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Durham report finds FBI probe into Trump-Russia ties was flawed

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A long-awaited report has strongly criticised the FBI's handling of its investigation into alleged ties between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign.

In a 306-page report, special counsel John Durham said the agency's inquiry had lacked "analytical rigor".

He concluded the FBI had not possessed "actual evidence" of collusion between Donald Trump's campaign and Russia before launching an inquiry.

The FBI said it had addressed the issues highlighted in the report.

In the report, Mr Durham - who was appointed by then-Attorney General William Barr in 2019 - accused the FBI of acting on "raw, unanalysed and uncorroborated intelligence".

Among the investigative mistakes it made were repeated instances of "confirmation bias", in which it ignored information that undercut the initial premise of the investigation.

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22 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Republican opinions in the report that oddly look a lot like the Republican accusations that promoted the report in the first place.


Meanwhile zero ‘Deep State’ plot against Trump and no crimes discovered.


This Republican accusation of ‘confirmation bias’ looks a lot like a confession.





“ No crimes discovered”

Got kevin klinesmith!

Edited by riclag
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Again, big threats with promises of retribution.  And what is the payoff?  A hacked email of minor consequence.

Like their intense voter fraud investigations, they turn up some incel who voted on his dead mother's ballot -- for DT.

And these are the fascists masterminds who are going to control the country?



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6 hours ago, riclag said:

I grew up fearing nuclear attacks .In the 50’s and  60’s we had air raid drills in school!

I was visiting Fla  at the time of the Cuban / Russian missile crisis , we had to cut our holiday short and drive back to our home a thousand miles away.

My point is Trump was the first person that I can ever recall saying ,Cant we get along with Russia !

It made sense than and it makes sense now! No wars and getting along to get along is my preference!

Did you experience fear of a nuke attack in your country?





I to grew up with that threat always lurking in the back of my mind,the photo is of trumps first day in office we’re he hosted the russans in the oval WITHOUT any USA representatives then he trotted down to Langley and trolled the CIA and the country in front of the wall of stars (representing the patriots that died protecting us) my point being is trump is a fraud and a conn with all due respect you are mistaken in placing your trust in him he’s proven himself un worthy many times over this particular incident is just more proof of that.ideally the Russians people would get a decent government so they could reach their potential and live peacefully with their neighbors 

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