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Talks to Discuss Curbing Post-Holiday Activities


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34 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

The problem we have and have had is the fact many folks believe in the Alt left, Alt right conspiracy drivel that's posted about and believe it as truth since they hate the MSM and Government interference in daily lives.  Additionally, they never try to find the middle ground on various stories, and bow their backs and can never agree to disagree, which to me shows that have no ground for believing anything else thats printed after doing a verification of the subject.  If you look at the current OP you have folks going all the way to believing this will lead to lockdowns here in Thailand while the other countries are as free as can be, which is far from the truth.  Caring about others is a hallmark trait of a compassionate person who will do the right thing regardless of what the conspiracy people say or the Government says.

What are Alt Left/Alt Right...?

Trendy fashions?


Just curious.

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3 minutes ago, huangnon said:

The "evidence" was of bored nurses and hospital staff making dance videos in empty hospitals when the "first wave" hit the UK in 2020.

All these videos were immediately purged from youtube and other media outlets, and now any google search for them is returned with a "fact-check" caveat, or revised update.

? Full explanation was in the link in my post

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2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

There was never any evidence of many empty wards in the UK with bored staff lounging around playing with their mobile phones. 

Covid: The truth behind videos of 'empty' hospitals 


I can also assure you one of my daughters who is in the UK and a nurse would also find that extremely offense.


The Nightingale Hospitals were a fantastic achievement in such a short space of time and were built as an insurance should things get worse, that fact they were not needed or used to capacity does not mean you don't plan for the worst. 


"During the winter surge in coronavirus cases, Chris Hopson of NHS Providers, which represents hospital trusts, said they had been built to avoid a situation like that seen in northern Italy in spring last year. But he said it would be a "success" if they were not used."

I wouldn't  believe a  word of anything  the BBC says ever again  and remember there is no smoke without fire.  Your daughter as a nurse should know not take things so personally and furthermore cannot know what is happening in every hospital in the country. I know several nurses in the UK personally  and have several friends who are married to nurses and they tell a completely different story and none of them are offended but maybe a bit ashamed. They both also went to great lengths to explain to me that "normal" nurses and indeed most medical staff would generally go out of their way to avoid speaking to reporters. and that the ones who do are generally always politically motivated. their words not mine.

 The nightingale hospitals were not exactly the fantastic achievement we were lead to believe In fact It would have been a bit worrying if the military had found the task at all difficult, ,especially considering they would need to construct temporary medical and indeed surgical facilities from scratch in a combat situation, often more quickly, and probably whilst under attack

even Anneka Rice could have done it with days to spare

 The big question which was never answered at the time was just exactly who was going to staff them. many of the nurses were at home self isolating or (allegedly) dying of exhaustion at home or even at home in tears after seeing people die ! (unlikely) they even brought one mates wife (and many others) out of retirement to staff the normal hospitals They were built very publicly will the usual OTT news coverage and their only use was as a form of propaganda  bit like the embarrassing spectacle of people (often humiliated into doing so by peer pressure) banging their pots and pans with wooden spoons every Thursday night at 8 pm

As for Chris Hopson well he is just another one crawling out of the woodwork with a well worded but other wise vacuous statement,  as the hospitals were not used and that in itself is hardly evidence of any success on anybody's behalf except perhaps those who where instrumental in expediting the vaccine rollout 

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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

The problem we have and have had is the fact many folks believe in the Alt left, Alt right conspiracy drivel that's posted about and believe it as truth since they hate the MSM and Government interference in daily lives.  Additionally, they never try to find the middle ground on various stories, and bow their backs and can never agree to disagree, which to me shows that have no ground for believing anything else thats printed after doing a verification of the subject.  If you look at the current OP you have folks going all the way to believing this will lead to lockdowns here in Thailand while the other countries are as free as can be, which is far from the truth.  Caring about others is a hallmark trait of a compassionate person who will do the right thing regardless of what the conspiracy people say or the Government says.

           Its nothing to do with left or right  or a (natural) dislike/mistrust of MSM. the various factions of which ALL have their own agenda.  its more about governments using the promotion of fear to manipulate people, Many people have very little resistance when put in fear of imminently losing there lives or told that their actions would cause the deaths of others.

