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What's your opinion on this? Jordan Peterson on IQ

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5 hours ago, NextG said:

I can hardly believe the nonsense I see written here so often. 
Shocking really. 
Think of a blind man…his other senses heightened. In the same way, we utilise our brains in different ways. I can barely draw a circle, whilst someone else may be able to draw a lifelike portrait.

Everyone has something unique. The problem may be when the feel the pressure to be like everyone else. The IQ test nonsense is a perfect example and one of the reasons why I didn’t even try. 
I didn’t want to be ‘pigeonholed’. My friends are from all walks of life and with them I experienced a far more broad spectrum of life than I would have done on my own. 
So yes, I’ll take that extra ten minutes to teach someone a new skill and perhaps I’ll learn something too. 


So reading comprehension not a strong suit then? 

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3 hours ago, NextG said:

You thought wrong…I wasn’t joking about my tests, whereas you flat out….

“Smart people with high IQ” ????

You don’t have a clue… 

I have a very high IQ. I tried to explain it to you but it's up to you and your abilities if you are able to understand it. I can't help you with that problem. 

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17 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I have a very high IQ. I tried to explain it to you but it's up to you and your abilities if you are able to understand it. I can't help you with that problem. 

If your IQ is so high , I am sure you can define what intelligence means ...?


Your own definition of it , not ChatGpt 's ;


Intelligence refers to the ability to acquire, process, and apply knowledge and skills in order to adapt and solve problems in different contexts. It involves the capacity for logical reasoning, critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and the ability to understand complex concepts and learn from past experiences. Intelligence is not limited to academic or cognitive abilities but also encompasses emotional intelligence, social skills, and practical intelligence in everyday life.


I would define it as the ability to find relation between apparently unrelated facts or objects ...?

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Jordan Peterson videos are interesting to watch and they do make you think.

There is another video on YouTube where folk talk about America and her involvement in Vietnam?

The ever increasing need for soldiers to fill the ranks brought about the recruitment of low IQ males that had great difficulty learning simple tasks, performing these tasks repeatedly still failed to have the task carried out on command. 

Not just ordinary soldiers, the need for officers were just as acute which led to the bar being lowered and many males suitable to be a private, but, had completed high school got in.  If not for the NCO's sergeants et al the American armed (ground) forces would have failed more often in completing operations.

Having an all volunteer army where individuals are tested (IQ) before getting set loose on killing equipment is now recognised as the only way to have a competent defense/offensive force.


Have met many highly intelligent folk (Masters/PHD) that lack basic commonsense, some cannot handle a screwdriver, spanner nor capable of putting a 'nut' in a monkeys mouth, yet interesting to listen to on their subject field, though in an emergency they would panic with headless chickens leading the way.

As a earlier poster wrote, too high an IQ can be a disadvantage. 

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9 hours ago, Kinok Farang said:

Slow down fella.We all know the Brits invented everything worth inventing.Brit men that is.

You mean the "Scots" do you not??  TV, Telephone, Penicillin, Tarmacadam road surface, Expansion Steam engine, United States Navy, Mammal cloning, Refrigerator, MRI scanner, ATM, Disposable contact lenses, Pneumatic tyre, Vacuum Flask, amongst others the most important being Clan tartan and whisky.

All said to alleviate the "I am smarter than you posters" 

Me......  with tongue firmly pressed into ones cheek.


Forgot to add Rabbie Burns, f

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2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

So why does the left refuse to debate him? 

they don't, that is the point, it is JP that runs away from debates... try learning to read


2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

I never said "oh the left are reasonable"

error, was meant to say unreasonable, it is the usual boring shtick from JP fanboys 


2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

But like most leftists, you are unable to actually formulate a coherent argument, so you make statements like "Peterson is an utter clown" and make things up about what others say. 

I literally gave you reasons why he is a clown, I mean, I can go into more if you really want. And like most JP fanboys you are incapable of actual reading

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2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

But like most leftists, you are unable to actually formulate a coherent argument, so you make statements like "Peterson is an utter clown" and make things up about what others say. 

Oh look, another "coherent argument" - how about the fact that he actually uses the phrases "post-modern Marxist" and if you have any understanding of Marxism you would know how dumb that phrase is.  


Also, his use of "cultural Marxism" a well know conspiracy theory cooked up by the soup-brains of the far-right and literal Nazis. It is a nonsense vapid phrase, banded around by people who don't know what they are talking about. 


I am not a Marxist, but at least I have read Marx and know enough about his theories to literally laugh when JP starts waffling on like a 12-grader with no understanding of the subject. 


And how about his claims that people were going to be locked up in Canada for misgendering people. His claims on this were so obtuse and disingenuous that even the law society of Canada had to issue a statement basically saying that JP doesn't know what he is talking about.  

Edited by PremiumLane
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42 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

they don't, that is the point, it is JP that runs away from debates... try learning to read

Made an unsupported claim that he ran away from one debate, and think that somehow proves that he "...runs away from debates..."


