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Antifungal nail polish ciclopirox in Thailand? Or other alternatives for someone with immune system problems


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Does anyone know if ciclopirox-based antifungal nail polish is available in Thailand?


I'm looking for options to treat toenail fungus. I was prescibed oral ketoconazole from the hospital, but after reading online this seems like a very harsh drug that is not recommended by US or EU doctors. I bought some Terfinabine instead which is the most popular oral medication, but had to stop immediately as I have problems with my immune system. This drug reduces white blood cells, which cause trouble to me within a week. 

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Hej. I Can give you a free nok toxic advice. And it works better than the medication. 
You take fresh garlic and crush it to a paste. Apply it on your toenails everyday and in about 14 days it does the trick. 

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Ciclopirox is nto available here.


Anti-fungal nail lacquer that is available, is Amorolfine  (Loceryl) but must be gotten from a hospital or clinic. I recommend this place:



It in any case works better if nails are mechanically abraded first, which clinic  can do (painless). Without that it is difficult for the medication to penetrate the nail layer effectively.


Be sure to wear only open toed shoes with no socks. Vinegar soaks daily are also helpful (regular cheap white vinegar works fine).

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1 hour ago, mstevens said:

Tea tree oil works really well to clear nail fungus. I've never bought it in Thailand but if you can find it, it's very effective.

No idea if it works, but tree tea oil is readily available on Lazada, Shopee and from iHerb


(A review on Amazon say it takes ua year to work; another that it does nto work at all. )


Personally I'd go to the podiatry clinic I listed previously -- as I did, years back, when I had this problem.

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18 hours ago, froggy1 said:

I'm looking for options to treat toenail fungus.

Change socks often.  Own many pairs of shoes to not wear the same shoes every day so they can dry thoroughly. And put baking soda in the shoes after wear.  Wear sandals and expose the toenail to the sun as much as possible. 


my suggestion is to attack the toenail fungus with multiple natural remedies, simultaneously or alternate between different ones. 


but be extremely patient as it may take months and months and months, maybe even an entire year.


There are multiple options available, but not all of them work for everyone, and I believe there are different types of fungus: 


Research some of these and consider:


1) Tea tree oil drops / Oregano oil drops (there are other essential oils, oregano is more expensive, maybe tea tree is the best)


2) Foot soaks



Listerine has anti-fungal properties


Vinegar foot soaks


Foot soaks containing baking soda, epsom salts, and 3% hydrogen peroxide

https://justfootankle.com/blog/treat-fungal-toenails/#:~:text=Baking soda.&text=In addition to treating the,four cups of hot water.


Iodine (or Povidone Iodine) may be effective for some people



If you google, you may find more remedies that may work. 

Google "natural remedies" for toenail fungus. 


Also, you may want to have the nail filed down by a podiatrist to make it thinner so the remedies penetrate the nail more easily and are more effective.


After several months of treatment, the tips of the nail may get brittle and break easily. And this is good because you can cut the nail further back and the treatments will get under the nail more easily. 


Also, regarding the foot soaks, I recommend that even after the toenail fungus is cured, you keep doing them every night forever as much as possible to prevent reoccurence and also to prevent athlete's foot. 




Edited by save the frogs
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Just now, Netease said:

I used it for years takes about a month but be ware your nails and feet will go black until the fungus and dead skin is gone

I forgot you don't take it you soak your feet or hands in warm water with a quarter teaspoon of powder 

It is the same product some Thais use to clean vegetables from chemicals l0


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I asked ChatGPT ....

ChatGPT is not always reliable and it basically gets its information from the internet.


What is the best natural remedy for toenail fungus?



While I am not a medical professional, I can provide you with some commonly suggested natural remedies for toenail fungus. However, it's important to note that these remedies may not be as effective as prescription medications and it's always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. 1. Tea tree oil: Known for its antifungal properties, applying tea tree oil directly to the affected nail may help combat the fungus. 2. Apple cider vinegar: Its acidity can create an inhospitable environment for fungi. Soaking the affected foot in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water may provide some relief. 3. Garlic: Crushed garlic contains a compound called allicin, which has antifungal properties. Applying crushed garlic or garlic oil to the affected area may help fight toenail fungus. 4. Oregano oil: With antifungal and antibacterial properties, oregano oil can be applied topically to the affected nail or taken orally in capsule form. 5. Coconut oil: The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil have been shown to have antifungal properties. Applying coconut oil directly to the nail may help in combating fungal infections. Remember, if the toenail fungus persists or worsens, it is important to seek professional medical advice for proper diagnosis and treatment options.

