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Why Can't I Complain? Who Says I Have To Like Everything?


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Whenever anyone here complains or bitches about something in Thailand there will be an onslaught of TV posters who will tell the poster that he has balls to complain about anything and he should like it or leave it.


Is it that everyone here suffers from low self-esteem or is it the groupthink here that we should all put on a smiley face when someone dumps a ton of $hit in our front yard? I want to know what's with you hooligans who descend on any poster, especially someone who is just starting out here, who says anything that can be construed as a criticism of Thailand.

And let's get all the crap out of the way:

USA is crap.

GB is crap.

France is full of venomous muslims flipping cars instead of burgers at the local barf and brew.

Wherever you come from is crap.

Got it? So don't bring up how things are bad in your country or freaking Albania for Christ's sake as an excuse why we should smile when there is a steaming pile of poo in our front yard that the neighbor just happened to put there instead of his own.

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Whenever anyone here complains or bitches about something in Thailand there will be an onslaught of TV posters who will tell the poster that he has balls to complain about anything and he should like it or leave it.


Is it that everyone here suffers from low self-esteem or is it the groupthink here that we should all put on a smiley face when someone dumps a ton of $hit in our front yard? I want to know what's with you hooligans who descend on any poster, especially someone who is just starting out here, who says anything that can be construed as a criticism of Thailand.

And let's get all the crap out of the way:

USA is crap.

GB is crap.

France is full of venomous muslims flipping cars instead of burgers at the local barf and brew.

Wherever you come from is crap.

Got it? So don't bring up how things are bad in your country or freaking Albania for Christ's sake as an excuse why we should smile when there is a steaming pile of poo in our front yard that the neighbor just happened to put there instead of his own.

somebody got out of the wrong side of the today didnt they :o

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i think a lot of people get really defensive about thailand because they give up a lot of things ( rights and money come to mind ) in order to come here and live, so when people knock on their 'paradise' it upsets them or sometimes the truth about certain things can make them second guess their own decisons ( ie. shacking up with money-fornicators )

but that being said i think people who are totally ignorant, make sweeping generalizations, and blatantly try to stereotype a whole country/race should go <deleted>.ck them selves.

Edited by cooL_guY_corY
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Then at the other extreme there are those who say everything about Thailand sucks and Thai people are horrible and that everyone needs to see the truth.

You can complain, sure. But those who complain about every little thing and what everyone to know how horrible the country is have probably had it up to here with this nation and culture and should probably go home or somewhere else for a while and get back to a broader perspective of the world.

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I'm not sure the word "hooligan" is correct for posters but you said it yourself:

"USA is crap.

GB is crap.

France is full of venomous Muslims flipping cars instead of burgers at the local barf and brew.

Wherever you come from is crap".

So, most of us are happy here and intelligent enough to know this is not our country and it is proper to show respect. I have no say or rights in this country, that is to say it is not my country thus I do not have the right to complain about it nor do I have the right to complain about Canada, GB, France or any other country except the USA where I had the right to complain when I was a tax paying citizen and registered to vote.

I look at it like this, if I run down some stupid idiot on a motorcycle in the USA he had it coming and the police can sort it out here I take special care when driving or anything else for that matter, no one invited me to Thailand to swim in their soup or pee in their tom yum so care and respect are in order.

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Whenever anyone here complains or bitches about something in Thailand there will be an onslaught of TV posters who will tell the poster that he has balls to complain about anything and he should like it or leave it.


Is it that everyone here suffers from low self-esteem or is it the groupthink here that we should all put on a smiley face when someone dumps a ton of $hit in our front yard? I want to know what's with you hooligans who descend on any poster, especially someone who is just starting out here, who says anything that can be construed as a criticism of Thailand.

And let's get all the crap out of the way:

USA is crap.

GB is crap.

France is full of venomous muslims flipping cars instead of burgers at the local barf and brew.

Wherever you come from is crap.

Got it? So don't bring up how things are bad in your country or freaking Albania for Christ's sake as an excuse why we should smile when there is a steaming pile of poo in our front yard that the neighbor just happened to put there instead of his own.


Hello Rosner. My name is Pepe'.

I would like to say thank you for calling, "a spade a spade."

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Having a bad day, Rosie?

Not particularly, my little finger is broken, I've got Giardia, I haven't had a good crap in 3 days and the Metronidazole that I've been taking for the last week has made me nauseous 24/7 for the last 24 hours X 7.

