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Actor Kills Garbage Collector In Car Crash

sriracha john

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OK, I've never heard of this guy before reading this thread, but 2 things strike me:

If he was on medication & hadn't slept for a while, why not grab a taxi instead of driving himself?

For all you "Poor man, he's so nice, it was just a mistake, haven't you ever made a mistake?" proponents: Would you still be spouting that cr@p if it were YOUR wife or child he'd killed? Maybe I'm over emotional, but if ANYONE, famous or not, Thai, farang or Martian killed my child (I don't have a spouse) whilst driving after having had no sleep & on medication, I would want to kill them. If that makes me a bad person, sue me.

It is everyday life to misjudge situations. Have you ever sped while driving. Have you ever driven when you were sleepy? Have you ever broken any petty laws? What if your mistakes has killed someone?

One point also: Not everyone has the same education to each other. A farang having been educated in the west might be very much aware of not driving when on medication or in a very sleepy state. Whilst a thai living in thailand might not be so aware of how wrong this act is. He might look at it as everyday life. Very normal.

Furthermore, no one here is saying he should not be responsible for this. I think everyone here agrees that he should pay for his mistakes. It is in fact the accusations stereotyping the guy as another one of those "I can do whatever I like because I am famous" that we are trying to point out that is unfair. And people assuming things.


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OK, I've never heard of this guy before reading this thread, but 2 things strike me:

If he was on medication & hadn't slept for a while, why not grab a taxi instead of driving himself?

For all you "Poor man, he's so nice, it was just a mistake, haven't you ever made a mistake?" proponents: Would you still be spouting that cr@p if it were YOUR wife or child he'd killed? Maybe I'm over emotional, but if ANYONE, famous or not, Thai, farang or Martian killed my child (I don't have a spouse) whilst driving after having had no sleep & on medication, I would want to kill them. If that makes me a bad person, sue me.

It is everyday life to misjudge situations. Have you ever sped while driving. Have you ever driven when you were sleepy? Have you ever broken any petty laws? What if your mistakes has killed someone?

One point also: Not everyone has the same education to each other. A farang having been educated in the west might be very much aware of not driving when on medication or in a very sleepy state. Whilst a thai living in thailand might not be so aware of how wrong this act is. He might look at it as everyday life. Very normal.

Furthermore, no one here is saying he should not be responsible for this. I think everyone here agrees that he should pay for his mistakes. It is in fact the accusations stereotyping the guy as another one of those "I can do whatever I like because I am famous" that we are trying to point out that is unfair. And people assuming things.


Well if the law says he should, then let it be.

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I'm glad to see he's made a remarkably quick recovery from his hospitalization for a nosebleed.

To wai and apologize to Pitploen's husband is admirable.


Sorry, as I have been posting their photos in pairs, but I don't have any photos of Pitploen to share today. Probably they are driving her body up to Buriram today and so no photographs.

*edit*... but then again... as a tribute, I should at least provide a photo of what awaits her.


Edited by sriracha john
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OK, I've never heard of this guy before reading this thread, but 2 things strike me:

If he was on medication & hadn't slept for a while, why not grab a taxi instead of driving himself?

For all you "Poor man, he's so nice, it was just a mistake, haven't you ever made a mistake?" proponents: Would you still be spouting that cr@p if it were YOUR wife or child he'd killed? Maybe I'm over emotional, but if ANYONE, famous or not, Thai, farang or Martian killed my child (I don't have a spouse) whilst driving after having had no sleep & on medication, I would want to kill them. If that makes me a bad person, sue me.

It is everyday life to misjudge situations. Have you ever sped while driving. Have you ever driven when you were sleepy? Have you ever broken any petty laws? What if your mistakes has killed someone?

One point also: Not everyone has the same education to each other. A farang having been educated in the west might be very much aware of not driving when on medication or in a very sleepy state. Whilst a thai living in thailand might not be so aware of how wrong this act is. He might look at it as everyday life. Very normal.

Furthermore, no one here is saying he should not be responsible for this. I think everyone here agrees that he should pay for his mistakes. It is in fact the accusations stereotyping the guy as another one of those "I can do whatever I like because I am famous" that we are trying to point out that is unfair. And people assuming things.

