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Did anyone ever find a good source for testosterone in Pattaya - Faschino now only 1 ampule available?


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I saw a post back in May that discussed this topic without anyone knowing at that time a good solution.  Perhaps things have changed.  I use to buy the 20 ampule packs at Faschino's but I have stopped there several times along with other Faschino's and they don't have them anymore.  At first they said they were out of stock and selling only the boxes of 6 ampules.  Now they are saying they are repackaged to only 1 ampule for about 318 baht. 

I know that things have gone up a bit in price but that is about twice the cost in the 20 ampule pack.  

Has anyone found a source for the injectable testosterone here in Pattaya or mail order? 

This is what I use to get. 

Called the number in Bangkok but they say they don't have a stock of it at this time and were unable to say if or when they would be getting more. 


Edited by Longwood50
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41 minutes ago, Longwood50 said:

It maybe, but based on that Tik Tok video the company may be brewing it in a bath tub.  Unless it is coming from a recognized pharmaceutical company, I am not injecting it into my body. 

You mean those hand printed looking labels aren't confidence inspiring? 

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21 hours ago, Longwood50 said:

It maybe, but based on that Tik Tok video the company may be brewing it in a bath tub.  Unless it is coming from a recognized pharmaceutical company, I am not injecting it into my body. 

You know almost every testosterone comes from the same factory of China, including your recognized pharmaceutical companies or pataya clinics. They probably import it from china and put some homemade label on it.  I had more pip with bayern , oxydine and some generic testosterone vial fascino.

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1 hour ago, aussiexpat said:

Steroid users and Testosterone addicts should just <deleted> off from Pattaya, would make it a much nicer place

What is it about 'Testosterone addicts' that gets up your nose. I'm just curious as I don't live in Pattaya.

Edited by IvorBiggun2
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6 hours ago, Guggenheim said:

You know almost every testosterone comes from the same factory of China,

You could be correct, however if the pharmaceutical company is sticking its name on it, they will have at least tested it.  With the handwritten labels you have no idea if what you have is even safe to inject in your body. 

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On 9/6/2022 at 1:40 PM, Guggenheim said:

I Buy my Testosterone from Delta Pharma. It's cheaper than the pharmacies and until now better results also. Like 900 baht for Test E 250mg/ml 10ml vial. Their human growth hormone is also cheap. This their TikTok, they are situated in Pataya I think. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSRPhN66g/

There's a lot of this getting around and it's easy to find, unfortunately, it is an underground product and not a pharmaceutical-grade product. Multi-use vials are for veterinary use. There's a risk of contamination when using multi-use vials. Now that I got that out of the way, you're paying too much. I can find a very good supply for 750 per 10 ml vial.

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  • 8 months later...

Re-activating this thread ????


I used to self-inject Rotexmedica that I obtained after a consultation with Maximum Performance Clinic.  I did this for a few years and the effects were very positive for my libido (not that important for me), clear-thinking, general feeling of good health etc.


I paused use of testosterone after a prostate cancer' scare' in Autumn 2022 when suspicious growths in my prostate in a MRI scan.  Testosterone does not cause prostate cancer cells but can encourage such cells to multiply.


Luckily, after an extensive prostate biopsy, no cancer cells were found, the growths are benign calcium stones.


Now I was free of cancer, but I was feeling the effects of getting older >> aching bones after jogging etc (I'm 63).  So I popped over to Dr Olivier (my usual doctor when I'm in Thailand) and purchased 20 ampoules of Rotexmedica for 6,000 baht = 300 baht per ampoule which seems very reasonable.  Just 2 days after my first injection, the aches are all but disappeared and I'm feeling very lucid.  


One box of 20 ampoules will last a year (1 ampoule every 3 weeks as per the doc's recommendation). I have to go back to Myanmar, so will take an extra box with me and the medical prescription from both Dr Olivier and Maximum Performance Clinic, just in case the Burmese Customs department asks questions!



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  • 2 months later...
On 5/14/2023 at 3:31 PM, simon43 said:

One box of 20 ampoules will last a year (1 ampoule every 3 weeks as per the doc's recommendation).

Hi Simon,


Let me ask you, do you take the 250 mg ampoule in one shot or do you split the dose to inject multiple times during those 3 weeks?

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  • 1 month later...

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