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New Political Party Ready To Launch

sriracha john

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Chalem threatens to leave People Power Party

Controversial politician Chalerm Yoobamrung Sunday threatened to leave the People Power Party if it refuses to field his two sons as candidates in the December 23 election.

Chalerm made the threat following reports the party would not pick the sons to run for seats in Bangkok.

Chalerm said he joined the party after being approached by a leading member. But he insisted his two sons run on its ticket in the capital.

"If People Power does not select me and my two sons - Wan and Duang - as Bangkok candidates, I'll be ready to leave the party," Chalerm told a news conference at his home.

- The Nation


No word yet on whether Chalerm was waving a large-caliber handgun while making his threats.

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Chalem threatens to leave People Power Party

Controversial politician Chalerm Yoobamrung Sunday threatened to leave the People Power Party if it refuses to field his two sons as candidates in the December 23 election.

Chalerm made the threat following reports the party would not pick the sons to run for seats in Bangkok.

Chalerm said he joined the party after being approached by a leading member. But he insisted his two sons run on its ticket in the capital.

"If People Power does not select me and my two sons - Wan and Duang - as Bangkok candidates, I'll be ready to leave the party," Chalerm told a news conference at his home.

- The Nation


No word yet on whether Chalerm was waving a large-caliber handgun while making his threats.

Spot on again with this comment and it speaks volumes on the present list of candidates who hope to resurrect their mafia style of politics and intimidation.

When you look at all the scum that,s resurfacing and jockeying for the coming elections, either in person or via proxy, it does send out a loud message, while asking an important, perinent question.

Have the Thai people learned anything out of the last 12 months.

If they have then the scum will be sent into political oblivion / obscurity, and deservedly so.

If they haven,t then Thai society will continue down the slippery, slimey slopes and their futures and those of their young families will suffer for years to come.

Thailand will eventually get the government they deserve in the way of voting.

I for one hope that it is a positive one and in turn rids them of the minority *Puyai mentality that has until now determined the way the majority of ordinary citizens live

( * by their corrupt self interests and not giving a sod about their beloved country )

I,d need a lot of space to list the negatives, so i kept it short of a ranting.



I now await the re surfacing of the infamous Chonburi Godfather W.A.F.F.

Edited by marshbags
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Chalem threatens to leave People Power Party

Controversial politician Chalerm Yoobamrung Sunday threatened to leave the People Power Party if it refuses to field his two sons as candidates in the December 23 election.

Chalerm made the threat following reports the party would not pick the sons to run for seats in Bangkok.

Chalerm said he joined the party after being approached by a leading member. But he insisted his two sons run on its ticket in the capital.

"If People Power does not select me and my two sons - Wan and Duang - as Bangkok candidates, I'll be ready to leave the party," Chalerm told a news conference at his home.

- The Nation


No word yet on whether Chalerm was waving a large-caliber handgun while making his threats.

Spot on again with this comment and it speaks volumes on the present list of candidates who hope to resurrect their mafia style of politics and intimidation.

When you look at all the scum that,s resurfacing and jockeying for the coming elections, either in person or via proxy, it does send out a loud message, while asking an important, perinent question.

Have the Thai people learned anything out of the last 12 months.

If they have then the scum will be sent into political oblivion / obscurity, and deservedly so.

If they haven,t then Thai society will continue down the slippery, slimey slopes and their futures and those of their young families will suffer for years to come.

Thailand will eventually get the government they deserve in the way of voting.

I for one hope that it is a positive one and in turn rids them of the minority *Puyai mentality that has until now determined the way the majority of ordinary citizens live

( * by their corrupt self interests and not giving a sod about their beloved country )

I,d need a lot of space to list the negatives, so i kept it short of a ranting.



I now await the re surfacing of the infamous Chonburi Godfather W.A.F.F.

Great post marshbags, I may add to it and perhaps answer a few questions.

First I think the Thais have learned, or at least the ones who are smart enough not to sell their vote.

