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Why No Mans Forum?


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So what you are saying is that everyone here who has a special forum has some sort of inferiority complexes? :o

Most of the minority fora are just that, for minorities. Since the vast majority of TV members are British (Oz?) males then we cannot be a minority so we can't have a minority forum.

As an American male, I think we need a simultaneous translation forum. I don't understand what it means when people call me a whinger, prat or plonker.

Just as well.

What would you do for friends?

BTW, I'm a man.

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I think cdnvic said it in one of the early posts here: essentially, almost all of ThaiVisa is for men. Probably 95% of our active posters (outside of the Ladies' Forum) are men; even in the gay forum.

It reminds me of the time when we asked our Equal Employment Opportunity Officer for a White Person's Day at work. To prove the point, she did it. One third-generation Scots-American showed up in a kilt, and some Polish guy was making sausage...that was about it. We do White things, and Men things, and Straight things, so much that we forget that almost everybody here is White men acting straight 95% of the time.

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Still agreeing with cdnvic & PB. Just take a look at any random 10 topics in General, for instance. Seven of them will include (some) men chuntering on about women in a way that ranges from tolerance for the poor feeble-minded creatures to downright misogyny. That's fine. Half the time I just read it & sigh. I can't even be bothered to swing my handbag at anybody, most of the time.:o

That's why we (minority of) ladies have our own forum. In theory, it's somewhere we can get away from that for 5 mins. And we even welcome visits from males, as long as they wipe their feet & don't slurp their tea too loudly. :D Unfortunately, sometimes, as now, we get squatters. Hopefully, there will be an eviction soon, or else our squatter will learn some manners.

Fine, get a men's forum. But I don't see how it will differ in any way from virtually every other sub-forum on the board. :D

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yeh, give the dudes a mans forum..then we woman can hijack threads and tease them relentlessly and get warnings and offer joke advice and sarcasm and make fun of the OP and get more warnings and behave childishly to serious questions and um..get warned..and..

On second thoughts, i dont think we women could be bothered to be so childish, and there is enough male posters who would happy oblige to all of the above seeing as some of them do it at every opportunity anyway. :D

*waits to get flamed! :D *

(in the interest of deflecting some annoyance and preserving my ass this applies only to the men who do this on a regular basis. You KnoW whO yOu aRe! :o )

Stick the kettle on, love. :D

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Still agreeing with cdnvic & PB. Just take a look at any random 10 topics in General, for instance. Seven of them will include (some) men chuntering on about women in a way that ranges from tolerance for the poor feeble-minded creatures to downright misogyny. That's fine. Half the time I just read it & sigh. I can't even be bothered to swing my handbag at anybody, most of the time. :D

That's why we (minority of) ladies have our own forum. In theory, it's somewhere we can get away from that for 5 mins. And we even welcome visits from males, as long as they wipe their feet & don't slurp their tea too loudly. :D Unfortunately, sometimes, as now, we get squatters. Hopefully, there will be an eviction soon, or else our squatter will learn some manners.

Fine, get a men's forum. But I don't see how it will differ in any way from virtually every other sub-forum on the board. :D

It wasn't me, my sweet.

You know how I revere you. :o

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