Typical tactic of the left. 


42 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:


error, was meant to say unreasonable, it is the usual boring shtick from JP fanboys 

I did not say "oh the left are unreasonable" either, so you are still making stuff up. 

42 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

I literally gave you reasons why he is a clown, I mean, I can go into more if you really want. And like most JP fanboys you are incapable of actual reading

Hmmm, I'm really shocked that you have to resort to name calling...


You made a few unsupported, off topic claims. That's pretty weak.



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2 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

If your IQ is so high , I am sure you can define what intelligence means ...?


Your own definition of it , not ChatGpt 's ;


Intelligence refers to the ability to acquire, process, and apply knowledge and skills in order to adapt and solve problems in different contexts. It involves the capacity for logical reasoning, critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and the ability to understand complex concepts and learn from past experiences. Intelligence is not limited to academic or cognitive abilities but also encompasses emotional intelligence, social skills, and practical intelligence in everyday life.


I would define it as the ability to find relation between apparently unrelated facts or objects ...?

Why should I (re)define what other people, who studied this for years or decades, did that already?


It is well defined what IQ tests measure.

General intelligence (g factor) is also well defined.

And obviously there are other types of intelligence, as far as I know they are not (so) well defined.


General intelligence helps people to work and live successfully. That doesn't mean that all high IQ people are successful and happy. And there are also people with not so high IQ who are successful.

In general, we can say it helps to be intelligent.


Do I choose who I want as my friend according to their IQ? No. But communication is easier with people who are on a similar IQ level.




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It isn't only the military who uses IQ tests in their selection.


CIA gives all applicants to its Clandestine Services Division an IQ Test and an MMPI test, as well as running a complete psychological profile. Outsiders can guess or joke about what the agency is seeking, but in reality they look for those with a std dev or two above the mean re IQ, and a person somewhat disdainful of authority, who can think on his or her feet, has a directed sort of charm to the point of being naturally manipulative, and considers life a bit of a game. They seek almost the polar opposite, in terms of personality, of what the military or SEALS or Special Forces seek. The average case officer likely falls within the range of 125 IQ to 175. From the OSS days up until maybe the 1980s, the agency drew primarily from the Ivy League or from universities like Stanford, MIT, Caltech, UChicago or UC Berkeley.

Edited by Walker88
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On 10/3/2023 at 6:09 PM, GammaGlobulin said:

You are saying Japanese women are very particular about their taste in pricks, and tend to not like pricks on the whole, no matter how small or demoralizing they may be?


I'm saying that in my (fairly extensive) experience of living in Japan and having Japanese girlfriends, a big turn off for them seems to be boastfulness and an arrogance. Of the women I dated I can't remember boasting about my wealth or IQ as it seemed totally inappropriate and I imagined it would be a huge turn off for the women. Japan is a humble society interested in 'wa' or harmony. My observations are that American-style shameless boasting tends not to be seen as very attractive, and shameful. No Japanese woman wants a boyfriend that her girlfriends hate. On prick size, I am not hugely endowed myself, but it was never an issue with the women I slept with.

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24 minutes ago, retarius said:

I'm saying that in my (fairly extensive) experience of living in Japan and having Japanese girlfriends, a big turn off for them seems to be boastfulness and an arrogance. Of the women I dated I can't remember boasting about my wealth or IQ as it seemed totally inappropriate and I imagined it would be a huge turn off for the women. Japan is a humble society interested in 'wa' or harmony. My observations are that American-style shameless boasting tends not to be seen as very attractive, and shameful. No Japanese woman wants a boyfriend that her girlfriends hate. On prick size, I am not hugely endowed myself, but it was never an issue with the women I slept with.

Are there women anywhere that view boastfulness and an arrogance as a turn on? 

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1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:

Are there women anywhere that view boastfulness and an arrogance as a turn on? 

Yes, America, UK, to name two. Probably some places in Africa that I am not awfully familiar with (I hate the continent).

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5 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Yeah, if he were a leftist, he never would have admitted there was anything he did not know. 

So why does the left refuse to debate him? 

Why is that funny? 

Sure, I'd like to see it. 

I notice you did not post links that support any of your claims. Why is that? I think it a good bet you have not actually seen and or heard any of it, and that you are just regurgitating something someone else said. 

I never said "oh the left are reasonable" in any response to anyone, ever, nor do I believe it. You are simply not telling the truth. But like most leftists, you are unable to actually formulate a coherent argument, so you make statements like "Peterson is an utter clown" and make things up about what others say. 

I think we could find far more examples of ‘leftists’ who could “form a coherent argument” than ‘rightists’. 
The fact that so many ‘rightists’ cling on to the thoughts of one man is testament to that. 
I don’t claim to be either on the left or right, but most of the people here who appear to adhere to the right appear to be the ones who are unable to form a coherent argument and instead sink to trying to insult by using terms such as ‘woke’ and ‘leftie’. Brain dead and relying on people such as JP to think for them. 