As for the scum as you put it returning, I think they return because they have not been struck down hard enough. Thaksin is the perfect example. For Thaksin it will take him being behind bars.

That is what we see on the surface. What is below the surface is the repression of new blood with new ideas by the so called scum. Also not to forget this so called scum is on at least one list some place pending or under investigation for one thing or another. That certainly provides them with dual motivation to run for office.

However I think there is a game of cat and mouse under way. It has been a while since the government has talked about any kind of new restriction or warning. I think the government is letting them play thinking they are getting away with this, and then pounce on them once it is too late for them to regroup effectively putting them out of office. It seems the only way at this point.

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Don't forget that Thaksin was elected by 16 million people and most of them knew exactly he was up there to butter HIS bread, but they were happy to recieve the crumbs.

Naturally these people are looking for replacement criminals to get into "democratic" contract now. Thanks to Thaksin they DEMAND to be paid in one form or another.

This attitude is not going to change overnight, or over a year. The fact that Thailand, as a nation, doesn't have anyone inspiring enough to talk some sense into these people doesn't help either.

Thai politics is a land of mediocrities (Thaksin being the only exception).


I wonder how much Hong Kong leader got it right when he decsribed Chinese Cultural revolution:

"People taking power into their own hands. This is what it means by democracy, if you take it to full swing."


If it is Thailand's fate is to be governed by the likes of Samak and Chalerm, who is there to stop it? People should try their best, but it's in God's hands, so to speak.

It is also far from certain that Thailand will learn its lesson and eventually emerge from this predicament as a stronger and better nation - I can't think of any shining example. At best it would turn into Philipines, at worst into Zimbabwe.

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It all sounds like a total mess, which is no surprise. Of course at some point a deal will be done. We should never think this is about the people. It is an old fashioned power struggle between different although to some extent overlapping elite groups who share a different vision of how to divide things up and how to take the country forward. In some ways it mirrors eleite power struggles that have occurred in Thailand before. Persoanally I cant see a deal that will allow Samak to be PM but they may just be because of my intense dislike of those of his ilk. Needless to say a lot can also change in the next few months.

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The thing is that Thaksin is clearly misleading his supporters. He doesn't represent anyone but thimself.

The junta's main failure is to "educate" the public at large. They haven't been able to get the attention of Isanites, or if they tried, they went about the wrong way or through the wrong channels.

Nevertheless there's a chance that PPP will be defeated in the elections (i.e. they won't get outright majority).

We don't know the true count of party list votes last April, but I think that if one million turned against Thaksin since then, he'll lose. Two millions will most certainly kill him.

In the [successful] attempt to hold on to his fan base Thaksin also alienated all middle ground support - people who were enchanted by his "think new, act new" promises. He had them fully on his side in 2005, he lost many of them in 2006.

Hopefully Thailand is a big country now and you can't rely on one single group to win.


Infighting between exTRTs who are on junta's side now is also not a good sign. In the short term they'll pay for their bed hopping while staunch Thaksin supporters will do well by comparison. In the long run it is the battle of wills - will it be Thailand or Thaksinland?

Hopefully Thailand is big country can't be coerced into submission by a single person.

How many people want to live in Thaksinland? Far too many for comfort, imo.

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Chalerm, sons join People Power Party

Chalerm Yoobamrung and his sons have become members of the People Power Party, spokesman Kuthep Saikrajang said yesterday.

The party also launched its official website www.ppp.or.th


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a week later and it's still the same whoopsy daisy... oh well, there's always television spots, but whoopsy again, another snag...

People Power Party's TV spot refused

Broadcast regulatory body says Election Commission has to first approve spot praising ex-PM's policies

The People Power Party yesterday threatened legal action against the Television Advertising Censorship Board after it refused on Friday to sanction a party message. The Board told the party it first needed Election Commission (EC) approval for the campaign spot.

