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U.S. President Biden's public approval rating falls to 38% new low in Gallup poll


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Novembers midterms cant come fast enough !

Seventy-four percent say the economy is in bad shape, up from 58% in the spring after Biden took office. Equally important, 84% call the economy a top issue in their vote for Congress and 76% say the same about inflation. Many fewer, 62%, call abortion a top issue.


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1 hour ago, riclag said:

Novembers midterms cant come fast enough !

Seventy-four percent say the economy is in bad shape, up from 58% in the spring after Biden took office. Equally important, 84% call the economy a top issue in their vote for Congress and 76% say the same about inflation. Many fewer, 62%, call abortion a top issue.


As usual, you're cherry picking.

This is from fivethirtyeight.com which consolidates all the polls



Interestingly enough, this year the polls have been underpredicting for the Democrats. They've done better at actual elections than in polling. Probably a big part of that is the Supreme Court overturning Roe.. Women are registering to vote and voting at an elevated rate. And the antics of Trump probably aren't helping either by nullifying any boost he may get from partisans angered over Mar a Lago. You think endorsing QAnon is going to help Republicans? It's just going to remind voters of how extreme and deranged the Republicans have become. And thanks to Trump's endorsements, Republican voters have chosen some very weak candidates for Senate.

Because of Republican gerrymandering, even if Democrats get more popular votes in total, Republicans still have an edge. Statisiticians estimate that Democrats would have to get about 3% more votes for the House to break even. Of course, gerrymandering doesn't help in Senate elections. Considering the state of the world economy, what's really amazing is how weak the polling for Republicans is


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