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1 minute ago, RayC said:


Achievements include reintroducing blue passports; suggesting that imperial measurements might be used instead of metric and the 'jewel in the crown' (pun intended), enabling businesses to use a crown symbol on pint glasses.



No, E.U rules were dropped stating which units of measurement needed to be used and people are free to use whatever measurement units they want and as far as I can see, there has been no change in the measurements people use  and a crown on pint glasses is an irrelevant aspect

31 minutes ago, RayC said:

It simply isn't true to say that membership of the EU would have prevented the UK following a vaccination programme of its' own choosing.

We had to make out own vaccine for our own people , had Germany invented a vaccine first , we would have had to wait months for it to be approved and it would have meant many people dying 

10 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

We had to make out own vaccine for our own people , had Germany invented a vaccine first , we would have had to wait months for it to be approved and it would have meant many people dying 

I don’t think ‘we’ did anything of the sort.


Some very clever people who undoubtedly included a number of foreigners did some very clever stuff using scientific advances made by other very clever people who undoubtedly a very large number of foreigners.


Brexit cutting the UK out of EU scientific research programs isn’t going to help a repeat performance should the need arise.



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18 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No, E.U rules were dropped stating which units of measurement needed to be used and people are free to use whatever measurement units they want and as far as I can see, there has been no change in the measurements people use  and a crown on pint glasses is an irrelevant aspect

Well yes, Brexit at its finest.


  • Like 2
6 hours ago, JonnyF said:



The people had their say in a Democratic vote. We voted to leave the failing federalist project and we have left and we will NOT be returning. 


Of course, Remainers/Rejoiners will blame Brexit for the worldwide recession, the Covid lockdown fallout, the war in Ukraine, climate change etc. for the next 50 years ????.

Still in denial because like the coward Cameron your too much of a coward to admit to the consequences of your actions. 


1 minute ago, salavan said:

Still in denial because like the coward Cameron your too much of a coward to admit to the consequences of your actions. 


There really is no need to such a confrontational attitude , it will just lead to arguments 


People who left the U.K to live abroad now trying to advise people who are  living in the U.K what would be best for them and the Country ????

   Here in the UK it is all done and dusted and the Country has moved on and not much has changed , the only noticeable difference is the lack of young Europeans , backpacker/digital nomad types , (similar to the Kao San Road mob) roaming around looking for accommodation and jobs and generally making the place look untidy

53 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No, E.U rules were dropped stating which units of measurement needed to be used and people are free to use whatever measurement units they want and as far as I can see, there has been no change in the measurements people use  and a crown on pint glasses is an irrelevant aspect

"No" what exactly?


When the UK was part of the EU it was obliged to use the metric system. However, there were exceptions to this rule e.g. pints for beer (or spirits!). Retailers were also free to use imperial units alongside the metric measurement.


Post-Brexit retailers can now use imperial measurements in splendid isolation.


Forgive me for being underwhelmed by this achievement.

  • Like 1
22 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

People who left the U.K to live abroad now trying to advise people who are  living in the U.K what would be best for them and the Country ????

   Here in the UK it is all done and dusted and the Country has moved on and not much has changed , the only noticeable difference is the lack of young Europeans , backpacker/digital nomad types , (similar to the Kao San Road mob) roaming around looking for accommodation and jobs and generally making the place look untidy

Oh, so now expats aren’t allowed an opinion on the matter.


Makes me wonder why you joined an expat forum then started discussing stuff you think expats shouldn’t be allowed an opinion on.

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3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

People who left the U.K to live abroad now trying to advise people who are  living in the U.K what would be best for them and the Country ????

The irony isn't lost on me. In 2016 I had been living in Belgium for 15 years. I did not have a vote on an issue which had a direct impact on my life. A Brit living in Thailand for less than 5 years - the majority of whom seemed to be Brexiters - were eligible to vote. Am I still bitter? Yep.


3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

   Here in the UK it is all done and dusted

As has pointed out on numerous occasions, it is far from done and dusted e.g. the Protocol, the service industries, etc.


3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

and the Country has moved on

That may be your experience. It's not mine.


3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

 and not much has changed ,

For the person working on the shop floor who never travels to the EU that might be true. Alternatively, that shop floor employee might have worked for a company trading with an EU member state. That business may have been negatively affected by Brexit and the employee might have been made redundant.


