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Traffic? Distance and time - realistic estimates


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It completely depends on time of day....  

In Bangkok the same journey can take 15 mins or an hour... 


As you are generally driving ‘against’ the rush hour traffic (i.e. heading out in the morning and heading in in the evening) the timing should one more realistic.


Additionally, the BangNa trad road in that area gets busy, but is rarely excessively busy such that is stationary. The busiest part will be Sukhumvit road, in both directions, but particularly ‘heading north’ in the mornings before peeling of east onto the BangNa Trat rd - The traffic light at the Bang Na intersection is the major choke-point. 


Thus: my guess is that the journey can take anywhere from 20mins to 45mins but it would rarely take longer than 45mins... 



Edited by richard_smith237
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21 hours ago, Joedobbs said:


looking at a place near Bearing bts - will be driving to work outside the city to Thana City. 
Google says around 30 min drive in the morning and another 30 min drive home in the afternoon.

is this realistic?

Google maps are excellent at telling you how long a current journey will take.

It will not do a good job of a journey in the future.


the reason is that it has current information on traffic and current jams or slow areas. It doesn’t know if there will be slow traffic at a time in the future.


Some trips take 20 minutes in normal traffic but your actual trip time can be 2 hours, for example a Friday early evening with torrential rain.


So is it realistic? Yes if there are no traffic holdups. Or No if Bangkok traffic is having a bad day 

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A way I use to check travel time is to look at Grab Taxi.  If you know the average taxi (ordinary) fare for off peak hours you can gauge the time in peak hours by seeing what Grab taxi or car will charge.  They charge roughly the same as a ordinary taxi in off peak hours yet considerably more in peak hours.  I find this extra charge equates to traffic conditions.

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2 minutes ago, lujanit said:

A way I use to check travel time is to look at Grab Taxi.

Or use google maps just before you start the journey?

It knows what is happening now , it just cannot predict too far ahead.

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If you need to stimulate a taffic jam on Google Maps, a method which works is to ask a friend to carry 300 mobile phones around with them as they walk down the street. Google will detect this as a severe traffic jam and re-calculate the journey time for you. 

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20 hours ago, Freddy42OZ said:

Unless someone else is doing the same route and can tell you how long it take for them, the easiest thing to do would be try a test drive and see for yourself.  

You could get the Waze App for your mobile & monitor the route in advance at the same time you're planning to travel to see what the traffic is typically like.


Apple Store:  https://apps.apple.com/us/app/waze-navigation-live-traffic/id323229106


Google Play Store:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waze&hl=en_AU&gl=US 



Edited by Mike Teavee
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