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Is a 10-years lease valid in Thailand and would the immigration will accept it as a lease document

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With low rental prices for one bedroom condo, I am looking for a 10 year lease but most land lord's are reluctant ( I guess hoping for increased prices in the future). Yet to find one. 

Edited by Onerak
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I see no reason Immigration would have an issue. As to 10 year lease, I would rent for a year, demonstrate to the owner that you are responsible and then renegotiate. Also long term leases generally almost have some provision where the tenant is now responsible for repairs and maintenance costs, this is the incentive for an owner to give a break on rents.

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A 10 year lease would be valid, but as you say, I think you would find most landlords would be reluctant. Most long-term leases would probably contain a clause covering future rent rises etc.

10 year is a long time to be locked into a lease, with possible long-term maintenance issues, with repairs and maintenance often being the tenants responsibility.

Immigration wouldn't care less about the length of a lease, so long as its valid.

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Dont see why it would not be valid, but i believe you would need to register that lease with the land department and pay 1.1% of total rental value.

In addition i expect most landlords would not want to do that as it means they would need to definitely consider declaring the income and paying tax on it.

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Reluctant because long term lease need to be registered.  Imm would accept, at least hey except ours, 1 yr with ongoing clause monthly till cancelled.


If you know you are going to be someplace for 10 yrs, why not just buy a condo ?

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9 hours ago, Onerak said:

I am looking for a 10 year lease

With a break clause no doubt.............?

I take it you have read all the horror stories about people renting and then having a karaoke bar/chicken factory etc start up nearby or extremely noisy neighbours moving in at some point and making life a misery........

Just other things to consider if you haven't already.

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2 minutes ago, topt said:

With a break clause no doubt.............?

I take it you have read all the horror stories about people renting and then having a karaoke bar/chicken factory etc start up nearby or extremely noisy neighbours moving in at some point and making life a misery........

Just other things to consider if you haven't already.

Chicken farm shut down, birds gone, ground scraped / cleaned & refilled with fresh soil ... ????

Like they were never there.   System works, just have to know how to use it when needed.

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27 minutes ago, topt said:

With a break clause no doubt.............?

I take it you have read all the horror stories about people renting and then having a karaoke bar/chicken factory etc start up nearby or extremely noisy neighbours moving in at some point and making life a misery........

Just other things to consider if you haven't already.

If you have a no penalty break clause its hardly a 10 year lease and you are not exactly going to make savings..

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