3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:


the only noticeable difference is the lack of young Europeans , backpacker/digital nomad types , (similar to the Kao San Road mob) roaming around looking for accommodation and jobs and generally making the place look untidy

Your part of the country must attract a different type of young European to mine (South London). Those I come into contact with are charming (although I agree, unfortunately, there appear to be fewer of them).

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
35 minutes ago, RayC said:

"No" what exactly?


When the UK was part of the EU it was obliged to use the metric system. However, there were exceptions to this rule e.g. pints for beer (or spirits!). Retailers were also free to use imperial units alongside the metric measurement.


Post-Brexit retailers can now use imperial measurements in splendid isolation.


Forgive me for being underwhelmed by this achievement.

My point was that Brexit wasn't about the U.K using Imperial measurements , people in the U.K who voted Leave didn't vote that way to get Imperial measurements back .

    The E.U rules were removed and thats why people can use Imperial if they want , but it seems like no one wants to go back to Imperial measurements .

   Its a minor irrelevant point that no one is bothered or concerned about


55 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

People who left the U.K to live abroad now trying to advise people who are  living in the U.K what would be best for them and the Country ????

   Here in the UK it is all done and dusted and the Country has moved on and not much has changed , the only noticeable difference is the lack of young Europeans , backpacker/digital nomad types , (similar to the Kao San Road mob) roaming around looking for accommodation and jobs and generally making the place look untidy

You had time to post but not to respond to the excellent points made by JohhnyBangkok that ripped your broad brush generalisations to shreds.  Do you have no reply to him?

  • Like 2
3 minutes ago, RayC said:

I agree completely: It is a minor irrelevant point.


However, my point is that the UK government deem it of sufficient worth to warrant a mention as an "achievement" in an official UK government publication! 



Could you post a link to that ?

1 minute ago, RayC said:

Cherry picking to the extreme there.

So there's a 100 page document .

100 pages listing  changes in the U.K since leaving the E.U .

Hundreds, maybe Thousands of different issues pointed out.

Covering numerous different issues , covering all aspects of life in the U.K and you pick out one little issue like the colour of the passport !!!!!!!!!!

   The passport mention was one small mention in a huge list of other mentions about various subjects 



34 minutes ago, Slip said:

You had time to post but not to respond to the excellent points made by JohhnyBangkok that ripped your broad brush generalisations to shreds.  Do you have no reply to him?

As he was going an about "anti vaxxer nonsense" and "bloodclots " , as an unvaccinated person myself, I didnt want to veer off topic as this thread isn't about Covid

25 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Cherry picking to the extreme there.

So there's a 100 page document .

100 pages listing  changes in the U.K since leaving the E.U .

Hundreds, maybe Thousands of different issues pointed out.

Covering numerous different issues , covering all aspects of life in the U.K and you pick out one little issue like the colour of the passport !!!!!!!!!!

   The passport mention was one small mention in a huge list of other mentions about various subjects 



Did it mention ‘sunlit uplands’ and when they might show up?

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1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Cherry picking to the extreme there.

(In future, could you please read previous posts in the thread. I have commented on this government publication earlier. Thanks.) Anyway ...


Yes, it is cherry picking. However, feel free to pick something you consider more substantial from that document and I will try to address it.


1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

So there's a 100 page document .

100 pages listing  changes in the U.K since leaving the E.U .

Hundreds, maybe Thousands of different issues pointed out.

Covering numerous different issues , covering all aspects of life in the U.K and you pick out one little issue like the colour of the passport !!!!!!!!!!

I'll repeat what I posted previously: I read pages 5 - 18. That was enough for me. There was little that was quantifiable in those 14 pages. Most of the items amounted to a 'Wish list'. Very little has been achieved. Presumably, this explains the need to pad out things with nonsense about crowns on pint glasses?


1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

   The passport mention was one small mention in a huge list of other mentions about various subjects 



Covered above.



  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, RayC said:

(In future, could you please read previous posts in the thread. I have commented on this government publication earlier. Thanks.) Anyway ...



I was commenting and replying to the post I quoted , rather than commenting on any previous posts .

   You made the implication that the U.K published a report solely to highlight the UKs passports have changed colour , as as it was some kind of tremendous achievement of Brexit that the UK Gov had to make an announcement .