You still didn't answer my question, meemiathai. Would you be excusing this guy if it were your wife he had killed?

Out of courtesy, I'll answer your questions:

Have I ever broken any petty laws? Not sure. I know I stole some sweets as a kid. Since then not intentionally, but unknowingly? It's possible. What if my mistake killed someone? I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

As for the driving ones - I don't drive. The reason for that is mainly fear. I'm terrified I'll hurt someone, so I've never learned (and when I see the driving here, by Thais and farang, I'm really glad I don't!). I realise that I'm in a tiny minority, not driving, and my reason why puts me in an even smaller minority, but I can only answer questions for myself.

As far as I can see, the guy should have just got a taxi. He could have slept in it all the way to his destination & not harmed anyone. My sympathies are not for him - he had a choice which action to take, but for the lady who died, her husband & her family.

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There really is a lack of sympathy for the well to do around here. Accidents can and do happen.


agreed. it's rather telling...

Hogwash! :o

My response, and I suspect most others', has nothing to do with who he is. It would be the same, had the garbage collector killed the actor. He got into a car, whilst unfit to drive & he killed someone. Because of his actions - this "accident" that "can and do happen", a husband now has no wife. Any children they might have have no mother. This is not "oops!" to them - this might be the biggest tragedy that ever befell them.

His "wealth" (I have no idea if he has any) or fame will only come into this later, if he manages to walk away from this unscathed, after trading on them. At the moment, that is not an issue. His actions, which caused the death of another human being, are. :D

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Whatever the rights and wrongs of him setting out to drive in the first place, from what I've seen I think the young man has faced up to the situation and not tried to evade his responsibilities since the accident.

Interesting that from the two reports at the beginning (name slightly different in each), in the first the security guard heard a loud noise but by the second had seen a speeding BMW hit the woman.

Edited by Tarragona
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Whatever the rights and wrongs of him setting out to drive in the first place, from what I've seen I think the young man has faced up to the situation and not tried to evade his responsibilities since the accident.

Interesting that from the two reports at the beginning (name slightly different in each), in the first the security guard heard a loud noise but by the second had seen a speeding BMW hit the woman.

Hands on hearts everyone.

How many of us have driven and nearly fell asleep while thinking we could drive on safely ????

The report doesn,t indicate that it is anything more than an accident.

O.K. The poor ( not in Monetary terms ) innocent victim has sadly lost her life and i am all to well aware of the upset and distress it has caused, but in this case it really was, it appears a tragical accident.

Remorse has been shown and accountability for what happened has been genuinely shown, both intitially just after the accident and now.

Of course he should face charges of dangerous driving and causing her death, but was it intentional ?

It doesn,t appear to be.

I haven,t witnessed any rich kid antics of which we are all to familair with nor the use of status as a so called " Puyai " to escape any come back that happens on a consistant basis, so in this case, i for one must for once see it from a different perspective.

May she Rest In Peace and her family be well taken care of and given the sympathy and support they will need and deserve.

marshbags :o

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For what it's worth, all the Thais I have spoken to about this - both hiso and regular thais - say it's a tragedy, that they feel for the woman and her family, but that the guy himself has acted very appropriately, and not in the normal way a spoiled rich kid might.

It's a shame their more balanced view can't be shared by the Pat Robertson Moral Majority here.

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Surprising how much darker his skin colour appears in the opening post's photo than in the press release photos.

Not strange at all, all pictures here done with the intent of being PR for a person is heavy lit up. Heck, I have pictures of my wife that are taken in a studio and she is whiter then me - and I'm blond and white as vanilla icecream. One day they will realise overly white isn't beautifull...

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If only the Interior Minister had the foresight to ban video game stores, especially the 24/7 drive thru ones, then all this could have been avoided. It's all the minister's fault, the young driver absolutely blameless.


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If it was raining, then catching a cab from his condo (assuming that is where he was coming from) would be impossible. The soi floods and he is right at the end of it so it would involve a walk with umbrella to the main road.

Perhaps that information might explain his poor judgement in deciding he was 'ok to drive' when clearly he wasn't.

