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Do daily covid figures and recorded deaths indicate the government where premature to reduce covid restrictions


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Unfortunately covid cases worldwide are once again on the increase, The government under pressure from big business have ignored the  numerous warnings from rural doctors and hospital administrators. A warning to government hospitals to prepare facilities for an increase in covid admissions has just been issued.

 Has the government acted prematurely to downgrade the virus to endemic status and remove  precautions to protect the public under pressure from big business  when the number of positive cases of the original virus plus new sub variants would indicate otherwise ?

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I think it's nothing more than an educated guess for most gov'ts as to when to start dropping restrictions.  It's clear that no matter what we do, Covid is going to be around for the foreseeable future. 


I think all gov'ts need to continue to work on vaccines that work against the variants and do what they can to get everyone who can be inoculated vaccinated.  Mitigation efforts should probably be implemented when the health system is facing a crisis.  


...Oh, and lots and lots of education about the disease.


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