Party Secretary-General Surapong Suebwonglee yesterday said it would ask for board approval again today. If refused, it will go to court. *Lawsuit #429 in the works.*

He argued that while an Election Act has been announced, the law would take effect only following a royal decree setting a poll date. "The board might be misunderstanding this point, but it cannot use misunderstanding as a legal excuse,'' he said. *That excuse is under exclusive contract with Thaksin & Associates.*

He said the party submitted the ad for approval on Friday and the board rejected it with the recommendation for commission sanction. He insisted the party would not approach the commission.

Party leader Samak Sundaravej addressed supporters on Friday at Sanam Luang and spoke out against the decision, saying it was totally unfair.

Surapong called on the government to accept responsibility for damage incurred by the party in fines paid to television stations for booking advertising time, but being unable to provide them with content. *Is another entity culpable for damages if an entity puts a cart before a horse?*

The one-minute television spot is produced by How Come Entertainment. *With its convenient CEO, Panthongtae Shinawatra* board_show_03.gif

It highlights populist policies of the former Thai Rak Thai Party, including the Bt30 universal-healthcare scheme and the war on drugs. The ad producers followed regulations governing media buying, he said.

Surapong believed the ad gave voters "hope and confidence" in the coming election. "The content does not throw mud at anyone or compromise national security. We see no reason why this spot is banned from broadcast."

He said other parties had advertised for months. The rejection was "unfair" to People Power. He added he was unaware of the identities of the board members.

Following the setback, the party will post the ad on its website ppp.or.th *whoopsy daisy... see above* and distribute it on compact disc and in other forms.

EC member Sodsri Satayathum questioned the board's decision.

"Commission ads promoting the national referendum had to receive board approval. The board is authorised to decide if ads are against the law," she said.

"As yet the commission has not been contacted about the People Power spots. The election decree is not effective and the commission cannot see why it should have to view the ad.

"When the decree is effective, political parties will have the right to advertise their policies on television."

Sodsri said the EC would announce election and campaign regulations once the election decree is issued. Political parties can advertise however they like as long as they do not break those regulation or advertising-related laws. *Fair enough. Air the spots... I'm sure they'll be funny.*

Public Relations Department director-general Pramoj Rathavinij said the department was officially uninvolved.

The department delegated decisions on ads to station ethics boards. If they are unable to decide on appropriateness, they approach the department.

Pramoj said he had unofficially asked television station boards about a Democrat Party spot.

He said this situation would change after the passage of the decree when the department would meet with the commission to learn of its campaign regulations.

- The Nation

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A good point was made to me last night over diner with a friend, and I too have expressed this. One of the reason Thailand is so enjoyable is partly because of the corruption. Heads turn the other way when it comes time to enjoy yourself. Examples are smoking laws that are greatly ignored, tea money that keeps night venues open later, and other little things like that. However that level of corruption is at middle and lower levels and mostly tied to the police.

The corruption most commonly talked about here it the upper level corruption that takes huge bites out of things causing just an attractive shell to remain, the airport is just one example.

This can be seen as a pendulum that has been pushed to far namely by Thaksin. Now it swung the other way and it is now mission #1 to get rid of the corrupt politicians. Note that not a whole lot has been said about lower and middle level corruption.

Sooner or later the pendulum will find it’s normal swing again but not without some change. The reason for that is Thaksin pushed the pendulum far enough to see the bigger money picture beyond the borders of Thailand. But now the pendulum has lost energy and no longer swings that high.

Now the focus is on getting a working elected government and not a purchased government by way of vote buying or proxy to the corrupt.

Although it is still about 9 weeks from the election, clear lines are being seen.

The banned are doing their best at building a facade puppet government that they will control from behind the scenes. Their first mission will be to rip up what was done after the coup, pardon themselves and then throw away the facade and the puppets because it cuts into their take.

The Democrats are doing their best to walk the line and from all angles they seem to appear like the right choice. It still remains to be seen if they have the ability to bring Thailand back into the global community.

The others are a mixture of ideas with a blending of what’s in it for me, more like things were prior to Thaksin.

There will be change as long as deals are not cut.