He could have lied. He could have done many things. He has taken responsibility, and now it appears will be given a sentence commensurate with his actions as well as presumably also paying compensation to the family directly for the damage he has caused. The family are the most important thing here; a few of the 'hang him high' brigade might like to consider raising donations to support that family if they think the support p'Noom can financially provide the family is less important than giving him a nice big jail sentence.

As for Chris, the police officer involved had his license revoked for 1 year, nothing else ;-0. The couple he stopped to assist visited him once (apparently) while he was in a coma in hospital. I think during the time while he was in the coma, his father passed away as well. All that said, he now seems to have recovered maybe 80%, walks and talks and still with a wonderful sense of humour. Is doing a flower business now, PM me if you want some more information about that.

We all make mistakes. Noom will pay for his, and is (at least the little I know of him) likely to never forget this massive mistake and the consequences. Life is very easy with hindsight, Sriracha John, but yuu are quite right in saying IF ONLY PEOPLE USED THEIR BRAINS A BIT BEFORE SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPENS.

As for you Emperor Tud, wonderful come back. You really schooled me on that one :-)

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OK, I've never heard of this guy before reading this thread, but 2 things strike me:

If he was on medication & hadn't slept for a while, why not grab a taxi instead of driving himself?

For all you "Poor man, he's so nice, it was just a mistake, haven't you ever made a mistake?" proponents: Would you still be spouting that cr@p if it were YOUR wife or child he'd killed? Maybe I'm over emotional, but if ANYONE, famous or not, Thai, farang or Martian killed my child (I don't have a spouse) whilst driving after having had no sleep & on medication, I would want to kill them. If that makes me a bad person, sue me.

It is everyday life to misjudge situations. Have you ever sped while driving. Have you ever driven when you were sleepy? Have you ever broken any petty laws? What if your mistakes has killed someone?

One point also: Not everyone has the same education to each other. A farang having been educated in the west might be very much aware of not driving when on medication or in a very sleepy state. Whilst a thai living in thailand might not be so aware of how wrong this act is. He might look at it as everyday life. Very normal.

Furthermore, no one here is saying he should not be responsible for this. I think everyone here agrees that he should pay for his mistakes. It is in fact the accusations stereotyping the guy as another one of those "I can do whatever I like because I am famous" that we are trying to point out that is unfair. And people assuming things.

You still didn't answer my question, meemiathai. Would you be excusing this guy if it were your wife he had killed?

Out of courtesy, I'll answer your questions:

Have I ever broken any petty laws? Not sure. I know I stole some sweets as a kid. Since then not intentionally, but unknowingly? It's possible. What if my mistake killed someone? I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

As for the driving ones - I don't drive. The reason for that is mainly fear. I'm terrified I'll hurt someone, so I've never learned (and when I see the driving here, by Thais and farang, I'm really glad I don't!). I realise that I'm in a tiny minority, not driving, and my reason why puts me in an even smaller minority, but I can only answer questions for myself.

As far as I can see, the guy should have just got a taxi. He could have slept in it all the way to his destination & not harmed anyone. My sympathies are not for him - he had a choice which action to take, but for the lady who died, her husband & her family.

Funny, when I woke up this morning in bed, I realized that I have forgotten to answer you in my post.

Now I am honestly going to tell you the answer. My answer is yes, most probably. My first reaction might probably be getting furious. But I might calm down after a while. I might try to understand what exactly has caused things to happen. I might try to look at what exactly the person is like. To understand if this person is the type that misbehaved himself previously in a way like some of those rich and famous people do thinking that nothing could get them. And if he indeed is one of those types and juctice cannot be done, I might do it myself. But yes, I will forgive people's mistakes.

You are lucky maybe that if you only make little mistakes in life. But not all people are the same like you. People can be normal but still make mistakes. Human beings are born differently and with different capabilities. Some are more capable and some are not as capable as others in ensuring themselves not to make serious mistakes.

Not every one is an expert in understanding the consequences of his/her every own act every moment. They may not be aware of what is going to happen next if they do this or do that. Things like this is happening everywhere every corner every moment to every person good or bad.

No one is asking sympathy for him. But at least not to wrongly accuse him.

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Noom was on TV last night in a highly publicised event where he went to see the dead ladies husband & make a very long and emotional apology.

