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Thai Ministry of Public Health reiterates safe and practical cannabis and hemp draft law


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Article in the uk daily mail today said that woman with metastacized stage 4 breast cancer was declared cancer free after taking cannabis containing THC. Her doctors tried it after chemo failed. It came back after she stopped taking it but went into remission again once she started taking it again. 


Weed even with high thc is not all about getting wasted.

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8 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

Rolling back the decriminalization of Cannabis will create much more problems than the legalization did .

People are mostly happy with the regulations now ( except some doctors who do not profit enough from it ) .

Just leave it like that , time will show that it was right to decriminalize it .

The profit Dr's make from drug sales is minuscule compared to the profits earned by the drug companies. 

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On 9/28/2022 at 11:37 AM, Thingamabob said:

Current regulations are sensible. Leave them be in  my opinion. Those trying to undermine them are either the usual busy-bodies, or are those who have missed out on a business involvement.

I think you are correct, Its been nearly 4 months since they liberalised it , And despite all the horror predictions from the "concerned" and the best efforts of the gutter press its really been spectacularly unspectacular! and to be honest no other substance or situation has ever been under such critical scrutiny by the media, yet they have had nothing of any substance  to report whatsoever

There is an old saying in english " if it's not broke then don't try to fix it"  the authorities would do well to apply that logic. 

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