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Mocking "white people food" trending in China -- "If such a meal is to extend life, what is the meaning of life?"


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On 6/21/2023 at 6:47 PM, Lemsta69 said:

“Another netizen says that the point of eating boring white people’s food like crackers, sliced cheese, and sliced ham is to understand what it feels like to be dead.”

Looking at some of the pictures in the article, I am not sure that I disagree.


However, this article is obviously out to polarize, and looking at the comments here, it was successful.

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47 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Very pleased to know that you are still alive and kicking. 


But I had once imagined that you would never leave Thailand. 


This just seems to be additional proof that those, such as you, who come to Asia too late in life are unable to hack the food, for the duration. 


Fortunately, unlike you, I came to Asia even before returning to the USA to attend university... 


Therefore, I, unlike you, find Asian fare completely digestible. 


I do not pine for American Beef., and range-fed Thai girls carry far less fat. 


Still, there is MUCH to be said for Georgian country girls, raised on cornbread and grits. When they pull up to the Waffle House, in Southern USA, and sit at the counter, they require TWO swivel stools, one for each cheek. 


And, it's just not so Politically Correct for one girl to occupy two bar stools at the Waffle House, while much of our world remains food deprived. 


It's been over 20 years since I have eaten at a food franchise. 




40 years ago, I began reading good books by Noam Chomsky. Each to his own taste in books and food. 


I liken reading Chompsky to sucking on a Keefer Lime... 


HEAVENLY and Envigorating. 


These days, I do not buy lemons. 


Keefer Lime juice is for me. 


MAGROOT is Good! 





It is not a question of "leaving" . Look at the signature "constant Intl travel"

I have never been to a Cracker Barrel or Long John Silvers for sure. Yes to Waffle House, Carls Jr, BK, MCD and In and Out (overrated)  Liked Del Taco, only in Southern California as I know.

I'm not sure if I have ever been to an Arby's.


The advertisements on the tv are appetizing. If I want fast food I would eat a kebab. Arby's offer gyros now . My kind of Georgian country girls don't shave anything and eat khinkali and  khachapuri adjaruli.


Nationalism has a way of oppressing others - Noam Chomsky

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7 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

It is not a question of "leaving" . Look at the signature "constant Intl travel"

I have never been to a Cracker Barrel or Long John Silvers for sure. Yes to Waffle House, Carls Jr, BK, MCD and In and Out (overrated)  Liked Del Taco, only in Southern California as I know.

I'm not sure if I have ever been to an Arby's.


The advertisements on the tv are appetizing. If I want fast food I would eat a kebab. Arby's offer gyros now . My kind of Georgian country girls don't shave anything and eat khinkali and  khachapuri adjaruli.


Nationalism has a way of oppressing others - Noam Chomsky


But, I know a Princeton Man when I read him, even without his tie.


Anyway: best wishes!


(Nationalism will always rear its head, if Man is alive.)





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20 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

It is not a question of "leaving" . Look at the signature "constant Intl travel"

I have never been to a Cracker Barrel or Long John Silvers for sure. Yes to Waffle House, Carls Jr, BK, MCD and In and Out (overrated)  Liked Del Taco, only in Southern California as I know.

I'm not sure if I have ever been to an Arby's.


The advertisements on the tv are appetizing. If I want fast food I would eat a kebab. Arby's offer gyros now . My kind of Georgian country girls don't shave anything and eat khinkali and  khachapuri adjaruli.


Nationalism has a way of oppressing others - Noam Chomsky

Khinkali is nothing but Chinese food with another name....XIAOLONGBAO, on which I thrived for years...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaolongbao


The Chinese may have invented dumplings, for all we know.


The thing is...

Chomsky, even though he might fail, still always seems to strive for an apolitical conclusion to any argument. He's sort of like a Jewish Rabbi following an argument to its conclusion.


Chomsky would not like to be called LEFT- or RIGH-leaning.


Sometimes, those of us who often agree with Chomsky are subjected to derision in an attempt to make us feel stupid and naïve.


The only thing I never thought about, until just this moment, is:  What do you think Chomsky eats for breakfast?


Bagels and Lox?






Chomsky is now 94.

I hope he gets to 95, if he eats like this!





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1 minute ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Khinkali is nothing but Chinese food with another name....XIAOLONGBAO, on which I thrived for years...  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaolongbao


The Chinese may have invented dumplings, for all we know.


The thing is...