         Many people get so scared that they will do just about anything they are told to do by an authoritarian figure to the point of actually calling people out who they feel aren't complying with the official "guidelines" no matter how ridiculous those guidelines become. (remember if you see a party report it? ) or Dominic Cummings, he got crucified by the media but plenty of opposition figures were doing similar things which were barely mentioned so you see there is always a political bias on the (MSN) news

           The lower ranking "wanna-be" figures can gain credence by repeating the establishment's mantra as often as they can, occasionally adding a bit of embellishment here and there for dramatic effect, and  the worse the prediction the more kudos they receive, no worries if it doesn't happen as they NEVER get called out, Neil Ferguson one of the UK government SAGE advisors has made a career out of making these doomsday predictions stretching back over 20-30 years about, amongst other things Foot and Mouth, Bird Flu, MERS, SARS , Swine flu Chicken flu, ETC ETC .  but not one of his predictions ever came true, ever ! and was he taken to task over any of them ? .no but he was recently knighted, enough said, he played his part, did as he was told, and got his reward

              Conversely anybody, no matter who , that even dared to  think about questioning the official "narrative" or the safety or efficacy of the brand new vaccine was silenced very quickly. labelled as a "denier|"  often publicly discredited and sometimes even  sacked, a common occurrence these days, . same with climate change, and same with the new gender rubbish and same with Ukraine same with cannabis for that matter.

                I doubt that any figures or statistics  released about anything with even the slightest political significance are worth the paper they are printed on , ever ,  and to think otherwise displays a worrying naivety at best or rank stupidity at worst

                   Too many people have money in the game for anything to be truly "independent or impartial"

                   As to your last sentence many caring and compassionate people were unable to do the "right thing" precisely because of what  the goverment had "said "   unless you consider watching your granny die from behind a plastic screen , or even worse letting her die alone, to be a caring and compassionate act

The government knew all the time it wasn't really necessary to limit peoples contact to such a degree this was demonstrated by their enthusiasm for large scale parties throughout the pandemic. If they really knew it was Sooo deadly do you think anybody would have dared  to attend ? No of course they wouldn't

You need not think that the ease with which people were and still are controlled by the fear campaign will go unnoticed by either the UK or any other government, left or right

                         In the meantime people will keep popping up with their doom and gloom predictions its the next best thing to virtue signalling and its what they are obliged to do, and it does seem to be keeping you on your toes!!   It needs to be remembered however that governments are not in the business of compassion and they do nothing positive for their  electorate unless it suits their sole aim of getting elected again, Like a scouser, if their lips are moving they are lying

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16 hours ago, Purdey said:

Too many fake virologists here accusing doctors of fearmongering. Many other people said the same thing.





so here's a pic of some sick people  to scare you   sorry doesn't work anymore  in fact it never did

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1 minute ago, Bday Prang said:

some sick people

They all died unfortunately. Every one of them said the vaccine is fake and the masks don't work. Go figure, Professor.

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1 hour ago, coolcarer said:

I was one of those clapping for carers outside my front door in the evening, my neighbors all did the same. No pressure, no embarrassment, just an appreciative gesture for all the hard work done by carers and especially the hospital staff.

I never met one that appreciated that BS at all   they just wanted a decent wage this was just a sickening ploy from the ministry of manipulation to avoid fallout from the unions and indeed the public itself from the fact that they are paid a pittance whilst the health executives pull in 250,000 ++ a year no doubt whilst working from home

You were just a victim of propaganda, a participant in a social engineering experiment, a bit like the people who donated their cast iron railings "for the war effort" only to get them back years later, in fact the ones around our local park back in the UK went back up about 5 years ago (don't make bullets out of cast iron)

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Just now, Bkk Brian said:

Why are you asking me that when I clearly linked 2 different articles from them in my response to you that back up my opinions and provide the facts that refute your claims completely.


You carry on believing dodgy vids on facebook and twitter with an opinion that has nothing to back it up other than speculation and misinformation.

