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Is it worth getting teeth implants at 81?


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yes, it is very worthty to have the teeth implant at any age if that is recommended to do.

Gums health is better they say, and they are fixed support for the other teeth. making overal better health in your mouth and with that in your body when you read the scientific study about this correlation.

avoid to have teeth pulled and maintain good care of gums and theeths.

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On 9/11/2023 at 6:09 PM, giddyup said:

Like someone said, if I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of my teeth. I have now lost almost all my molars so chewing food has become quite difficult, so I have two choices, dentures or implants. Implants can involve bone grafts and obviously greater expense, but the idea of dentures doesn't thrill me either, like how long does it take to adapt to them? Anyone else had to make this choice?

Just get dentures ora huge bridge you will be dead before the implants set 

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Just got my implant capped last week after human bone graft 3 months wait.

Amazing process really, take out the rotten tooth, implant goes in straight away, no blood even & no pain. Korean implant, total cost 55,000 Bht. 4 visits, one a week after implant, just a check

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At 71 I've got an upper plate with 6 teeth. Had it for over a year, 1st was metal absolutely horrific couldn't get on with it.

I've now discovered flexident very comfortable but again took some getting use to.

Implants were looked at but they said I would need a bone graft ...that was end of conversation not interested maybe 30 yrs ago but not now.

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I had two molars removed and I had a retainer made my first try I did. I did gag a little bit, but the Dennis narrowed it down. The retainer is now no problem. Just a thought I had all this done at the dental score of the University in the price was very very reasonable. Contact me if you need more information.

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On 9/11/2023 at 7:10 PM, connda said:

It's rather invasive.  How well do you heal at your age?  That's the question you'll need to ask yourself as the last thing you want to happen is not healing well, getting an infection, and......that's not a good position to be in at 81.  But if you're super healthy, young as spry as a 61 year old, then maybe yes.  Ask yourself that question and go with your intuition.

If you are taking blood-thinning medication, e.g. warfarin, make sure:-

a. that the dentist knows you are taking them,

b. that he understands the associated risks (many it seems do not),

c. that he advises you to stop taking them a few days before surgery....with specialist medical advice if necessary.


I know  an octogenarian who nearly bled out in bed, the night following initial implant surgery. The  dentist was told about his medication, but did nothing to address the risk. Poor professional training.

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