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Thailand grapples with allowing more Chinese landowners


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Why every second posters says "Chinese"?

The article says the law is for foreigners. Including americans, australians, germans, russians, etc. Aren't they willing to invest too? No? If no, why bother?

Besides, do you think Thailand will be sold with such a restriction "1m USD investment for 40mx40m square" ?!


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3 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

My guess is farming it, and sending the produce back to the motherland. - Infant formula is like gold in China. (They bought up a large milk powder company in Tasmania, and smuggle huge amounts from Hong Kong to the mainland, so my bet is on milk-cow farms to produce baby formula for export to China.)


Funny thing is, at Chinese supermarkets you can buy inexpensive fresh milk from all corners of the world, but it's not very popular.


American made formula for Chinese babies is a bad thing? ???? 

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I would not bet on any big numbers from China or elsewhere for that matter. The Chinese currency flight is out of control and the CCP is clamping down. Thailand is just trying catch the tailwind of the currency flight. The Chinese are desperate to get their money out of China. 

Same thing with China thinking it was going to open up and try to secure the Yuan as a global currency. As soon as they opened up the Chinese people started buying anything they could out of china. CCP locked that down and realized the Yuan would never amount to much. even their own people did not want the currency.

Edited by Gknrd
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7 hours ago, rwill said:

There was an article a few years ago that chinese own about 50% of the farms in Thailand using Thai proxy owners.

Well if that is true. They don't own them as every single falang that has ever lost "his land" to a Thai missus can attest to. If it ain't your name on the chanote it ain't your land.

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9 hours ago, spermwhale said:

It's disgusting to me that after all these years of barring foreigners from owning Thai dirt, that they are now considering it for the CHINESE. 


Initially I thought the same as you, however after giving it a modicum of thought the reason maybe because the Chinese are more or less here! A lot of Chinese Thai people about and you don't see them owning  road side food stalls. 

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Thailand knows it has made some very bad decisions. The elite want China the rest want the Westerners. I think they call it "friend shoring" with de globalization. Thailand is in a pickle. China or the US or anyone else that can help Thailand.  Japan has chosen the US. Thailand wants the best of both. But, that is not going to happen by all accounts. 

My personal option is any expat in Thailand in the next 5 years will be in pretty bad shape. Inflation will rip Thailand to pieces and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. The government will get pretty heavy handed trying to secure a country that has taken the wrong road.


There are some very good papers that Thai academics have written on the subject. They know what is coming.

Edited by Gknrd
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6 hours ago, RocketDog said:

I'm OK with that. I call a threat as I see it, not based on race at all.


A rabid animal is a threat regardless of what animal it is.  Note that I referred to the CCP, not the Chinese race. I'm not concerned about the north Korean people either but I certainly fear their government's ambitions.


Your political bias is shining through. Or is it just virtue signaling on your part?


What do you have against hogs anyway? Animal bigot?

Nothing against hogs.


To enlighten you, from merriam:


1: swill, slop

2: nonsense, balderdash


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1 hour ago, Thingamabob said:

The Chinese have been indirectly  buying land in Thailand for many years. Nothing new about this.

The greater percentage of power brokers, elite, influencers and Ammat are of Thai-Chinese ancestry with more than a few drops of Chinese blood. 

Tradition that has been going on for ages. 

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1 hour ago, Kopitiam said:

China is just copying the colonial West.  But at least not with guns.

Yes, they are. But the difference is that they do so in the 21st, rather than the 19th or early 20th century. But of course, more and more is one reminded on what one learnt in history class at school, that happened a hundred years ago, happen- ing (in similar ways) now, with the difference, of course, that the players are others, and the dictators don't sport moustaches anymore... (And China will use their guns. They did so in the past against the Soviets and Vietnamese, not to mention the Korea War, and, just recently, agains Indian border troops. Also, how do you think, they intimidated people living in Bhutanese and Nepali border areas they are encroaching onto? - So far, the Chinese are careful not to get into direct military conflict with the U.S., but they will sooner or later. The question is not 'if', but 'when'. Also, some 'smaller' Western countries like Australia and New Zealand have been threatened recently 'not to get mixed up in Chinese territorial claims'.)

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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16 minutes ago, rovinman said:

Look to Sri Lanka, they thought they eere getting s Sweet Loan from China.

Now they are getting a Military Dockyard on their site for the next 99 years, because they can't afford the repayments, for Chinese help (?).

At least, the Chinese didn't hold a gun to the Sri Lankans' head.

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22 minutes ago, Jackin1960 said:

A very slippery slope given the way they sell and buy land for development. Thailand needs to start thinking of the real long term cost of their actions. 

The Chinese, no doubt, also would see buying land in Thailand as a 'strategic decision', probably more so than a commercial or speculative one.

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50 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

The greater percentage of power brokers, elite, influencers and Ammat are of Thai-Chinese ancestry with more than a few drops of Chinese blood. 

Tradition that has been going on for ages. 

In the past one of the main ways for ethnic Thais to get on the power ladder was through the military. It was like a split between money power in Chinese-Thai hands and military in Thai hands. But even that has changed. 

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4 minutes ago, GarryP said:

In the past one of the main ways for ethnic Thais to get on the power ladder was through the military. It was like a split between money power in Chinese-Thai hands and military in Thai hands. But even that has changed. 

And...you'll be remembering who the military answers to. 

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Was living in Mexico previously. Same crazy fear there of being race-replaced by yanks. Only one million Americans (out of 332M) live in Mexico, including part timers.


Additional thought: If Pattaya and Phuket do turn into red lantern-swinging hell holes, do I even care? If I'm Brit condo owner moving back to the UK for family reasons, I'm gagging for a Chinese buyer. 

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11 hours ago, findlay13 said:

Did you have a say in the lease of the Port of Darwin? I know I didn't.I didn't even know about it until it was a done deal.Very simple view of the world.

When greedy government officials don't want the public to know about their corrupt deals, they claim "Commercial in Confidence". Public knowledge could scuttle any secret deals they are making and we can't have that can we?

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10 hours ago, Purdey said:

My goodness. The rampant racism on show here is amazing. 

If people were rascist i doubt they would be living and/or loving in Thailand. I used to love HK before it was snuffed out. Most of us are anti-communist china and there's at least a billion of them coming outta china with a tendency to overrun everything. Cambodia has already succumbed & become a Communist Chinese vassal state. The Thais will be priced outta their own houses then become tenants in theor own country... ..DO NOT open the floodgates......

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7 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

The chinese often get their hands on land by Thais defaulting on loans  ,, Many "chinese" hold Thai passports  / citizenship as they were born here!

Thai 's of Chinese extraction you mean?

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5 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Ahh, so there is some sort of broader conspiracy going on, generations of Chinese are moving to Thailand, living there, then having children, just so the children can buy land for the mother country, give me a break.

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about, in such circumstances it is normally considered  better to say nothing

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6 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

I would presume that most investors would just be private individual investors, while a good junk of Chinese investors might be corporations, possibly even owned by, or affiliated with the Chinese state.

And with affiliations to the Thai elite at the highest level also

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