I don't use face book or twitter and links to the BBC are by their nature worthless so i don't intend to waste my time looking at them either

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4 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

I don't use face book or twitter and links to the BBC are by their nature worthless so i don't intend to waste my time looking at them either

Strange so where exactly did you see all these videos you claimed you saw, link?

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13 minutes ago, Purdey said:

They all died unfortunately. Every one of them said the vaccine is fake and the masks don't work. Go figure, Professor.

I never said vaccines don't work, I've had 3 so far,  but I am somewhat sceptical to say the least about masks, however I have always worn one when required.

 To be honest I don't care about strangers dying from covid or anything else, most people don't care either if the truth be known, good job really as life does have to go on we can't all be permanently distressed or in perpetual  mourning for person or persons unknown. If that was an attempt to put me on a guilt trip or scare me it failed, miserably

I do find it strange that you feel the need to collect or search fo photos of people who have died from covid whether they were vaccinated or masked or otherwise

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17 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

you remember wrong as my BBC article linked to in my post to you confirms


 Actually your link doesn't actually confirm or deny whether or not the BBC actually ran the story, in the first place, It just confirms that they found a few (other) allegations which turned out to be unfounded and where probably urged by the government to publish these as a way of discrediting the original revelations without issuing an embarrassing  retraction of what was actually true but considered ,retrospectively, not appropriate for release


So i may well have seen it on the BBC after all  or possibly one of the other TV channels on either the news or a world in action type production so no link available , sorry

Edited by Bday Prang
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2 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:


 Actually your link doesn't actually confirm or deny whether or not the BBC actually ran the story, in the first place, It just confirms that they found a few (other) allegations which turned out to be unfounded and where probably urged by the government to publish these as a way of discrediting the original revelations without issuing an embarrassing  retraction of what was actually true but considered ,retrospectively, not appropriate for release


So i may well have seen it on the BBC after all  

From the same article and link


Spreading false hospital rumours

One particular Facebook group in the UK dedicated to sharing pictures and videos of empty hospitals, had more than 13,000 members.

This group was taken down by Facebook on 8 January. Another similar group subsequently set up was taken down by Facebook on 11 January.


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1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

From the same article and link


Spreading false hospital rumours

One particular Facebook group in the UK dedicated to sharing pictures and videos of empty hospitals, had more than 13,000 members.

This group was taken down by Facebook on 8 January. Another similar group subsequently set up was taken down by Facebook on 11 January.


Just because something is removed from face book for twitter does not mean it wasn't true!  For god sake where have you been hiding.     As an example  were you even aware that whilst Donald Trump was banned from twitter ISIS were not and continued their recruitment drive on there as well spreading their messages of islamic hatred. Whether you like Trump or not something is obviously going on there isn't it

Face book and twitter do as they are told by the powers that be, when the powers that be feel the need to reign them in  Truth has nothing to do with it

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2 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

Just because something is removed from face book for twitter does not mean it wasn't true!  For god sake where have you been hiding.     As an example  were you even aware that whilst Donald Trump was banned from twitter ISIS were not and continued their recruitment drive on there as well spreading their messages of islamic hatred. Whether you like Trump or not something is obviously going on there isn't it

Face book and twitter do as they are told by the powers that be, when the powers that be feel the need to reign them in  Truth has nothing to do with it

If you don't read the BBC fact checked article then you'll never know why will you. However now it will be full circle and you'll claim you don't believe the BBC...............

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4 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

This is getting nonsensical, first you post claiming many of the hospital wards in the UK were empty during covid because of the videos you’ve seen. Then you say you would not believe a word the BBC says but then you said you saw them first on the BBC which is untrue anyway lol

who says its untrue ?   as I have just said  I don't remember for certain which channel it was on , only that i saw it on TV. Either way its the only point I've raised that any of you seem to disagree with and in no way discredits any of the other BS I have highlighted.

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On 7/18/2022 at 11:03 AM, webfact said:

he will be asked to scale back public activities with a high risk of widespread infections

Or just use decent vaccines and let things be.  Speaking about bringing back any restrictions is going to harm tourism. 


Why would anyone want to visit a country where they might suddenly implement covid restrictions?  Especially a country where they have form in completely f*cking over foreigners during covid.

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