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ASEAN seeks US support for peace efforts in Ukraine


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59 minutes ago, relax33 said:

Looks like you do not understand simple english
Am just stating an opinion expressed by others
It's nothing different from opinions expressed by yourself as they are humans too n they have the right to express n be heard  ..

Whether it 's true or not is up to the individual to judge ..
But of course u do know that the Arms makers contribute a huge amount of funds to the presidential candidates of both parties during election time  n they also contribute to lobbying groups to help canvass support for the different causes that they want to advance ..
On equal measure, you will need to supply proof that every statement you make is correctly supported by facts for whatever agenda you will like to advance ..
You can keep talking about the subject but this is the last time I will dwell on it  as its's a plain waste of time talking to a wall .. 
Understand Ignorance can be blissful so do what makes you happy ...  

There are opinions and there are facts

 You can have whatever opinion you want  but not your own facts. That's where the source credibility comes into play.

OMG it reminds me the discussions we had with the MAGzA guys in the defunct world news forum....

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49 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Yet you said in the previous post it was a quote and I should take it up with the people who wrote it. 


You're a waste of space. done with your nonsense

Its such a joke its's ludricrous
I didn't even bother to look as the quotes were not made by me till you mention them  ..
"By many accounts these shipments of weapons like the Javelin anti-tank missile (jointly manufactured by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin) are getting blown up as soon as they arrive in Ukraine. This doesn’t bother Raytheon at all. The more weapons blown up by Russia in Ukraine, the more new orders come from the Pentagon. What we do see is that Russians are capturing modern US and NATO weapons by the ton and even using them to kill more Ukrainians.     What irony. Also, what kinds of opportunities will be provided to terrorists, with thousands of tons of deadly high-tech weapons floating around Europe? Washington has admitted that it has no way of tracking the weapons it is sending to Ukraine and no way to keep them out of the hands of the bad guys."-Bloomberg

So this is what you took offense with ..
It's an open fact that Javelin anti-tank missile  is jointly manufactured by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin so there's nothing to proof here ..
The words "This doesn’t bother Raytheon at all. " is super logical too..
Raytheon is in the business of producing weapons so of course the more the weapons are used, the happier it will be as it means more replenishment  n more sales ..
So of course they would not be bothered if the products are used, damaged or stolen for they are in the business to make $ for god's sake ...
These companies are all listed so all you need to do is to look for their quarterly accounting statements to see how much $ they are making n obviously they will make way more $ during a war, that's why it is called a war right ... 

As for their weapons being captured by the enemy, of course this happens in war n is something even the US government will not dare guarantee that it will not happen ...!!
The last part about "Washington has admitted that it has no way of tracking the weapons it is sending to Ukraine"
This is what the US has openly admitted too as they don't have people on the ground to track n the weapons are only openly distributed to the various generals in the Ukrainian army .
And it's a known fact that is reported in the papers that some elements of the Ukranian army *eg the Azov Battalion) act autonomously n is not under the direct control of Zelensky.
It was also reported that the US senate voted not to have arms supplied to the Azov Battalion prior to the war cause of their bad n cruel conduct ...

Actually this entire extract had a bloomberg word at the end which suggested that the reader extracted it from Bloomberg so go pick holes it them if u r unhappy

The other thing is that it's easy to call anything "Fake" but the world will be in mayhem if anyone can just call something "Fake" n get away with it ...
Then 1+1 will not be 2 but will be any number I desire cos I can say the maths textbook is fake
Then all newspapers n even this forum can close  n universities can close too cos students need not study as they can just say their answer is right n the textbooks are fake ......

The fact is that there is propaganda every where as almost every media has a bias , so the onus is for the consumer to read more widely n to look at things from different perspectives to form a more rounded opinion ..
The other thing is that the onus is on the person who say something is fake to prove that it is not fake  since he's the one who chooses to pick holes with it, not the other way round  ..
So instead of lamely saying something is not "Black", go prove that it is not "Black" before you talk  ... 555

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10 minutes ago, candide said:

There are opinions and there are facts

 You can have whatever opinion you want  but not your own facts. That's where the source credibility comes into play.

OMG it reminds me the discussions we had with the MAGzA guys in the defunct world news forum....

You are right , don't shoot me as I am just the messenger boy .. ha
Actually the extract about the Raytheon weapons that someone is picking holes with come with the Bloomberg tag on it so go find fault with Bloomberg if desired ..

It's unfortunate that every media source has a bias  these days so we have no choice but to try n read widely (if desired) n form our own opinion ..
The BBC was recently given 70 mil by the British govt to make its reporting on the Ukraine war "more accurate" ahem = more politically correct ..
This is reported in the papers so again pls don't shoot me for it eh ... 555

Edited by relax33
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2 hours ago, relax33 said:

It's blatantly obvious that the separation had been done by spacing them out.
Each extracted quote represents an individual voice that deserves to be heard .
I could edit it to cut each quote down to 3 sentences if needed but felt that would be a disrespectful breach of free speech n expression ..

Have a funny feeling that it's a case of "reality hurts" that leads people to pick fault at how things were laid out when it's the content that matters most ..
Hopefully, this is not the case ..

What's blatantly obvious is that you refuse to link to sources. We should take it on faith that the people you cite are to be trusted. What don't you understand about the need to provide sources for evidence? You expect us to take the word of an anonymous member of thaivisa.com?

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On 5/13/2022 at 11:11 PM, relax33 said:

You are right , don't shoot me as I am just the messenger boy .. ha
Actually the extract about the Raytheon weapons that someone is picking holes with come with the Bloomberg tag on it so go find fault with Bloomberg if desired ..

The BBC was recently given 70 mil by the British govt to make its reporting on the Ukraine war "more accurate" ahem = more politically correct ..