My husky is shedding her entire undercoat - everywhere, I've been meaning to drop off papers at Immigration for the last 3 days but the grumbling in my stomach has kept me from doing so and the threat of that monster crap that always looms when it hasn't happened has kept me indoors for days. My wife still insists on putting food to rot in the magic cabinet and then she eats while telling me it won't kill me to do the same.

My cat barfs twice a day because he steals the dog's food and it doesn't sit well with him. My housekeeper throws away any paper that is important but leaves crap that isn't.

My neighbor has gotten into a do it yourself kick and has recently been doing construction. The faceless workers behind my house are still doing construction on the new house behind mine and now I can't walk around naked anymore for fear of shaking it at some 14 year old painting.

My dog ate the boy's toys out of the stroller and made <deleted>&$&$& mince out of the mosquito netting so now he comes back the other day with bites on his face. I've got tremendous gas that should require a no smoking sign and I'm fearful if someone lights a match or turns on the stove. My wife glares at me when I fart in bed and every fart is of the uncertain variety where you're just sure you should do it or not but not doing it becomes less of an option with each passing second.

How are you doing?

Edited by jeffrosner
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I'm not sure the word "hooligan" is correct for posters but you said it yourself:

"USA is crap.

GB is crap.

France is full of venomous Muslims flipping cars instead of burgers at the local barf and brew.

Wherever you come from is crap".

So, most of us are happy here and intelligent enough to know this is not our country and it is proper to show respect. I have no say or rights in this country, that is to say it is not my country thus I do not have the right to complain about it nor do I have the right to complain about Canada, GB, France or any other country except the USA where I had the right to complain when I was a tax paying citizen and registered to vote.

I look at it like this, if I run down some stupid idiot on a motorcycle in the USA he had it coming and the police can sort it out here I take special care when driving or anything else for that matter, no one invited me to Thailand to swim in their soup or pee in their tom yum so care and respect are in order.

Ok Doc that's all well and good but who says you nor I have rights? Why do I have to show respect to the guy who cuts me off for no other reason than he is just a rude lawless bastaard who wants to be where I am at the same time? Why do I have to smile and like it?

I am of the opinion that when we EXCUSE the lawless cretins (and yes dear moderators the country has many) with a smile and a wai we just make it easier for people of their ilk to continue to act in rude and dangerous ways.

A guy cuts you off - mai pen rai - no problem. Next time though you might find that you avoid him but run over the pretty little thing crossing the road who had nothing to do with you or him but now she has one less leg.

Why shouldn't we bring some civility to this country or any other country we dare bring our hard earned money? Dont' tell me that no one in the Thai Government ever gave thought to the money when they made it easy for the over 50 crowd to settle here and spend their life's savings. They want our money so why shouldn't we in turn be able to demand some civility.

We aren't here mooching off these people, we employ them, we buy things in their shops, their stalls, their restaurants. We spread the joy around - why shouldn't we be able to demand some back?

Edited by jeffrosner
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Having a bad day, Rosie?

Not particularly, my little finger is broken, I've got Giardia, I haven't had a good crap in 3 days and the Metronidazole that I've been taking for the last week has made me nauseous 24/7 for the last 24 hours X 7.

My husky is shedding her entire undercoat - everywhere, I've been meaning to drop off papers at Immigration for the last 3 days but the grumbling in my stomach has kept me from doing so and the threat of that monster crap that always looms when it hasn't happened has kept me indoors for days. My wife still insists on putting food to rot in the magic cabinet and then she eats while telling me it won't kill me to do the same.

My cat barfs twice a day because he steals the dog's food and it doesn't sit well with him. My housekeeper throws away any paper that is important but leaves crap that isn't.

My neighbor has gotten into a do it yourself kick and has recently been doing construction. The faceless workers behind my house are still doing construction on the new house behind mine and now I can't walk around naked anymore for fear of shaking it at some 14 year old painting.

My dog ate the boy's toys out of the stroller and made <deleted>&$&$& mince out of the mosquito netting so now he comes back the other day with bites on his face. I've got tremendous gas that should require a no smoking sign and I'm fearful if someone lights a match or turns on the stove. My wife glares at me when I fart in bed and every fart is of the uncertain variety where you're just sure you should do it or not but not doing it becomes less of an option with each passing second.

How are you doing?

