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In case of death or incapacitation

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We are living since over 15 years in the same rental house. I'm much older. The rent contract is in my name.

To avoid that my partner becomes homelessness the day I die. My idea is:

A deposit for 6 months rent will be paid to the landlord now.

In the event of my death the contract will automatically change to the name of my partner.

Any obstacle?

How to keep the police from locking the house.?

Transfer any and all property to her name, ?


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Why do you presume the landlord will be kicking your partner out, and police locking the house ? If the landlord has been happily collecting the rent for 15 years, wouldn't they be happy to continue ? As easy as starting a new lease with your partner.

What are the terms of the original lease, is it still current, or has it expired and you pay month by month ?

Why worry if partner has plans to go back to village ?

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Maybe offer the landlord two or three months of extra deposit to change the contract to your partner's name. Explain that if you die, your partner will take a couple of months to move back home. That should make it an easy decision for the landlord. And now the police have no reason to "lock the place up", since it is not in your name. It would also help a lot to have a Thai will that explains what happens with your possessions. If the will says it all goes to your partner, then the police should honor the will and have no reason to intervene.

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2 minutes ago, timendres said:

Maybe offer the landlord two or three months of extra deposit to change the contract to your partner's name. Explain that if you die, your partner will take a couple of months to move back home. That should make it an easy decision for the landlord. And now the police have no reason to "lock the place up", since it is not in your name. It would also help a lot to have a Thai will that explains what happens with your possessions. If the will says it all goes to your partner, then the police should honor the will and have no reason to intervene.

That what I want to accomplish!

But watertight

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