacher friend of mine, and he told me he once worked in a School up country.

He told me, that in his Classroom was a Globe on a shelf at the back of the room. ( complete with Gov,t stock number written on it )

All the Countries on the Globe had been painted over with a Permanent Marker Pen , except one.

Guess which Country had not been erased ?

This is the mindset within the Country

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19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Foreign retirees who qualify for an LTR visa must be at least 50 years old, have invested in Thai government bonds via FDI or in Thai real estate totaling at least $250,000. They must also have annual income of at least $40,000, or receive an annual pension of at least $80,000.

$80,000 pension per year? What is that per month...Oh coincidentally $6666 ????

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