Owns a cold-weather dog in Thailand..............brilliant. :D

Thanks for sharing your fart stories Mr. Rectum..................just turn 16 did you? :o

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Whenever anyone here complains or bitches about something in Thailand there will be an onslaught of TV posters who will tell the poster that he has balls to complain about anything and he should like it or leave it.

Because if you don't act all "lovie dovie" you will scare all the sponsors.

We gotta have more sponsors and advertisers!

In fact they should start allowing them to spam all the threads!

Oh they're already doing that! Isn't it great. I love all the adverts popping up and gobbling bandwidth. :o

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Whenever anyone here complains or bitches about something in Thailand there will be an onslaught of TV posters who will tell the poster that he has balls to complain about anything and he should like it or leave it.

complaints are annoying when they are presented over and over again with respect to facts which will quite obviously not change in a century to come. a high percentage of the complaints remind me of little boys who ask "Mummy, why isn't it possible that Christmas is next week?"


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I have found that to my "Face" Thais mainly show respect, what they THINK of me I have no idea, nor do I care as there is nothing I can do about it.

Maybee I get more respect because I am older..I dunno...but I have never been openly insulted by a Thai...wheras I have by many Farangs...especially here !!!!!

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Having a bad day, Rosie?

Not particularly, my little finger is broken, I've got Giardia, I haven't had a good crap in 3 days and the Metronidazole that I've been taking for the last week has made me nauseous 24/7 for the last 24 hours X 7.

My husky is shedding her entire undercoat - everywhere, I've been meaning to drop off papers at Immigration for the last 3 days but the grumbling in my stomach has kept me from doing so and the threat of that monster crap that always looms when it hasn't happened has kept me indoors for days. My wife still insists on putting food to rot in the magic cabinet and then she eats while telling me it won't kill me to do the same.

My cat barfs twice a day because he steals the dog's food and it doesn't sit well with him. My housekeeper throws away any paper that is important but leaves crap that isn't.

My neighbor has gotten into a do it yourself kick and has recently been doing construction. The faceless workers behind my house are still doing construction on the new house behind mine and now I can't walk around naked anymore for fear of shaking it at some 14 year old painting.

My dog ate the boy's toys out of the stroller and made <deleted>&{:content:}amp;{:content:}amp; mince out of the mosquito netting so now he comes back the other day with bites on his face. I've got tremendous gas that should require a no smoking sign and I'm fearful if someone lights a match or turns on the stove. My wife glares at me when I fart in bed and every fart is of the uncertain variety where you're just sure you should do it or not but not doing it becomes less of an option with each passing second.

How are you doing?

:o Now we understand jeff,. oh dear,.Yes it must be difficult to say "mai pen lai " to that lot,.i dont have enough time to help with most of them probems but if i dont seem to be able to get in motion ! i use the toilet water snake ass istant and im away ! give it a go,.
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Whenever anyone here complains or bitches about something in Thailand there will be an onslaught of TV posters who will tell the poster that he has balls to complain about anything and he should like it or leave it.

complaints are annoying when they are presented over and over again with respect to facts which will quite obviously not change in a century to come. a high percentage of the complaints remind me of little boys who ask "Mummy, why isn't it possible that Christmas is next week?"


You're a negative person Naam - work on it.

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Having a bad day, Rosie?

Not particularly, my little finger is broken, I've got Giardia, I haven't had a good crap in 3 days and the Metronidazole that I've been taking for the last week has made me nauseous 24/7 for the last 24 hours X 7.

My husky is shedding her entire undercoat - everywhere, I've been meaning to drop off papers at Immigration for the last 3 days but the grumbling in my stomach has kept me from doing so and the threat of that monster crap that always looms when it hasn't happened has kept me indoors for days. My wife still insists on putting food to rot in the magic cabinet and then she eats while telling me it won't kill me to do the same.

My cat barfs twice a day because he steals the dog's food and it doesn't sit well with him. My housekeeper throws away any paper that is important but leaves crap that isn't.

My neighbor has gotten into a do it yourself kick and has recently been doing construction. The faceless workers behind my house are still doing construction on the new house behind mine and now I can't walk around naked anymore for fear of shaking it at some 14 year old painting.

My dog ate the boy's toys out of the stroller and made <deleted>&$&$& mince out of the mosquito netting so now he comes back the other day with bites on his face. I've got tremendous gas that should require a no smoking sign and I'm fearful if someone lights a match or turns on the stove. My wife glares at me when I fart in bed and every fart is of the uncertain variety where you're just sure you should do it or not but not doing it becomes less of an option with each passing second.

