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Scientists revived a 'zombie' virus frozen for 48,500 years in ice. They learned it could still infect other cells.


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13 new viruses found and 7 classified as Pandovirus which are a category of giant virus (DNA). Other categories were Mega-,Pitho-,Cedrat-, and Pacmanvirus...(I was reading the February science paper just recently.).

However, it doesn't come as any surprise since it has been widely thought that once permafrost stated thawing micro-life would be found. Pandovirus is not thought to be dangerous to human but do infect Amoeba. I know there are members here with knowledge of the micro-world so perhaps they know more. 

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I think the news blip should have stated ... they found "another zombie virus", to compliment the genetic zombie virus already in humans.   Symptoms being believing everything their govt, MSM & drug manufacturers tell them.

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33 minutes ago, Lorenzo Valla said:

It's interesting that Yahoo News and Business Insider, both decided to reword a very important part of the original CNN piece....wonder why?


"In 2014, he managed to revive a virus he and his team isolated from the permafrost, making it infectious for the first time in 30,000 years by inserting it into cultured cells. For safety, he’d chosen to study a virus that could only target single-celled amoebas, not animals or humans."




What could go wrong?  ????

Both are full of click & scare. Here is a similar lay article from of a science website. Read it and see if you can see the difference. No scare, more facts. And pictures!


Phys.org: Ancient dormant viruses found in permafrost


Warning, disturbing images: Neolithic Mega-viruses eat lifeforms!




Edited by rabas
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17 minutes ago, rabas said:

Both are full of click & scare. Here is a similar lay article from of a science website. Read it and see if you can see the difference. No scare, more facts. And pictures!


Phys.org: Ancient dormant viruses found in permafrost


Warning, disturbing images: Neolithic Mega-viruses eat lifeforms!

Is fear of the revival of dangerous viruses unfounded? From the article you linked to:

"The researchers suggest their findings hint at a much bigger problem—as the planet warms and the permafrost melts, there is a chance of viruses emerging that are capable of infecting humans. Such a threat is not science fiction, they note—prior researchers found influenza viruses in a lung sample of a woman who had died in Alaska during the flu pandemic of 1918. And another team found a virus related to smallpox in a mummified woman found in Siberia—she had been there for 300 years."



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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

Is fear of the revival of dangerous viruses unfounded? From the article you linked to:

"The researchers suggest their findings hint at a much bigger problem—as the planet warms and the permafrost melts, there is a chance of viruses emerging that are capable of infecting humans. Such a threat is not science fiction, they note—prior researchers found influenza viruses in a lung sample of a woman who had died in Alaska during the flu pandemic of 1918. And another team found a virus related to smallpox in a mummified woman found in Siberia—she had been there for 300 years."



You referenced the same article I posted so the conclusions must be the same! No one said fear was unfounded. I trust scientists more than Yahoo or BI.


Such articles are also not new. From 2016, Scientific American: As Earth Warms, the Diseases That May Lie within Permafrost Become a Bigger Worry


In 2014, Scientific American also asked: Could the Next Lab Accident Result in a Pandemic? Lots to worry about.


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22 minutes ago, rabas said:

In 2014, Scientific American also asked: Could the Next Lab Accident Result in a Pandemic? Lots to worry about.

Humans will definitely bring about their own demise.  I think MMGW & Seas rising is the least of our concerns.   There's a reason weaponizing (gain of function) research is illegal on US soil.  You only do that for 1 reason.


Drinking water will soon become the next overprice/gouged necessity in the not too distance future.  


It's obvious, there's too man people on the planet now ...  surely 'they' are working on a solution, that will benefit 'them'.


'they & them' ... not used as pronouns for those wishing to live an alterative lifestyle, though does not exclude them from being part of those people.

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The papers that I've read from 'scholarly' journals on this subject, show the authors being aware of problems. It is is already known that such viruses as Poxvirus, Herpes  etc., have been found in frozen Arctic sediments and so there is a question of what might be found on further permafrost thawing. The giant viruses can only infect cells by phagocytosis (and not like the viruses that stay outside and inject). Phagocytosis is also part of an immune system mechanism.

However, In my view a problem is more likely to arise when a frozen animal (say Mammoth, also in the news a while back) is allowed to thaw out in some lab. If there are unknown pathogens in the animal's system there may be a risk of contamination. I mentioned the Mammoth because the lab would have to be a very big one especially when considering security issues.

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