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Fasten seat belts or what?

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Several (Economical/Political) indicators point in the direction of "Global-Recession". Affecting the world economy within the same "time-frame". Recent history shows, that in such a case all asset categories will be "sold-off", including precious metals. Finding their way into a few select "hard currencies". Hard currency cash can become king again.
With good reason. Hard to go shopping for a loaf of bread with a 1 kg Gold-Bar under your arm.

The financial "sins of the past" (money for free) may come to haunt us. A "soft landing" hardly possible anymore. My thoughts. Your thoughts?

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5 minutes ago, Bobtheblob said:

I think the world is vastly underestimating putins mental instability at the moment, his health problems his legacy and his world view. 

Those who live will know, most likely more disturbed by now after invasion failed.

“Psychopatia is a borderline between mental diseases and good health. One of its versions is mosaic psychopatia. For certain everyone knows, that the mosaic represents. These are the parts of diverse elements collected together. And so this disease is named after the patient shows signs of several types of psychopatia at once. It is known that Historic figures such as Ivan Grozny, Hitler, Stalin, Putin and other dictators have suffered from this disease.”



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Other bear markets, as measured by the S&P 500, include:2

  • 2007-2009: down 57% over 1.4 years
  • 2000-2002: down 49.1% over 2.5 years
  • 1987: down 33.5% over 101 days
  • 1980- 1982: down 27.1% over 1.7 years
  • 1973-1974: down 48% over 1.7 years
  • 1968-1970: down 36.1% over 1.5 years
  • 1966: down 22.2% over 240 days
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Expanding a bit on my opening post. My observations are being confirmed. = Once something "turns sour", everything turns sour, including precious metals/bitcoin. So nothing in the portfolio is serving as a "hedge" anymore. It seems, that all previously cherished "assets", (accross the board), are gladly being exchanged for  something "unsexy" as the US Dollar, mainly.

When the current "sell everything" swaps over to the global Real-Estate Market, then fasten seat belts.

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Not sure about investing up/dn, as been out of the game for long time.  If having any oops funds in Thailand, you may want to move them around, as banks only insure 1 million now, as of last year.  Wife moved funds around to multiple accounts, all under 1 million now.


Putin ... who cares.  Let USA, EU, & RU nuke each other.  We're in Thailand, a country, of few that can feed itself.  Has plenty of energy & water, and if really concerned, go solar & collect rain water.


Nuke war will never happen though, as simply no profit in it.  Long drawn out convention conflicts, that's where the money is.  That's what conflicts are all about.


Seriously, nobody cares.  Has anyone actually stopped buying Russian oil or gas.  Defense contractors are laughing all the way to the bank.

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