He may be an actor - but it looked like he really meant it.



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There really is a lack of sympathy for the well to do around here. Accidents can and do happen.


agreed. it's rather telling...

Maybe that is because, like the vast majority of Thai people, some posters don't believe there is justice for the rich in Thailand, as they often buy themselves out of prosecution with their status, power and money.

Most if not all understand what the system is like here.

But simply being rich or famous is not a crime. And they deserve to be treated fairly as well.

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There really is a lack of sympathy for the well to do around here. Accidents can and do happen.


agreed. it's rather telling...

Hogwash! :o

My response, and I suspect most others', has nothing to do with who he is. It would be the same, had the garbage collector killed the actor. He got into a car, whilst unfit to drive & he killed someone. Because of his actions - this "accident" that "can and do happen", a husband now has no wife. Any children they might have have no mother. This is not "oops!" to them - this might be the biggest tragedy that ever befell them.

His "wealth" (I have no idea if he has any) or fame will only come into this later, if he manages to walk away from this unscathed, after trading on them. At the moment, that is not an issue. His actions, which caused the death of another human being, are. :D

I strongly disagree. The reaction of posters here has a lot to do with who he is.

If you don't think so, you have a lot to learn with human psychology. Just my opinion.

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Whatever the rights and wrongs of him setting out to drive in the first place, from what I've seen I think the young man has faced up to the situation and not tried to evade his responsibilities since the accident.

Interesting that from the two reports at the beginning (name slightly different in each), in the first the security guard heard a loud noise but by the second had seen a speeding BMW hit the woman.

I have been working in the government for 18 yrs and have seen plenty of reports from newspapers who doesn't know what they are writing about. What do you think they(reporters) are going to write with when they arrive at the scene just to see a car wreckage there. They are good story writers.

Edited by meemiathai
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OK, I've never heard of this guy before reading this thread, but 2 things strike me:

If he was on medication & hadn't slept for a while, why not grab a taxi instead of driving himself?

For all you "Poor man, he's so nice, it was just a mistake, haven't you ever made a mistake?" proponents: Would you still be spouting that cr@p if it were YOUR wife or child he'd killed? Maybe I'm over emotional, but if ANYONE, famous or not, Thai, farang or Martian killed my child (I don't have a spouse) whilst driving after having had no sleep & on medication, I would want to kill them. If that makes me a bad person, sue me.

It is everyday life to misjudge situations. Have you ever sped while driving. Have you ever driven when you were sleepy? Have you ever broken any petty laws? What if your mistakes has killed someone?

One point also: Not everyone has the same education to each other. A farang having been educated in the west might be very much aware of not driving when on medication or in a very sleepy state. Whilst a thai living in thailand might not be so aware of how wrong this act is. He might look at it as everyday life. Very normal.

Furthermore, no one here is saying he should not be responsible for this. I think everyone here agrees that he should pay for his mistakes. It is in fact the accusations stereotyping the guy as another one of those "I can do whatever I like because I am famous" that we are trying to point out that is unfair. And people assuming things.

You still didn't answer my question, meemiathai. Would you be excusing this guy if it were your wife he had killed?

Out of courtesy, I'll answer your questions:

Have I ever broken any petty laws? Not sure. I know I stole some sweets as a kid. Since then not intentionally, but unknowingly? It's possible. What if my mistake killed someone? I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

As for the driving ones - I don't drive. The reason for that is mainly fear. I'm terrified I'll hurt someone, so I've never learned (and when I see the driving here, by Thais and farang, I'm really glad I don't!). I realise that I'm in a tiny minority, not driving, and my reason why puts me in an even smaller minority, but I can only answer questions for myself.

As far as I can see, the guy should have just got a taxi. He could have slept in it all the way to his destination & not harmed anyone. My sympathies are not for him - he had a choice which action to take, but for the lady who died, her husband & her family.

Funny, when I woke up this morning in bed, I realized that I have forgotten to answer you in my post.


Now I am honestly going to tell you the answer. My answer is yes, most probably. My first reaction might probably be getting furious. But I might calm down after a while. I might try to understand what exactly has caused things to happen. I might try to look at what exactly the person is like. To understand if this person is the type that misbehaved himself previously in a way like some of those rich and famous people do thinking that nothing could get them. And if he indeed is one of those types and juctice cannot be done, I might do it myself. But yes, I will forgive people's mistakes.

