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My TrueMove SIM card credit balance keeps going down – I can’t understand why .


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I have an Android  mobile phone that I use as a secondary back up mobile phone and I don’t use it that often . This android backup mobile phone has a TrueMove SIM card installed that I some times top up the credit amount  . I have noticed that even if I don’t make any telephone calls or connect to the internet for a few days , the TrueMove SIM card credit balance still goes down. I have an Android app installed on this mobile phone called … NetGuard ( paid ) .




This NetGuard app can block any other app from connecting to the internet via Wifi or SIM card.



Even if I block all the apps from connecting to the internet on my mobile phone using NetGuard and make no telephone calls or SMS messages etc, still my TrueMove SIM card credit balance goes down. The amount the SIM card balance goes down is around 80 Baht over 7 days .


I’m just wondering if any one else has noticed their mobile phone SIM card credit balance disappearing for no apparent reason .


Any thoughts , suggestions or comments on how to stop the SIM card credit balance from being deducted , would be most welcome. 



Thanks .





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I had a similar problem with my AIS sim several years ago. I would receive on average four sms a day, in Thai. Apparently they were news flashes. Little did I know that they were charging me 2 Baht a time. My Wife contacted them, and they told her I had registered for it, which I had not. It took her another ten minutes on the phone to cancel them. Even then they said it will take 24 hours to cancel, so they still gouged me for another day. As Steve says, go to the shop.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

To check on SMS status with True , Call *137 then can press 9 for English. Press 1 to check if you have any subscriptions .Press 2 to stop spam message . Press 3 to cancel subscriptions (such as Duangdaily and HoraDD).  Press 4 to do both 2 and 3. 

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