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“We can no longer live a normal life”- Russians in Thailand feel the pressure as global sanctions ratchet up


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15 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

Crimea has always been 80% ethnically Russian & Strategic to Russia ( Black Sea / Med access). 

All Russian- speaking Ukraine areas should have been retained by Russia pre-Ukraine independence leaving a Free Ukrainian- speaking Western but Non- NATO Neutral “West Ukraine”. 

To partly correct that gross error Russia should, from its perspective, simply have directly seized / absorbed Donbass & Crimea simultaneously to have somewhat settled the matter which would have avoided this invasion now.

What more sanctions could West have then done in addition to Crimea sanctions ? None ?Probably considered but rejected as insufficient power or unacceptable risk to do it.

Russian speaking doesn't mean they hold allegiances to Russia. This is a false assumption.

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7 minutes ago, pedro01 said:

Easy to say when your life isn't on the line, eh?

It’s not about “my life”. Lives are always “on the line” even in prison like Russians. In such cases what value is an unfree life ? If everyone thought like you we would all be prisoners & slaves forever. Liberty always costs Many Lives. You seem unaware of that or simply would accept being a compliant prisoner/ slave. Pathetic non- argument. 

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21 minutes ago, placeholder said:


How Russians Became Crimea's Largest Ethnic Group, In One Haunting Chart




I stand corrected! Thanks&  Interesting . Replace”80% always ” with “Majority since 1940 after Stalin forcibly exchanged Ukrainians in Crimea with Russians”. ! Apologies….


Appears Crimea historically part of Ukraine which didn’t matter when under USSR but with Ukrainian Independence became a clear anomaly, especially after 2008  NATO declaration re. Ukraine.


International Law always shoved aside when Might becomes Right, under perceived Russian National Interest in Crimea’s case.

Edited by TropicalGuy
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