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While i find the Yoobamrungs unfit to be members of the upper legions of government, or anything else come to that, i,ll leave it alone for another take on the situation.

The thing that sticks out in my mind regarding Chalerm is that he is now trying to introduce his sibblings into the political arena during what appears to be open season for all the undesirables to regain power.

They are, like other relatives of the chosen few, potentially, the next generation of politicians who not only follow in their parents footsteps, but sadly most are clones of all that is unpalatable within their Puyai echolons and it,s mentallity.

This i find disturbing and problematic if it is allowed to continue, unchallenged.

They have the war chests to buy, support and continue in this fashion unless there are others who can stand up and take them on.

While at the same time, publically questioning their intentions and get the younger educated generations to rid Thailand of these 20th century ethics / pillages on Thai society by these charlatans who profess to aspire to an equal, fair society.

Expose them for the cancerous evils they represent

Otherwise it could be goodbye to the 21st century also.



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Chetta to lead Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana

Gen Chetta Thanajaro has been selected by members of the Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana party to head the party this afternoon. At the party’s first annual meeting, Gen Chetta emerged as the sole candidate to lead the party. Members voted unanimously to appoint him as party leader. Pradit Pattaraprasit was named Secretary-General of

Continued here:

<a href="http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/b...s.php?id=122665" target="_blank">http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/b...s.php?id=122665</a>


Thai politics is like ordering Chinese food take-out... One from column A and one from column B...

Chetta Thanajaro was Minister of Science and Technology in ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra's Cabinet in 2003. He was later made Minister of Defense in ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra's Cabinet in 2004. In the late 1990's, he was Army Commander-in-Chief.

Pradit Pattaraprasit is a former Democrat Party Secretary-General.

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and now... it's time for the promises....


General Chettha Thanajaro's hands are raised after he is elected leader of the Ruam Jai Thai Chat Pattana Party at its general meeting on Monday. He is flanked by party secretary general Pradit Pattaraprasit, left, and deputy leader Anek Laothammatas.

The Nation

Chetta vows to end violence in the South

General Chetta Thanajaro was unanimously elected yesterday as leader of the Ruam Jai Thai Chat Pattana Party. At the party's first annual caucus, party member Somkad Suebtrakul proposed Chetta for the top job. No other names were put forward.

The party also named Pradit Pattaraprasit as its secretary general, plus a new executive board was elected and the party's logo changed.

Chetta said his goal was to develop the party as an institution, and its main policies to implement when in power were to end the violent situation in the South and resolve the country's political divisions.

While confident, Chetta made no boasts about how many MP seats the party expected to win. That depended entirely on the voters, he said.

Asked if the party was ready to reconcile with both political camps - the old power and the former opposition - he said that reconciliation would not polarise the country.

"If every party reconciles, they can contribute to the country even if they have different ideologies."

When asked if the party, if part of a coalition government, would agree to give amnesty to the 111 former Thai Rak Thai executives, Chetta said the party would consider all factors when making such a decision.

The party's selling points were having highly competent members who uphold moral integrity.

Pradit said party members such as Somkid Jatusripitak (TRT Banned #16) and Uthai Pimchaichon, who sat on a council of strategies initiated earlier by the party, would only work within the legal framework.

Pakit Pattanakul said the party had decided to dissolve the council temporarily because the Constitution Tribunal had banned executives of a party dissolved from politics.

He said Santipap Thai group (Thai Peace) leader Pichet Satirachawal would meet with the party later.

- The Nation



Prachai Leophairatana, new leader of the Matchima Thippatai Party, flashes the victory sign at its general meeting on Monday. Other party executives were also elected at the meeting.

The Nation

Prachai promises to make voters rich

Prachai Leophairatana called on people to vote for his Matchima Thippatai Party if they wanted to become rich. Matchima Thippatai yesterday held an annual meeting to discuss changes in its regulations in preparation for Prachai to take over as the new leader.

Some 10,000 supporters attended the convention, held at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (Bitec).