   The reality was that the UK Gov published a 100 page report detailing the changes and the passport issue was a minor change .

   You was being deceptive in making the suggestion that the UK published a report stating the passport colour change  because you failed to mention the other 100 pages of the report 

1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I was commenting and replying to the post I quoted , rather than commenting on any previous posts .

Then you shouldn't have taken the original post and used it out of context


1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

   You made the implication that the U.K published a report solely to highlight the UKs passports have changed colour ,

How on earth can you possibly reach this conclusion? (see my original post at the bottom of this post).


1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

as as it was some kind of tremendous achievement of Brexit that the UK Gov had to make an announcement .

It's in the bloody report!!! Unless someone is extracting the urine, the government thought that it was worth publishing.


1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

   The reality was that the UK Gov published a 100 page report detailing the changes and the passport issue was a minor change .

Maybe there is. As I keep saying, I gave up at p.20. Maybe you could point out any interesting bits further on in the document?


1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

   You was being deceptive in making the suggestion that the UK published a report stating the passport colour change  because you failed to mention the other 100 pages of the report 

Not for the first time, you are being selective and pedantic. It seems like you've also decided to throw flawed logic into the mix this time as well!!


Please explain how you can accuse me of being deceptive based on my original post? (given below IN FULL, together with KhunLA's post for completeness)




  8 hours ago, KhunLA said:

I started on p.5 and got to p.20 before giving up.


Achievements include reintroducing blue passports; suggesting that imperial measurements might be used instead of metric and the 'jewel in the crown' (pun intended), enabling businesses to use a crown symbol on pint glasses.


And to think that the government of the UK allowed such banality to be published under its' name.

  • Like 1
29 minutes ago, RayC said:



Achievements include reintroducing blue passports; suggesting that imperial measurements might be used instead of metric and the 'jewel in the crown' (pun intended), enabling businesses to use a crown symbol on pint glasses.


And to think that the government of the UK allowed such banality to be published under its' name.

Well in the 100 page report the Gov listed all of the changes since Brexit and it stated that the new Blue British passports are the most technically advanced and with zero carbon footprint and you ignored all info above and just concentrated on one word "Blue"

    Yes, the passport colour has changed  , should that not be mentioned in listing ALL the changes , just mention the new high security passports with zero carbon footprint without mentioning the change of colour ?

   A 100 page A4 sized report....................and you concentrate on ONE word BLUE




Reintroduced our iconic  blue passports.   All new British passports are now     blue, a return to their original appearance, with the colour first introduced in 1921,            and updated to be the most technologically      -advanced and secure British passports    ever, with the carbon footprint from their manufacture reduced to net zero.          

  • Like 1
13 hours ago, RayC said:

Fair play to you for at least trying to justify Brexit with some evidence in this thread.


However, in this particular instance it's a bit disingenuous to suggest that these 71 trade deals were somehow a consequence of Brexit. They were almost entirely roll-overs. The Brexit achievements amount to a slightly wider ranging deal with Japan, deals with Oz and NZ which seem to favour them more than us and some deals with a handful of islands with whom we have next to no trade.


I don't understand how you can dismiss trade relations with the world's biggest economy in such an apparently flippant manner.

That's right, we simply rolled over the trade deals without being in the EU. Countries don't care whether we're in that silly club, they just want to do business with us.


Having said that, you can have huge trade relations without trade deals anyway. The EU and the US is a good example.

13 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Is that all you've got as I can come up with stats that say exactly the opposite?

  • U.K. unemployment rate for 2021 was 4.53%, a 0.05% increase from 2020.
  • U.K. unemployment rate for 2020 was 4.47%, a 0.73% increase from 2019.
  • U.K. unemployment rate for 2019 was 3.74%, a 0.26% decline from 2018.
  • U.K. unemployment rate for 2018 was 4.00%, a 0.33% decline from 2017.



And obvioulsy unemployment is going down now as, you know, worldwide pandemic and all that.



And is that the only reply you are going to offer? Are you just going to ignore the other 6 points the YOU raised?

My source is the office for national statistics. Never heard of Macrotrends...


Couldn't be bothered with the other 6 points, since they were flippant comments which basically amounted to "The EU had zero control over you when you were in the EU" which is not really worthy of a reply. The only one you provided any evidence for, I debunked.

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