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US gun control: What is the NRA and why is it so powerful?

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3 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

I disagree with the the title, and think (IMHO) that the NRA, is far from powerful.  They boast a 5 mill membership, and think they are being overly kind to themselves.   Considering the number of legal gun owners, and population of USA, simply shows, they aren't really liked by anyone.


I personally don't know anyone who would be a member, after their strong stance against wanting every gun sale registered.  That was their final silliness, and membership plummeted. 


All the gun owners I've known, contrary to news spinning, WANT strong regulations for 'selling' firearms.   BUT, they want to be able to buy what they choose, higher capacity mags.  Do they want 30 round mags, not really, but definitely more than 5 round mags.


Assault weapons, are not one of those, again, only 2 states even allow, and complicated & expenses to get permission to own.   Only the silliest collector would bother.  Only the most ignorant person, keeps spewing the 'need to ban assault rifles' over & over, as they basically have been banned for decades.   Please stop showing your ignorance by using that term, 'assault rifle'.  


NRA is bankrupt for a reason, few support them, except politicians who will take their money.  Here's a good news-blip, that has some interesting numbers & thoughts.   Shows Americans, won't be changing the 2nd Amendment anytime soon.  



Part about % wanting stricter laws, could simply be as most I know think, simply closing the few loopholes left open, and there are very few of those.  Registration at private sales mostly.  Not much actual change, of that, the change wouldn't actually affect much.  But closing better than leaving open.  Close one way gang banger could arm themselves.


As it stands now, Americans do NOT want to change the 2nd Amendment, when they do, it will be changed.   The same as other amendments, about minority & women's rights, voting rights, prohibition, etc etc that were changed.


If you take the time, very little, and realize how many guns are in the USA, and stats on how many 'legal' guns are registered, you'll understand why, people want firearms for protection.


200-390 million estimated guns in USA

Less than 10 million legally registered. According to this, though I think they missed a few:



Doing the math, that gives the criminals a 20-39 to 1 advantage.  hmm

I think your point about people wanting guns because everyone else has them is well made. We had a similar debate in Australia when the laws were changed and the buy back started. Now there is no debate and no angst about needing a gun for self protection. Unless you are a bikie or member of a drug gang, neither of whom are perceived to present a threat to the general public.

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  1 hour ago, James105 said:

Not sure if you are aware, but your government has access to fighter jets, tanks, warships and tactical nuclear missiles.    You are going to need bigger guns if that "really" is the reason you think you need them.   

Once again, I believe ignorance of USA (govt, military, politics) prevails.  The US Gov't, does not control the military personel, the Generals (Officers) do.


Not that it would ever happen, but it would be very unlike, if any General / Officer, would order an attack on any citizen of the USA.  The President, through the chain of command can't even do that if he wanted to, unless every General & Officer, against the idea, was already dead.


Reason why .... since scratching your head.


Generals / Officers, unlike all other enlisted personnel, do not swear an oath to obey the President.  Or anyone for that matter.  Simply swear to uphold and defend the Constitution, which was written for the people, by the people.  PERIOD

Text of the Oath

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.[1]

Note that the last phrase is not required to be said if the speaker has a personal or moral objection, as is true of all oaths administered by the United States government; Article Six of the United States Constitution requires that there be no religious test for public office.


Oath during initial enlistment does include following the orders of the President.

To confuse you even more, the National Guard take an additional oath, that regular enlisted soldiers do not.


SInce news the police dawdled around for an hour while a school shooter ran amok, since the left had their idiotic defund the police movement, since the woke prosecutors in the usual places let violent criminals go unpunished and back on the streets, since the southern border is effectively open, it will be no surprise if gun sales skyrocket and the NRA membership follows. Everything they did to make America more dangerous and divided works to make the NRA more powerful.


  • Confused 1

The NRA may not be as powerful as they once were--mostly due to corruption and internal squabbling.  But their ideology is as strong and pervasive as its ever been.  Without doubt, the guns are here to stay.  The politicians may talk up a good game, but even if a bipartisan measure were to miraculously appear, it will be completely watered-down and useless.  I have not seen any gun law proposed (with a reasonable chance of passing) that would change anything.  So the American people will just have to live (or die) with gun violence...pretty much forever.   

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