Prachai, along with party secretary-general Anongwan Thepsuthin and 53 party executives, took the floor and before the speeches began, a film on the party leader's achievements was shown.

Prachai said he chose to join Matchima because its policies suited him perfectly and that he was ready to make Thais happy by teaching them about sufficiency economics.

"If you want to be rich and want to have a better life, you must vote for us," he said, before reading the party's 42 policies to the audience.

"Clap your hands if agree with our policies," he told the audience, and sure enough, there was plenty of clapping and waving of the party's flag. Some supporters, though, chose to nap.

After reading the policies, Prachai once again reminded the audience about his party's promise to make all voters rich. He also reminded everyone that his party was ready to form a government, before introducing the 135 candidates for the elections.

Party supporter Prasert Praechinwong, 50, from Sara Buri, said he liked Matchima's policies and believed that Prachai will solve the country's problems.

"Prachai knows how to run a business, and I believe the Matchima Thippatai will be a party for the middle-class," he said.

Noopad Chanphen, 64, another audience member from Pathum Thani, said she would vote for Matchima Thippatai because it really was a reincarnation of the now defunct Thai Rak Thai. "The community leader and other [Pathum Thani residents] have told me that this party is the former Thai Rak Thai. So we have to elect them."

However, she admitted that she doesn't know much about Prachai and the other politicians in the Matchima Thippatai party.

Meanwhile, the Motherland Party yesterday held an executive board meeting and promoted Surakiart Sathirathai (TRT Banned #21) as chief advisor to oversee the party's strategies and policies, party spokesman Watchiamom Kunakasemthana-wat said.

He said the party's annual convention would be held on Thursday to select new party executives. Party leader Suwit Khunkitti will announce the policies and address the supporters.

- The Nation

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People Power Party to rally in Bangkok

The People Power Party has been given the go-ahead for a campaign rally at Sanam Luang tomorrow, when 19 key members will address the audience.

According to party deputy spokesman Danuporn Punnakanta, the speakers included leader Samak Sundaravej, lawyer Noppadon Pattama, Yongyuth Tiyapairat and Surapong Suebwonglee.

- The Nation

He may soon not have any free-time for speeches...

Yongyuth named in lawsuit

A provincial court yesterday accepted a lawsuit against former prime minister's secretary-general Yongyuth Tiyapairat and 11 others, including crime suppression police, for allegedly colluding in the attempted murder of an elderly couple in Ayutthaya province.

Yongyuth and Pol Maj-General Kosin Hinthao, a former crime suppression commander, were granted bail after the Ayutthaya court accepted the suit.

Yongyuth was accused of being involved in the case in which crime suppression police sprayed bullets into the house of Nissai and Udom Satakurama in 2003 after it was alleged they were drug traffickers.

The couple said they had been threatened after lodging the suit but refused to withdraw it.

- The Nation

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Buy one, get one free!

This old familiar marketing slogan has been adopted as the Palang Prachachon party's [People Power Party] latest campaign slogan, with a minor adjustment. "Choose Samak [sundaravej, the party leader], Get Thaksin [free of course]." The PPP's new campaign slogan, "Choose Samak, Get Thaksin", reinforces Samak's earlier admission that he is merely a nominee of the former PM. It also contradicts the repeated statements by Thaksin that he has washed his hands of politics. But whether the new slogan will catch on with the electorate the way "buy one, get one free" has with most shoppers remains to be seen. For many shoppers, the marketing slogan has proven to be deceptive on countless occasions. Whatever, a short and easily understandable slogan will get the message across to an audience more effectively than a policy statement. Take for instance, the lengthy political platform of the Matchima Thippatai party which covered full pages in several local newspapers. How many readers bothered to read it? Perhaps it is time Matchima Thippatai coined campaign slogans rather than wasting money on full-page ads.

Commentary by Veera Prateepchaikul (Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Post Publishing Co Ltd.) continued here:


Edited by sriracha john
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While i find the Yoobamrungs unfit to be members of the upper legions of government, or anything else come to that, i,ll leave it alone for another take on the situation.