Chomsky, even though he might fail, still always seems to strive for an apolitical conclusion to any argument. He's sort of like a Jewish Rabbi following an argument to its conclusion.


Chomsky would not like to be called LEFT- or RIGH-leaning.


Sometimes, those of us who often agree with Chomsky are subjected to derision in an attempt to make us feel stupid and naïve.


The only thing I never thought about, until just this moment, is:  What do you think Chomsky eats for breakfast?


Bagels and Lox?






Chomsky is now 94.

I hope he gets to 95, if he eats like this!





Keep Calm, Mister.



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When the Doomsday Clock FINALLY gets to Midnight....then...


What do you think WHITE MEN might eat, as their last meal?



First, they will require a Breakfast of Champions!




After savoring their cherries and sprinkles, (and bananas), they will don their helmets and board their B-52s...



The only question might be:


Which country, America or China, has the most powerful Breakfast Cereal?





Tony the Tiger?




"One of the reasons Tony has remain so popular with kids and parents is because of the message he teaches children: Work Hard, Eat Right, and Earn Your Stripes. He has received the help of professional athletes including Tony Hawk and Mia Hamm to tell kids that if you try new things and practice hard, you will become a better athlete."




Never fear:  America will DESTROY China with exports of SUGAR Snacks, laced with salt.


No need for the B-52s...







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1 hour ago, jts-khorat said:

Looking at some of the pictures in the article, I am not sure that I disagree.


However, this article is obviously out to polarize, and looking at the comments here, it was successful.

I hope that you found my comments completely NEUTRAL.


I never seek, nor wish, to be a polarizing influence here.


(If you want to be on a 100-percent cane sugar diet, then who am I to argue against this?



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As we all know, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC run by the CCP) and the United States of America are locked in a fierce battle for the Hearts and Minds of the 8 Billion People on our planet, some of whom might be calorie deprived, or even water deprived.


Therefore, we might ask, who will win?

America or China?


First, we should consider the breakfasts of the leaders of these two countries:


America's BIDEN:


What is his breakfast?


Biden says:  


"The guys who run the kitchen on the second floor, we don't have them come in to do breakfast works, because there's no need for them to have to do breakfast, whereas we can make our own eggs or pour a bowl of cereal." 


BUT, do you believe what he says?





China's XI:


What does Xi Jinping REALLY eat for breakfast?






He seems to love FONDUE, morning, noon, and night.


AND, there is NO SALAD in sight!


So much for this myth that the Chinese trend-setting guys are eating salads.


IN FACT. you just need to look at the girth of this guy to know that he is not interested in salads.


And, why would anyone STRUGGLE so hard, like Xi, even in a Cultural Revolutionary Struggle Session, denouncing the "class enemies", if one could not, FINALLY, enjoy some French Fondue?


((What is a Struggle Session during the Cultural Revolution?  This was when, in China, people criticized others for eating French food, as well as other things like playing a violin.))


China, these days, still remains a total ANIMAL FARM.


But, at least, Chinese leaders are able to eat French Fondue, without undue criticism, since they control all media in their country.


They can now eat what they like.


Who will win hearts and minds?

This just depends on the fondue and the cheese being served up.




Edited by GammaGlobulin
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When we consider this worthy topic, and it is worthy, we must also recognize that MOST people in China, due to XI's Great Firewall, probably know very little about what a salad might be.


They think a salad is, LIKE, a tomato and a radish, with a dollop of mayonnaise.


OR, when they think of a salad, they might think of the Roman salad made famous by Caesar.


But, have they ever eaten a Caesar salad as it was originally served up to Caesar?  No!


Most people hate salads UNLESS they are flooded with Croutons!


I DEFY anyone, Chinese people or Republicans, to turn up their noses at this salad with EXTRA croutons...






The real trick with making a salad tasty is to HIDE the lettuce.


And then, add plenty of high-calorie sauce.


And then down each bite with a sip of wine.


Most Chinese from QINGHAI Province, for example, have never even tasted a good salad.


Of the Chinese from Qinghai Province, many are political prisoners who have never even heard of a man named Julius Caesar, the greatest chef of ancient Rome.


Just please keep in mind that, when you have 1.4 billion people under an oppressive Marxist-Leninist regime with more power than the world has ever known, then.... You just cannot trust any polls coming out of China.



IN ACTUALLITY:  The people of China are extremely intelligent. People in China are JUST AS aware, as you and me, of our world, and also aware of their own circumstance compared to the west.