Well, if you can honestly say that, then my genuine respect. You are a better person than me. :D I would find it very hard or impossible to forgive something like this.

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A good guy who gambled on his ability to remain awake. A gamble most drivers take eventually at one point or another. Especially here. Life is full of hard lessons, and I imagine this guy feels as low as possible. Cry for vengeance or judge him all you like. it won't make this sad story any more pleasant. Move on.

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I really am not asking for sympathy for Sornram. I have though. For everyone involved.

I am just hoping that people can be fair to everyone, be it rich, poor, good-looking, ugly, blacks, thais, farangs, muslims........ I do try my best to be so.

NR, I am no better person than anyone in this world. I feel guilty if I think so. Thanks though.

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In the U.S.A. vehicular manslaughter could be prosecuted as a misdemeanor or a felony and could result in a suspended sentence or up to 15 years in prison. There are many, many variables like recklessness, negligence etc.

The jury is literally all over the map on a lot of these distraction/impairment factors: talking on the phone, eating/drinking (not alcohol), fatigue, medical conditions et al., which might be involved in a vehicular manslaughter incident.

Based on the information provided here I'd say he should get a suspended sentence. He has no prior convictions or record, is a responsible citizen, has shown contrition and will make amends to the family. If it were shown that he was violating some traffic law(s) (say driving too fast for current conditions) then perhaps a 1 - 2 year sentence, which could also be suspended pending community service. If it were shown that he was abusing cold medicine (ephedrine) in an attempt to fight fatigue, and thus under the influence, then mandatory jail time is called for.

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There really is a lack of sympathy for the well to do around here. Accidents can and do happen.


agreed. it's rather telling...

Maybe that is because, like the vast majority of Thai people, some posters don't believe there is justice for the rich in Thailand, as they often buy themselves out of prosecution with their status, power and money.

on the contrary to western countries where the Rich and famous are always prosecuted trialed and jailed :D

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Based on two cases I have observed involving vehicular manslaughter, one a total accident, one a drunk driver, Noom will end up with a four year suspended jail sentence with between 200 - 500 hours of community work.


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Whatever the rights and wrongs of him setting out to drive in the first place, from what I've seen I think the young man has faced up to the situation and not tried to evade his responsibilities since the accident.

Interesting that from the two reports at the beginning (name slightly different in each), in the first the security guard heard a loud noise but by the second had seen a speeding BMW hit the woman.

Hands on hearts everyone.

How many of us have driven and nearly fell asleep while thinking we could drive on safely ????

The report doesn,t indicate that it is anything more than an accident.

O.K. The poor ( not in Monetary terms ) innocent victim has sadly lost her life and i am all to well aware of the upset and distress it has caused, but in this case it really was, it appears a tragical accident.

Remorse has been shown and accountability for what happened has been genuinely shown, both intitially just after the accident and now.

Of course he should face charges of dangerous driving and causing her death, but was it intentional ?

It doesn,t appear to be.

On reflection, "could "seems more appropriate determined on the result of the investigations via the authorities ?????

I haven,t witnessed any rich kid antics of which we are all to familair with nor the use of status as a so called " Puyai " to escape any come back that happens on a consistant basis, so in this case, i for one must for once see it from a different perspective.

May she Rest In Peace and her family be well taken care of and given the sympathy and support they will need and deserve.

marshbags :o

Edited by marshbags
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Oh dear, it would seem i have a gremlin in the works that,s causing repeat postings.

Basically what is happening i,ve noticed is that when i try to post, it doesn,t respond and stalls.

On re trying i sometimes get the duplication as i assumed it hasn,t posted. ????????

I now open another window to observe if the post has been accepted even though it initially appears not to be the case.

Apologies to admin and members if it,s self inflicted or something relevant to my computer.



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Noom was on TV last night in a highly publicised event where he went to see the dead ladies husband & make a very long and emotional apology.

He may be an actor - but it looked like he really meant it.



If I had to make that kind of apology then I would not want it to be highly publicised. Not everything needs to be done in front of the TV cameras.

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