The thing that sticks out in my mind regarding Chalerm is that he is now trying to introduce his sibblings into the political arena during what appears to be open season for all the undesirables to regain power.

They are, like other relatives of the chosen few, potentially, the next generation of politicians who not only follow in their parents footsteps, but sadly most are clones of all that is unpalatable within their Puyai echolons and it,s mentallity.

This i find disturbing and problematic if it is allowed to continue, unchallenged.

They have the war chests to buy, support and continue in this fashion unless there are others who can stand up and take them on.

While at the same time, publically questioning their intentions and get the younger educated generations to rid Thailand of these 20th century ethics / pillages on Thai society by these charlatans who profess to aspire to an equal, fair society.

Expose them for the cancerous evils they represent

Otherwise it could be goodbye to the 21st century also.



The totally divided politcal elite and the fight to get anyone with any power on your sdie so you can win has certainly opened up the opportunity for all undesirables to be resurrected, of course they will take it and then in their own way they can enact theri own revenge on those who once exposed them for what they are. This will be a time of vendettas, vengeance and resurgence of those best left buried.

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People Power Party to rally in Bangkok

The People Power Party has been given the go-ahead for a campaign rally at Sanam Luang tomorrow, when 19 key members will address the audience.

According to party deputy spokesman Danuporn Punnakanta, the speakers included leader Samak Sundaravej, lawyer Noppadon Pattama, Yongyuth Tiyapairat and Surapong Suebwonglee.

- The Nation

He may soon not have any free-time for speeches...

Yongyuth named in lawsuit

A provincial court yesterday accepted a lawsuit against former prime minister's secretary-general Yongyuth Tiyapairat and 11 others, including crime suppression police, for allegedly colluding in the attempted murder of an elderly couple in Ayutthaya province.

Yongyuth and Pol Maj-General Kosin Hinthao, a former crime suppression commander, were granted bail after the Ayutthaya court accepted the suit.

Yongyuth was accused of being involved in the case in which crime suppression police sprayed bullets into the house of Nissai and Udom Satakurama in 2003 after it was alleged they were drug traffickers.

The couple said they had been threatened after lodging the suit but refused to withdraw it.

- The Nation

It is good to see a case brought over this outrageous incident which earnt him his nickname "dooyen". Whether anything comes of a case against a very powerful and dangerous man remains to be seen.

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Buy one, get one free!

This old familiar marketing slogan has been adopted as the Palang Prachachon party's [People Power Party] latest campaign slogan, with a minor adjustment. "Choose Samak [sundaravej, the party leader], Get Thaksin [free of course]." The PPP's new campaign slogan, "Choose Samak, Get Thaksin", reinforces Samak's earlier admission that he is merely a nominee of the former PM. It also contradicts the repeated statements by Thaksin that he has washed his hands of politics. But whether the new slogan will catch on with the electorate the way "buy one, get one free" has with most shoppers remains to be seen. For many shoppers, the marketing slogan has proven to be deceptive on countless occasions. Whatever, a short and easily understandable slogan will get the message across to an audience more effectively than a policy statement. Take for instance, the lengthy political platform of the Matchima Thippatai party which covered full pages in several local newspapers. How many readers bothered to read it? Perhaps it is time Matchima Thippatai coined campaign slogans rather than wasting money on full-page ads.

Commentary by Veera Prateepchaikul (Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Post Publishing Co Ltd.) continued here:


Catchyy well marketed slogans have been a very succesful tactic of TRT and its succesor since day one. This one will work very nicely. However, it is also a challenge to the authorities as it could well be in breach of what is allowed under the ban. Not only do PPP get a catchy slogan but they put authorites in a hard position and one in which they are currently divided on. It also raises another thought. Is Samak actually a potential sacrifical lamb to gain more sympathy and press coverage if he were to be taken out for breach of rules, or even just a sudden dose of international press coverage assuming he doesnt get done on the day Turkey invades northern Iraq. Certainly he is not the obvious leader of Mr. Ts lot and doesnt even really have any politcal power himself.

