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Many ex-pats need to ramp up online security, so here's how to pick strong passwords

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As most of us Expats now rely on online transactions to run our daily lives, are we taking unnecessary risks security-wise?


Many security-minded specialists have been telling us for years about the dangers of bad digital behavior, yet even in 2022, many of us are still behind the times when it comes to our own security.


Research into common passwords worldwide, for instance, reveals that many people still use known, popular passwords, which are the digital equivalent of sitting ducks.


According to the 2021 Internet Crime Report, published by the United States FBI, 847,376 incidents of cybercrime were reported by the public: that’s a seven percent increase from 2020’s figures.


Here a report from the Department of Justice – Office of Cybercrime saw an exponential increase in cyber tip reports for the Philippines to 2.8 million in 2021 from 1.2 million in 2020 and 400,000 in 2019.


Weak passwords




So how do weak passwords put you at enhanced risk review a few password essentials?


The Dangers of Weak Passwords Weak passwords represent a significant security risk.


Threat actors have a vast array of tools at their disposal, including brute force and dictionary attacks, which can easily crack weak passwords and passphrases.


Once these passwords are cracked, cybercriminals have access to your accounts, which may include sensitive financial or personal information.


It doesn’t matter where the criminals are from, either. You can be attacked from anywhere in the world.


Economic loss is just one part of the story: identity theft remains a persistent threat.


Online repositories containing email addresses and account usernames are posted online, and then shared among criminals.


From there, it’s just a few extra steps and a malicious actor can gain access to your online life.


Passwords that are too simple or common can be cracked in as little as one second.


So, if you’re using “123456”, “qwerty”, “iloveyou”, or any variation of these for any of your accounts, it’s time to step up your password game to avoid becoming another statistic.


How to Pick Strong Passwords  


Strong passwords should be Long, Complex, and Unique.


Hitting one of these goals isn’t enough though.


Aim for all three in each of your passwords, and your digital security status will improve significantly.

Let’s look at each of the factors in a strong password now.


1. Consider Length   Remember that statistically, it’s far easier to crack a short password than a long one. Anything less than 12 characters should be avoided.


One way to ensure you’re using long passwords is to create passphrases instead - a tactic recommended by The Electronic Frontier Foundation and many others.


Passphrases should comprise four to five random words for added security and you can substitute a few letters for numerals or special characters.


For example, “8ate cat pOny g0ld opal” comes in at 23 characters and is easy to remember.

If memorizing passwords or passphrases is any issue, you may be tempted to use known phrases, such as “like a rolling stone.


However, these do not afford anywhere near the same amount of protection.


2. Prioritize Complexity Complexity matters as much as length.


The best way to ensure your passwords are complex is to use a random mix of upper and lowercase letters, numerals, and special characters.


You can also use punctuation such as hyphens, em-dashes, periods, and colons as well.


Generating complex (and lengthy) passwords is much easier with the help of a dedicated password tool. Your browser offers to generate and store these for you.


However, there have been concerns raised over how well protected these in-built tools are.


Instead, opt for a dedicated third-party tool such as LastPass, a password manager that stores, secures, and generates complex passwords.


Good for the older expat who may have trouble remembering a new password or two.


3. Try to avoid linking your accounts to another account for easier logins, for example, having numerous accounts linked to your Facebook or Google.


Don’t allow your browser to store your passwords.


It may sound all a bit like science fiction, but at least it beats finding your saving account has been emptied.


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22 minutes ago, ASEAN NOW News said:

Strong passwords should be Long, Complex, and Unique.

The problem is that many are in their prime time around here and remembering a 'long complex and unique' password where they hardly remember what they had for breakfast...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I let my 1Password app do all the generating and securing of passwords. Use a unique and complex master password to secure the app itself, fortify further by adding 2FA hardware keys (Yubikey) and throw in some good old common sense when choosing which links to click on and which to ignore and you have unbeatable security.


If you use Gmail, enroll in Google's Advanced Protection Program to thwart hacking and malicious penetration attempts.

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