And, IN FACT, most Chinese people are MORE familiar and cognizant of the "WESTERN WORLD" and "WESTERN CULTURE" than you will EVER be knowledgeable of anything in China, unless you move there for a very long time.




After spending most of my life in China, I cannot agree that they are inscrutable.


I only think that people from the west who report on China are, sometimes, very obtuse.


But, mark my words....


I am, certainly...no....


China Hand











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On 6/21/2023 at 11:16 PM, Jingthing said:

Like Cool Whip sandwiches on Wonder bread, mayo macaroni salad, little weiner sausages from a bottle, Jello mold with whipped cream, Tang, etc.

Why would you want to pretend that the food White people eat is restricted to some random junk food?

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On 6/22/2023 at 5:26 PM, Jingthing said:

No, that's what I grew up thinking white people food is. Not what Chinese think.

Why?  You never met any White people?


Is this one of those "White people have no culture" type things where everything that comes from White people is so normalised that it isn't attributed to them?

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On 6/22/2023 at 12:47 AM, Mac Mickmanus said:
On 6/21/2023 at 11:45 PM, chickenslegs said:

"The point of the white people's meal is to learn what it feels like to be dead, but I've taken two bites and it was so bad it made me realize how alive I am," wrote one poster who tried a serving of plain crackers, cheese, and ham.

That's a bit like getting plain boiled  rice with Plain boiled noodles on top and seaweed on top of that and serving it to a White person and asking them how they like Yellow peoples food

It kind of makes you wonder if they're being slightly racist.  Looking for a reason to sh*t on Westerners.  Obviously China has form in this area.  They're certainly not being particularly honest.


Cheese and crackers is not exactly exciting, but if the cheese is good and the crackers not stale, they should taste nice.


As you say, it wouldn't be hard to get some plain rice or unflavoured noodles and say how bland they are.

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On 6/21/2023 at 11:47 PM, Lemsta69 said:

“Another netizen says that the point of eating boring white people’s food like crackers, sliced cheese, and sliced ham is to understand what it feels like to be dead.”


Crackers, cheese and ham is yummy! If they think it's bland then maybe that's because they've ruined their taste buds with too much chili and soy sauce ????

Perhaps they used deliberately poor quality ham and cheese.  They aren't exactly common in Asia.


Cheese is obviously tasty, unless it's sh*tty cheese.


Just racism.

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22 hours ago, JimTripper said:

White people food in the USA is basically Walmart food. It’s what you get at the Walmart super center. Kind of boring unnutricious stuff that’s filling but has little nutrition. You need to keep buying more each time because it has no nutrition and your body says it’s hungry again even though your eating a lot of calories.

White people only eat junk food from Walmart in the USA?  I find that unlikely.


European people have a broad range of different types of food and are no way restricted to processed junk food.

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Everything you know has it's origins in Asia and other non-Euro locales. 

Ain't historical diffusion grand....and twisted into a superlative grandeur. 



In the meanwhile, might be to your best and collective interests to get over yourselves. 



So it is.

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18 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

Perhaps they used deliberately poor quality ham and cheese.  They aren't exactly common in Asia.


Cheese is obviously tasty, unless it's sh*tty cheese.


Just racism.

Yeah I saw those pictures and it did look pretty cr*ppy, not like the good stuff you can get in the West. 


I was just having a laugh anyway, I read this story elsewhere before JT posted it and I'm not overly fussed. They're not the only nation to look down on other countries cuisines, heck I do it myself ????

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16 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

When we consider this worthy topic, and it is worthy, we must also recognize that MOST people in China, due to XI's Great Firewall, probably know very little about what a salad might be.

The great firewall doesn't discriminate against salads.  I can honestly say during my 15 years in 'red' China, I never needed a VPN to find salad making instructions, nor has salad been pixilated in movies.


Yes, the Chinese know salads, but they aren't too keen on eating raw vegetables.  Something to do with the nightsoil commonly used on the lettuce perhaps?


The problem the Chinese have with western food, is they don't have many real, authentic western restaurants.  Some Zhou will open a restaurant featuring western meals, but he has no experience, probably only ever had Scottish food at the local MacDonald's.


He copies a menu off the internet, gives some photos to the cooks, and says make this.  They prepare food that looks western, but tastes alien.  I can confirm spaghetti made with ketchup, pizza with vegetable oil instead of pizza sauce, and poor cuts of meat smothered with pepper sauce and labeled steak.

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