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People Power Party to rally in Bangkok

The People Power Party has been given the go-ahead for a campaign rally at Sanam Luang tomorrow, when 19 key members will address the audience.

According to party deputy spokesman Danuporn Punnakanta, the speakers included leader Samak Sundaravej, lawyer Noppadon Pattama, Yongyuth Tiyapairat and Surapong Suebwonglee.

- The Nation

He may soon not have any free-time for speeches...

Yongyuth named in lawsuit

A provincial court yesterday accepted a lawsuit against former prime minister's secretary-general Yongyuth Tiyapairat and 11 others, including crime suppression police, for allegedly colluding in the attempted murder of an elderly couple in Ayutthaya province.

Yongyuth and Pol Maj-General Kosin Hinthao, a former crime suppression commander, were granted bail after the Ayutthaya court accepted the suit.

Yongyuth was accused of being involved in the case in which crime suppression police sprayed bullets into the house of Nissai and Udom Satakurama in 2003 after it was alleged they were drug traffickers.

The couple said they had been threatened after lodging the suit but refused to withdraw it.

- The Nation

It is good to see a case brought over this outrageous incident which earnt him his nickname "dooyen". Whether anything comes of a case against a very powerful and dangerous man remains to be seen.

New developments in the new thread:

Deputy Leader Of The People Power Party To Stand Trial For Attempted Murder, Former Thaksin Cabinet Minister and 7 Police Officers accused


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Chart Thai expects to win at least 40 seats

Chart Thai party leader Banharn Silpa-archa said no more than 200 candidates under the party banner will contest in the Dec 23 election. He also said he will be satisfied if at least 40 of his party members get elected. He also admitted that Chart Thai is a small party and cannot compete with bigger parties. He compared his party as a small but long gun that can be used to shoot a target accurately sometimes. :o:D

Continued here:



best to leave the metaphors to the speech-writers perhaps....

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Puea Pandin Party to hold first annual meeting

MP’s contesting the next general election under the Puea Pandin party banner are being unveiled at the party’s first general meeting held at the Impact Arena Muang Thong Thani on Thursday morning. Former deputy prime minister Surakiart Sathirathai (TRT Banned #21) will also be introduced as Puea Pandin’s Chairman of the Board of advisers on party policies.

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Peua Pandin claims PPP faction members have defected, signed up

At least 10 members of the Ban Rim Nam faction led by former deputy House speaker Suchart Tancharoen (TRT Banned #20) have defected from the People Power Party to join Puea Pandin, Puea Pandin Party leader Suvit Khunkitti said yesterday. The Ban Rim Nam members submitted their membership applications on Tuesday, he said. The reason for their switch of allegiance was that Puea Pandin had a non-confrontational and neutral approach in dealing with political issues. Suvit said more than 100 potential election candidates for Puea Pandin, both veterans and newcomers, would be introduced to the public today at the party's annual assembly at Muang Thong Thani. The party would try to field candidates in all constituencies.

Continued here:


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Suchart Tancharoen (TRT Banned #20)

Group of TRT Remnants Leave PPP to Join Puea Pandin

A group of 10 politicians from the Ban Rim Nam faction, which were once members of the dissolved Thai Rak Thai Party yesterday decided to withdraw from the People Power Party (PPP) to join up with the Puea Pandin Party.

Puea Pandin party leader Suwit Khunkitti yesterday stated that former deputy House speaker Suchart Tancharoen and his Ban Rim Nam members had submitted their membership applications on Tuesday, as they claimed to have different political views from the PPP.

Speaking about core policies of the PPP, Ban Rim Nam members said the Puea Pandin in comparison was less confrontational and had made clear from the start to remain neutral in politics, said Suwit.

Speaking during yesterday’s merit-making ceremony for his 50th birthday at Bowon Niwet temple, Suwit told reporters that more than 100 potential election candidates of his party would be unveiled today at the Puea Pandin’s annual assembly at Muang Thong Thani.