How are you doing?

Its all become clear now. I was worried that there was something seriously wrong with Rosner. Anyone who consistently talks in the "Third person" is subject to that kind of suspicion. But it turns out that he is just old and bitter that life didn't turn out exactly the way he envisioned, and he wants to dish out a little of his misery onto others.

Ill be adding him to the ignore list now. Happy gas Ros!

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Its all become clear now. I was worried that there was something seriously wrong with Rosner. Anyone who consistently talks in the "Third person" is subject to that kind of suspicion. But it turns out that he is just old and bitter that life didn't turn out exactly the way he envisioned, and he wants to dish out a little of his misery onto others.

Ill be adding him to the ignore list now. Happy gas Ros!

What are you on about? Live long and prosper Vulvan - live long and prosper.

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Whenever anyone here complains or bitches about something in Thailand there will be an onslaught of TV posters who will tell the poster that he has balls to complain about anything and he should like it or leave it. YES, SEEMS THAT WAY.


Is it that everyone here suffers from low self-esteem or is it the groupthink here that we should all put on a smiley face when someone dumps a ton of $hit in our front yard? THEY WANT TO SELL REAL ESTATE....SO HAPPY FACES ALL AROUND. I want to know what's with you hooligans who descend on any poster, especially someone who is just starting out here, who says anything that can be construed as a criticism of Thailand.

And let's get all the crap out of the way:



France is full of venomous muslims flipping cars instead of burgers at the local barf and brew. AGREED BUT GOOD BREAD AND THE WOMEN SOUND SEXY WHEN THEY ARE CUSSING YOU OUT


Got it? YES So don't bring up how things are bad in your country or freaking Albania for Christ's sake as an excuse why we should smile when there is a steaming pile of poo in our front yard that the neighbor just happened to put there instead of his own. AGREED.......ALWAYS HAPPENS......SO YOU THINK THAILAND IS BAD.......WHAT ABOUT...BLAH BLAH BLAH




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Why shouldn't we bring some civility to this country or any other country we dare bring our hard earned money? Dont' tell me that no one in the Thai Government ever gave thought to the money when they made it easy for the over 50 crowd to settle here and spend their life's savings. They want our money so why shouldn't we in turn be able to demand some civility.

We aren't here mooching off these people, we employ them, we buy things in their shops, their stalls, their restaurants. We spread the joy around - why shouldn't we be able to demand some back?

An excellent point that so far no one has dared to counter. I agree whole heartedly.

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Eventhougn Rosner is having a bad time and may be spouting a little, he has certainly been responsible for some smiles and chuckles recently, so why you all judging him so negatively based on this one thread when all the others made you smile?

C'mon admit it, he's funny when he wants to be.

Hope everything gets better for you Rosner, and proudly display a one finger salute to those who wish otherwise upon you. I'm getting a little fed up with some of the TV'ers out there who just point and blame with no basis. A case in point, after the murder of two russian ladies in Pattaya, how many of you "people" jumped on the hooker bandwagon? If you did, shame on you.

Looking forward to the return of Rosner!

God bless you man.

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I agree with the poster, Why should we smile & wai when we care clearly being ripped off, $hat on, and totally disrespected? why should we not complain?

Why wife only ever says jai yenyen、smile when I get ripped & the dirty little B#*tard knows he has you in a bind.

Let the thai know how you feel when they upset you, because they have no problem showing you their anger hwne they are pissed at you!!!

Edited by jaede
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When I first came to Thailand my tgf told me that I complained too much.

After 3 years of traveling around to different countries, both Western and Asian, she now complains more than I do when she comes back to Thailand! (She admits this and finds it funny) I don't complain so much now, and she complains more. Go figure.

(btw this thread is crap! punctuation is crap, too, for good measure)

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why we should smile when there is a steaming pile of poo in our front yard that the neighbor just happened to put there instead of his own.

Yes its hard to smile when a neighbour poos on your front yard. My condolences. :o

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Answering the title of this thread - yes you can complain, you can complain as much as you want, in fact if you keep doing it long enough your blood pressure may rise high enough to "force out" that stomach problem your having.

The realism in complaing is that it is only really justified when you have been hard done by AND you think by issuing your complaint your feelings will be satisified ...... otherwise it's just a general rant doing nobody any good what so ever.

I, like you, feel the need sometime, and as my wife keeps telling me I've been here long enough to know better.

learn to accept the things you cannot change


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