Stop inventing falsehoods. The BBC received nowhere near 70 million. Not in pounds, dollars, or Euros.

BBC World Service to get extra £4.1m to support Ukrainian and Russian services

The BBC World Service is to get £4.1m in extra funding to support its Ukrainian and Russian services, the government has announced.

Ministers said the funding would “cover urgent and unexpected costs” that have arisen as a result of the invasion of Ukraine and would help the corporation to tackle disinformation “in the face of systemic propaganda”.

Its extra costs include relocating many Russian-based staff out of the country to safe locations in a bid to comply with laws restricting the reporting of the war.


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1 hour ago, relax33 said:

You are right , don't shoot me as I am just the messenger boy .. ha
Actually the extract about the Raytheon weapons that someone is picking holes with come with the Bloomberg tag on it so go find fault with Bloomberg if desired ..

It's unfortunate that every media source has a bias  these days so we have no choice but to try n read widely (if desired) n form our own opinion ..
The BBC was recently given 70 mil by the British govt to make its reporting on the Ukraine war "more accurate" ahem = more politically correct ..
This is reported in the papers so again pls don't shoot me for it eh ... 555

BS! You are responsible for checking the information you convey! 

And once again, you don't quote your sources, and just try to have other posters losing their time finding the source.

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8 hours ago, relax33 said:

Its such a joke its's ludricrous
I didn't even bother to look as the quotes were not made by me till you mention them  ..
"By many accounts these shipments of weapons like the Javelin anti-tank missile (jointly manufactured by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin) are getting blown up as soon as they arrive in Ukraine. This doesn’t bother Raytheon at all. The more weapons blown up by Russia in Ukraine, the more new orders come from the Pentagon. What we do see is that Russians are capturing modern US and NATO weapons by the ton and even using them to kill more Ukrainians.     What irony. Also, what kinds of opportunities will be provided to terrorists, with thousands of tons of deadly high-tech weapons floating around Europe? Washington has admitted that it has no way of tracking the weapons it is sending to Ukraine and no way to keep them out of the hands of the bad guys."-Bloomberg

So this is what you took offense with ..
It's an open fact that Javelin anti-tank missile  is jointly manufactured by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin so there's nothing to proof here ..
The words "This doesn’t bother Raytheon at all. " is super logical too..
Raytheon is in the business of producing weapons so of course the more the weapons are used, the happier it will be as it means more replenishment  n more sales ..
So of course they would not be bothered if the products are used, damaged or stolen for they are in the business to make $ for god's sake ...
These companies are all listed so all you need to do is to look for their quarterly accounting statements to see how much $ they are making n obviously they will make way more $ during a war, that's why it is called a war right ... 

As for their weapons being captured by the enemy, of course this happens in war n is something even the US government will not dare guarantee that it will not happen ...!!
The last part about "Washington has admitted that it has no way of tracking the weapons it is sending to Ukraine"
This is what the US has openly admitted too as they don't have people on the ground to track n the weapons are only openly distributed to the various generals in the Ukrainian army .
And it's a known fact that is reported in the papers that some elements of the Ukranian army *eg the Azov Battalion) act autonomously n is not under the direct control of Zelensky.
It was also reported that the US senate voted not to have arms supplied to the Azov Battalion prior to the war cause of their bad n cruel conduct ...

Actually this entire extract had a bloomberg word at the end which suggested that the reader extracted it from Bloomberg so go pick holes it them if u r unhappy

The other thing is that it's easy to call anything "Fake" but the world will be in mayhem if anyone can just call something "Fake" n get away with it ...
Then 1+1 will not be 2 but will be any number I desire cos I can say the maths textbook is fake
Then all newspapers n even this forum can close  n universities can close too cos students need not study as they can just say their answer is right n the textbooks are fake ......

The fact is that there is propaganda every where as almost every media has a bias , so the onus is for the consumer to read more widely n to look at things from different perspectives to form a more rounded opinion ..
The other thing is that the onus is on the person who say something is fake to prove that it is not fake  since he's the one who chooses to pick holes with it, not the other way round  ..
So instead of lamely saying something is not "Black", go prove that it is not "Black" before you talk  ... 555

Whats the point of reading this when you have still not provided a link to your first post in which I highlighted just one snippet?


"By many accounts these shipments of weapons like the Javelin anti-tank missile (jointly manufactured by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin) are getting blown up as soon as they arrive in Ukraine."


When you manage to actually get a link to that get back to me.

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6 minutes ago, relax33 said:

What has been listed is so blatantly common sense that anyone can make the same statement n never need to be faulted
Have also highlighted that it was an extract from BLOOMBERG , so that's your source, go hit them up if you are not happy ...  
You can read my other comments on the subject  in the other reply i gave .....

On this very page here's what a moderator wrote:  

"If you quote or attribute something to a source, then post a link."



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25 minutes ago, relax33 said:

But if you really insist, it's from Fox news but i doubt you can assess the page i read anymore as they only keep the latest daily online .. but don't ever restrict yourself only to that ..
Have a nice weekend ...

You just made a huge unforced error in your dishonest campaign of innuendos and falsehoods. You left yourself wide open to be disproven. Here are some fox articles about the Ukraine. All were published no later than a month ago.






And there are plenty more where these came from.

Edited by placeholder
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On 5/6/2022 at 10:13 PM, ozimoron said:

When a powerful country invades a much smaller and weaker nation should the whole world just stand back and do nothing? Should Australia not have helped Timor when it was invaded by Indonesia and massacres occurred? Should the US not have bombed Belgrade?

What a lot of propaganda you have swallowed. 

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8 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

Don't be silly, the US don't want peace in Ukraine. The are simple using Ukrainian lives to degrade the Russian military. 

So the Kremlin talking point conspiracy theory goes. Sigh.

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