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Mike Pence has sudden change of heart over Trump classified documents: ‘I can’t defend it’


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I mentioned it in another thread about the indictment but it really looks like for the first time a lot of supporters are turning away from Trump after seeing the indictment. Even his own lawyers did it. Then he tried to get a few high profile law firms on bord and collected a bunch of declines. A lot of his supporters are on the right of the political spectrum and when it comes to putting the nation at risk they also can agree that's a no-no.

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Better late than never hopefully more will join in.Personally I’m horrified at the danger trump put our country and national security at risk no excuses none nada zip it is ill relevant it someone thinks there’s some 2 tiered system of persecution trump has gravely and willfully exposed our national security then tryed to hide that fact and steal the material……..come on republicans get on the correct side of history and honor your oath of office ……

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8 hours ago, eisfeld said:

I mentioned it in another thread about the indictment but it really looks like for the first time a lot of supporters are turning away from Trump after seeing the indictment. Even his own lawyers did it. Then he tried to get a few high profile law firms on bord and collected a bunch of declines. A lot of his supporters are on the right of the political spectrum and when it comes to putting the nation at risk they also can agree that's a no-no.

Yet there are a few, who even post here, that are in total denial. Making claims that u Der the PRA he could have the documents he had and can show them to whomever he likes.  To think this way means they have been fooled completely by the snake salesman, just like in the old days when they would claiming the elixir would cure all ills...


These folks believe Trump walks on water. Well I am sure he will still be stoking the flames from below after he departs this earth

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5 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Yet there are a few, who even post here, that are in total denial. Making claims that u Der the PRA he could have the documents he had and can show them to whomever he likes.  To think this way means they have been fooled completely by the snake salesman, just like in the old days when they would claiming the elixir would cure all ills...


These folks believe Trump walks on water. Well I am sure he will still be stoking the flames from below after he departs this earth

Well Trump did once say, "I could shoot somebody and I still wouldn't lose any voters"


How right he is.

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Mike Pence judging wind direction hourly, and with 'Mother's' approval, barely dinging trump.


This putz had months to stifle the delegitimization of the 2020 election, and only grew a pair at the last moment. He could have broken with trump shortly after the election, and all but guaranteed a decent shot at the POTUS in 2024, but no, he sniveled his way right up until Jan. 6. And even after that he was trump's stooge. He's weak, unprincipled and easily manipulated, that's why Manafort chose him.



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