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Antony Blinken in Jerusalem: Urgent steps needed for calm


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

It's not necessary to believe in the old testament to support Zionism. The origins of Zionism are political not religious. It was a very rational and very necessary response to the fact that the Jewish people had been persecuted for thousands of years in the diaspora so the solution was seeking the power of a nation state in a Jewish homeland. Yes it didn't need to be where it is to meet that goal.. It could have been in Uganda, Arizona, or some other place. But it is in Israel and being in the ancient homeland of the Jewish people brings with it pros and cons. 

Having a homeland in modern Israel would probably never have been a problem if the Israelis had not viewed themselves as the only true owners of the land of Israel. The illegal settlements prove that.

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2 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Having a homeland in modern Israel would probably never have been a problem if the Israelis had not viewed themselves as the only true owners of the land of Israel. The illegal settlements prove that.

If that is true, then how do you explain the 2 million Palestinian muslims who are also full citizens of Israel? A racist or apartheid government surely would have expelled them long ago. Much like the Jews were expelled from nearly every Arab/Muslim country in Africa and the Middle East. 

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Arabs in the region never have and never would have agreed to the establishment of a Zionist state in Israel. To suggest otherwise is totally ridiculous and obnoxiius misinformation. The early Zionist movement settlers thought they could build their new homeland gradually and succeed over time. They bought a lot of land from the Arabs who sold it willingly for the reasons anyone sells anything. During WW2 before Israel was a state the Grand Muslim Mufti of Jerusalem moved to Berlin and got a promise from Hitler to exterminate all the Jews in the middle east which Hitler could not fulfill because he lost the war. 

Edited by Jingthing
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