Comprising of both veteran politicians and “new bloods” in politics, Suwit said over the past several months, the Puea Pandin had attracted large number of newcomers, adding that the party would have to thoroughly study their backgrounds before fielding them as candidates. However, Suwit said his party would try its best to field election candidates in all constituencies for the upcoming general election.

- Thailand Outlook

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It seems these TRT Banned types have learned a lesson from the TRT Non-Banned types like Sanoh and Korn and that is to resign early enough and get out of a party before the party is charged and subsequently dissolved and the TRT Banned that remain with PPP haven't learned that.

If someone is both TRT Banned and PPP Banned... it's certainly more likely they will be prohibited from having ANYTHING to do with politics.

Edited by sriracha john
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Pua Paendin Party boast to win 60 MPs

Pua Paendin (For the Motherland) Party leader Suwit Khunkitti yesterday vowed to win more than 60 seats in Parliament and promised to implement nine policies to bring happiness and well-being to the people.

The policies are aimed at making people healthy, knowledgeable, prosperous, creating a good family, civil society, pleasant environment, enjoying high-priced produce, and developing the country with sound integrity and solidarity.

Suwit was speaking at the party's first annual caucus at Impact Muang Thong Thani, which attracted 10,000 members and party leaders such as Surakiart Sathirathai (TRT Banned #21), Pinij Charusombat (TRT Banned #11), Suchart Tancharoen (TRT Banned #20), and Preecha Laohapongchana (TRT Banned #68).

The party appointed Vatana Asavahame (a successful businessman who the United States says is linked to the international drug trade/also charged with involvement in corruption surrounding the Klong Dan wastewater treatment project) as the Party Chairman, and Police General Pracha Promnok as party chief adviser. Vatana introduced his two sons, Chonsawat (In addition to charges of refusing to take a breath test for alcohol and illegally detaining a police officer, police will now send a second warrant to hear the new charges, which now total eight) and Poolpol as Samut Prakan MP candidates.

Suchart also introduced his son Kachapa or "Mod Dam", a well-known TV anchorman, to help with the party's election campaign. Suchart brought members of his Ban Rim Nam group to merge with the party.

General Panlop Pinmanee, adviser to the Internal Security Command Operation, accepted to become adviser to the party, overseeing security.

Suwit also unveiled the party's MP candidates under the new proportional system across the country.

Suchart said he had decided to join the Pua Paendin Party because he felt it was neutral and he shared its ideology. Although his group has problems fielding candidates in the Northeast, he said the dust had yet to settle and he expected more political mergers to take place.

- The Nation


Green comments from thread:

Mayor Charged After Drunken Fight With Police

The policies are aimed at creating a good family

A prime example being the Asavahame family.

Edited by sriracha john
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PPP rally in Chiang Rai

The People Power Party yesterday kicked off its northern election campaign with a rally in Chiang Rai, telling its supporters that deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra would never be allowed to return to Thailand if they elected the Democrat Party to power. :o:D

The party said its campaign was being harassed by police and the military. Soldiers from Phya Meng Rai military camp and Mai Sai District Police Station had set up checkpoints on the Chiang Rai-Mae Sai road and allowed traffic through only one lane. They also wrote down names of passengers and drivers using the road.

The party was refused permission to use state premises such as a sports stadium as a campaign stage from the Chiang Rai Governor. Finally they got the nod from Chiang Rai Rajabhat University. Their request for the use of mobile toilets also met with telephone threats.

Jakrapob Penkair and Chavarin Laksanavisit focused their campaign speeches on praising Thaksin for his achievements. Chaturon Chaisang (TRT Banned #2), a former Thai Rak Thai party leader said northern people must vote for People Power if they wanted the populist policies of the former premier's party to continue.

"If you vote for the Democrats, Thaksin will never be allowed to return,'' he said.

People Power leader Samak Sundaravej said if voters give his party their mandate in the next election, it would amend the 2007 Constitution because it was designed to facilitate victory for one particular party.

- The Nation

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