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Khon Kaen guy's lucky day as bride pays whopping 12 million baht dowry


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1 hour ago, kingstonkid said:

If you think about it They as a couple would probably get all this anyway.  The money will be for them and their family the housing and property are for th e couple and  their family.


Yes he got a car and that is not too shabby but form the sounds of it they have been together for a long time.


All the best to them.

Until he suspects she's cheating on him and goes ballistic, even tho he's cheating on her with 3 others, and murders her and her supposed lover. Remember where you heard it first! 

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This is correct her family is effectively giving a Dowry and  I suspect that in the case of a divorce the property may actually revert to her, which is how the dowry tradition works, since the Thai  divorce courts now apportion the contributions of each partner as recently demonsttrated when a divorce court ordered a wife to pay her Farang ex husband the money he had paid to build their house.

The groom or his family  giving to the brides family IS NOT A DOWRY it is BRIDE PRICE which cannot be refunded

2 totally different concepts

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7 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

It's all in your face bullsh#t for face and public consumption. This isn't love!


She probably has it all stitched up so that he gets Sweet FA if he leaves or they separate.



Sure she has. And you have a nice day Sir.

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7 hours ago, KanchanaburiGuy said:



Guess I was in my mid-teens when my father expressed his deeply held views on American (Western) mating and dating rituals. He said (in part):


First, let's talk about the ring. It's a bribe, nothing but a bribe. And if the bribe is not good enough---big enough, expensive enough, sparkly enough---she's going to reject you! 


And even if she does accept you anyway, despite the "paltriness" of your bribe (which most likely means she thinks she can get you to spend more later---maybe a lot more!), her friends---who will politely "Ooo" and "Ahh" when she first shyly shows it to them---(perhaps while making excuses!)---will spend the next five years reminding her what a cheap and selfish cad you are! 


Meanwhile, as you're expected to bribe her with an ultimately useless piece of expensive jewelry to become your bride, what is she going to do to reciprocate? What reciprocal, "suitably expensive bribe" will she offer you? NONE! 555


And, of course, looking her straight in the eye as equals to ask her to marry you is not good enough. Oh, no no! You're expected to grovel before her!

You're expected to get down on one knee and beg! (Equal partners don't make their partners grovel!) 


But if you're at all paying attention, you'll see that this imbalance doesn't start with proposals and engagements. It'll exist as an attitude throughout your dating: She'll "let you" go out with her, as if she's giving away something precious and valuable. Never once will she consider that HER getting to go out with YOU.... is an equal exchange!


You get to go out with her; she gets to go out with you!


Yet she will tally that only as something SHE is doing FOR YOU! She...... "lets you!" LOL

Needless to say, lessons like these---and numerous others---warped  my view on things like engagement rings! 555 "WHY exactly am I supposed to give you a useless but expensive diamond ring, again? And WHY am I supposed to grovel before you, to ask you to accept it from me? " 55555


Well, for me, DOWRIES are just hyperbolic examples of the same. 


He gets her as a bride;

she gets him as a husband!

Where's the imbalance there? 


HE gets as good as he gives....... 

SHE gets as good as she gives! 


A completely fair deal! 


Personally, I don't think I'd ever get over the insult inherent in a dowry being offered or required......... as if I....... or my prospective bride........ weren't already  worth more than that! 




Actually it was originally prostitution i.e. sex (via marriage)  for money and gifts

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Mmmm... Make you wonder how much mileage she had on her clock...


The Sin Sod is normally a payment made in recognition of how well the daughter had been brought up and her morality. 

If the Sin Sod requested for her is NEGATIVE 12 million baht I would definitely take a check under the hood, see if the radiator overheats, kick the tyres, look for a blown exhaust, review the elasticity of the rubber seals, check out her Head Gasket, and ask for a test drive first.

Then look under the seats to see if there's a baseball bat and and a couple of baseballs rolling around.  


Failing that I would check if the guys father is Zeus and the size of the Villa on Mount Olympus.

Edited by Muzzique
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