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Thai clinics or are hospitals the place to go?


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5 hours ago, TheAppletons said:

McCormick Hospital has an outpatient ear, nose, and throat (ENT) clinic.  I've used them a couple of times for routine ear cleanings (vacuum suction...took about 15 minutes, tops.)  Vertigo is indeed often related to an inner ear issue so that might be a good place to start.


https://www.mccormickhospital.com/web/pages/คลินิกหู คอ จมูก (Ear Nose Throat Clinic)

Sounds good thanks.

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5 hours ago, Excel said:

So why should the doctor in the US be correct in his diagnosis so hence at the clinic the diagnosis was not what you wanted to hear ?

1) The doctor at the clinic here did no tests besides check my blood pressure. That alone is not acceptable but even logic suggests that something changed between last year and this year and I have no history of high blood pressure, although I grant it was slightly elevated yesterday for some reason.


2) The doctor in the US actually performed a bare minimum of tests and found an obvious culprit even. He went on to say this is all he can do and suggested I can elevate this to a specialist if I want.


I'm not saying the doctor in the US is correct (neither did he) but at least he was willing to perform tests and get to the bottom of it. The Thai doctor at the clinic couldn't even be bothered so what's the point wasting time with them?

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5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

If you think after talking to 2 or 3 doctors it is fair to say "Thai clinics are worthless" then maybe the problem has a lot more to do with you than with those clinics. 

I've not seen a clinic here which offered more service than listing to you for 5 mins and giving you 5 days of pills. Do you know of a clinic that isn't like this? They literally see entire rooms of people for 5 minutes each. What can be accomplished in that setting? I don't have a picture for you but I'm sure you know the kind of places I'm talking about (little holes in the wall with shoes scattered around outside).


Fair enough they're not entirely worthless but my question is what do you do if you need more than 5 minutes of a doctors time? Hospital seems to be the answer but let me know if you have any better ideas please.

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5 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Went to one recently, just for a tetanus shot, and no prob with that, except cost a bit more than most, I think.  Ask if he could write a script, and said yes, until I told him the med, which he then said no.  Kind of surprised me, but it is what it is.  Apparently limited in what he is certified for.  Script writing being a surprise.

Yes, getting shots + vaccines at the clinic is a good service indeed. Much easier and faster than going to a hospital for sure.


5 hours ago, KhunLA said:


Definitely disagree about the dentists opinion, being as good or better than USA.  1 out of 5 I've seen here, that I would return to.  5 dentists I've used in the USA were all excellent.

I've had good experiences at dentists in Chiang Mai but that's interesting to hear.

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5 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Some good doctors also have part time clinics but these are not open most hours and will not have easy access to testing equipment.

the ones I've gone too over the years have been this. A doctor at a hospital seems to have a side hustle he runs at night (they all open after 5pm!) and has very limited abilities while there. Something seems wrong though that these guys need to work a 9-5 and that's still not enough money for them?


Maybe I'm not being fair and I should ask actually them where to go to get REAL service? I thought that would be an insult but maybe not.

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5 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

And even then, they are people and have good and bad days... 

to be clear I don't think this guy is a bad doctor, he's just not capable of providing a good service. Maybe that's the point though, to be a cheap alternative for minor issues.

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4 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

"Thai clinics are worthless..."


A Thai doctor's diagnosis differs from a US doctor's so your layman's opinion, therefore, is that "all Thai clinics are worthless"?   Such garbage.


I wonder why your US doctor didn't notice your high blood pressure, was he just too busy being better than Thai doctors?

You didn't bother to ask but I don't have any history of high blood pressure and it wasn't high then in the US. All I know is that I got sick from the COVID shot last August and have a dizziness since then. The reason I'm saying their worthless (which is too harsh perhaps) is because they offer a 5 minute per patient model. That's my problem.

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4 hours ago, CharlieH said:

In my experience, Thai clincs have been very good.

The specialists holding clinics outside of Hospital hours also very good.

The fact that they dont automatically jump to more "tests" and of course more money is a good thing.

Whose to say that the US  doctor was righht and the Thai Doctor wrong ? seems unfair to jump to that conclusion.

I've seen two of these clinics here this year and both basically just wave me away and give me some anti-nausea drugs or something. Sorry to offend everyone with that title but I'm genuinely interested in where to get a proper treatment and diagnosis.


It seems like to me in my limited experience these clinics are worthless unless you need a vaccine booster or want some over the counter drugs but if you know a good clinic then please post the information.

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4 hours ago, Iamfalang said:

went three times.  first two solved the symptoms....third time he asked if he wanted me to solve the root of the problem.   amazing.   guess what, I said yes, and then it was finally solved.


go figure....80 baht for medicine (free "evaluation") and you complain.  


what do you expect for like 100 baht?   


What are you talking about exactly? I don't expect anything for 100 baht which is why I asked where to go for proper treatment.

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Ok I've read all your responses and I agree the title was not fair. It should read "Thai clinics are INADEQUATE" instead.


The experience I have in the US with doctors is that they are TOO thorough and thus expensive (prorated by the minute!) while the clinics here are focused and seeing as many people as quick as possible with the interest of selling pills.


The clinics I've been to in Chiang Mai open after 5pm suggesting these doctors have a full time job where they do their real work and this is just a side hustle to make extra cash. 


What I want is a thorough diagnosis by a person who will take the time it requires.

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In answer to the OP's question, Dr. Morgan on HangDong Road has a very good reputation.


In general, private hospitals are more expensive.

I had a wart removed at McCormick Hospital in Chiang Mai, 9000 baht including pathology.

Another wart was removed at a skin clinic in Chiang Rai, minus pathology. 500 baht.

Flu injection at Overbrook Hospital, 900 baht. Flu injection at a clinic, 500 baht.

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your blood pressure being a little high can be just from the anxiety of seeing a doctor. 


I think one of the people I trust most for medial issues is my pharmacist. She is terrific and even knows all the doctors in CM... I have known her a long time is she is frank with me and will also tell me if she doesn't know.


In addition, I do know some people who seem to be knowledgable abt medical issues from their personal experience. 


Ultimately, you are in charge of sorting it out yourself. 


Anything that is covid related, I am not sure how much experience anyone has on this... 


Best of luck sorting it out. 

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