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regarding tea tree oil:


in the past, you had to go to specialty shops to find it.


but in recent years, conventional pharmacies started selling it. it is often found next to the pharmaceutical ointments for toenail fungus, so i am guessing that pharmaceutical companies recognize its effectiveness. 


or maybe just because a lot of people are using it? 


not sure. 


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My ex took me for a pedicure 20 years ago. For the 19 years following I had that nail fungus under one nail and tried literally every known remedy.  Until last year when I tried tea tree oil.  I kept the nail cut and filed down as small as possible and applied some of the oil with a cotton ball a few times a day.  I actually thought it wasn't doing anything and gave up but when the nail grew back none of the new nail had fungus.  It's been like that almost a year now. Lazada has it.  

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On 7/30/2023 at 8:28 AM, ozimoron said:

Mayo clinic recommends apple cider vinegar.

No, it does not.


Mayo Clinic site on toenail fungus does not mention it.


However since lower pH does deter fungal growth, it is true that vinegar soaks will help prevent (and to a much lesser degree, contain) toenail fungus. It would not usually be enough to cure a fungal infection altogether though.


No need whatsoever for this to be apple cider vinegar, the much cheaper and more universally available white vinegar works just as well.In fact as white vinegar is slightly more acidic may work better.

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I went to a Pharmacist in Koh Chiang and he provided me:


Candix (name brand) or Clotrimazole polish to use twice a day and Sponar tablets.


With Spornar, 1 tablet a day for 8 days, then off for 3 weeks, followed again same regimen three more times.  

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On 7/29/2023 at 9:06 PM, Sheryl said:

Ciclopirox is nto available here.


Anti-fungal nail lacquer that is available, is Amorolfine  (Loceryl) but must be gotten from a hospital or clinic. I recommend this place:



It in any case works better if nails are mechanically abraded first, which clinic  can do (painless). Without that it is difficult for the medication to penetrate the nail layer effectively.


Be sure to wear only open toed shoes with no socks. Vinegar soaks daily are also helpful (regular cheap white vinegar works fine).

I can confirm own experience: amorolfine and vinegar soaks. The latter also helpful with athlete's foot gave a turbo boost to clotrimazole powder.

Edited by BusyB
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I was a podiatrist. I retired 4 years ago when I was 70. I saw fungal toenails every day. Over the years I bought different expensive kit hyped up by salespeople at trade conferences. Nothing worked. I have some fungal toenails and have tried some topical treatments. I even avulsed a toenail of mine under local anaesthetic to see if that would work. It didn't. Nowadays I file my thickened nails and that's that. BTW, tea tree oil cures nothing. 

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6 hours ago, Petethefeet said:

I was a podiatrist. I retired 4 years ago when I was 70. I saw fungal toenails every day. Over the years I bought different expensive kit hyped up by salespeople at trade conferences. Nothing worked. I have some fungal toenails and have tried some topical treatments. I even avulsed a toenail of mine under local anaesthetic to see if that would work. It didn't. Nowadays I file my thickened nails and that's that. BTW, tea tree oil cures nothing. 

Dude, You're like a Debbie downer. Let the patients have fun, don't be a killjoy.

Gentlemen do whatever you think is best, there are options.

I do find the white Vinager is helpful with a soak. I also use Clotrimazole polish.

But I'm liking the garlic option. Can wait to try it.

Mai Long, Mai Rue......Never try, Never know.

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On 8/2/2023 at 7:22 AM, fceligoj said:

I went to a Pharmacist in Koh Chiang and he provided me:


Candix (name brand) or Clotrimazole polish to use twice a day and Sponar tablets.


With Spornar, 1 tablet a day for 8 days, then off for 3 weeks, followed again same regimen three more times.  

So did it work???

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