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5 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

So reading comprehension not a strong suit then? 

Is this you illustrating your ability to form a ‘coherent argument’?

As I described earlier, the ‘rightists’ can only proffer lame insults as opposed to a coherent argument. Long since devoid of any legitimacy and a moral compass. The usual suspects, doomed to extinction. 

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2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Made an unsupported claim that he ran away from one debate, and think that somehow proves that he "...runs away from debates..."


Typical tactic of the left. 


I did not say "oh the left are unreasonable" either, so you are still making stuff up. 

Hmmm, I'm really shocked that you have to resort to name calling...


You made a few unsupported, off topic claims. That's pretty weak.



“Hmmm, I'm really shocked that you have to resort to name calling...”

Plainly a ridiculous statement, unless you think that should only be the domain of the ‘rightists’. It’s pretty much all you do. 
Behaviour so foolish as to appear a child arguing in a playground. Embarrassing even to been seen attempting to debate with you, when faced with such facile replies. 

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4 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I have a very high IQ. I tried to explain it to you but it's up to you and your abilities if you are able to understand it. I can't help you with that problem. 

Only a certain character type would proclaim such a thing ????

A truly intelligent person would likely claim exactly the opposite. 

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4 hours ago, tmd5855 said:

You mean the "Scots" do you not??  TV, Telephone, Penicillin, Tarmacadam road surface, Expansion Steam engine, United States Navy, Mammal cloning, Refrigerator, MRI scanner, ATM, Disposable contact lenses, Pneumatic tyre, Vacuum Flask, amongst others the most important being Clan tartan and whisky.

All said to alleviate the "I am smarter than you posters" 

Me......  with tongue firmly pressed into ones cheek.


Forgot to add Rabbie Burns, f

Aye Jock,perhaps you're right.

And all that just wearing a tartan skirt.

Just think what other ideas your lot could have come up with without worrying about your frozen nether regions.



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2 hours ago, NextG said:

Only a certain character type would proclaim such a thing ????

A truly intelligent person would likely claim exactly the opposite. 

So now you think character and IQ are related.

Interesting. And obviously wrong.

I will add you to my ignore list. There is just no point in reading more of your pointless comments.

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5 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Made an unsupported claim that he ran away from one debate, and think that somehow proves that he "...runs away from debates..."


Typical tactic of the left. 


I did not say "oh the left are unreasonable" either, so you are still making stuff up. 

Hmmm, I'm really shocked that you have to resort to name calling...


You made a few unsupported, off topic claims. That's pretty weak.



Well so far I have provided lots of reasons to back up my claim that JP is a clown, all you have done is whinge and cry and engaged in a hell of a lot of projection. Suck it up, buttercup, your boy is an idiot  ???? 

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11 hours ago, NextG said:

But nothing at all to do with the topic. At least you didn’t feel the need to post her picture. Anyone who feels the need to read about her can click through your link. Thank you for your understanding. 

Her IQ seems quite high. If you can overcome your sadness after seeing a photo of her and take the plunge, you'll discover a more interesting topic.

Edited by JensenZ
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4 hours ago, retarius said:

Yes, America, UK, to name two. Probably some places in Africa that I am not awfully familiar with (I hate the continent).

I can't speak to the UK, or all of America, but that has not been my experience in the US. 

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3 hours ago, NextG said:

I think we could find far more examples of ‘leftists’ who could “form a coherent argument” than ‘rightists’. 
The fact that so many ‘rightists’ cling on to the thoughts of one man is testament to that. 
I don’t claim to be either on the left or right, but most of the people here who appear to adhere to the right appear to be the ones who are unable to form a coherent argument and instead sink to trying to insult by using terms such as ‘woke’ and ‘leftie’. Brain dead and relying on people such as JP to think for them. 

Yeah, I imagine you claim to be a centrist. 

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3 hours ago, NextG said:

Is this you illustrating your ability to form a ‘coherent argument’?

As I described earlier, the ‘rightists’ can only proffer lame insults as opposed to a coherent argument. Long since devoid of any legitimacy and a moral compass. The usual suspects, doomed to extinction. 

Guess I struck a nerve, sorry. In any event, your post that I responded to, had little to do with the post you were responding to, ergo my question. 

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3 hours ago, NextG said:

“Hmmm, I'm really shocked that you have to resort to name calling...”

Plainly a ridiculous statement, unless you think that should only be the domain of the ‘rightists’. It’s pretty much all you do. 

“Hmmm, I'm really shocked that you have not provided an example of me calling you names. 


3 hours ago, NextG said:

Behaviour so foolish as to appear a child arguing in a playground. Embarrassing even to been seen attempting to debate with you, when faced with such facile replies. 

Yet here we are, carry on. 

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3 hours ago, NextG said:

Only a certain character type would proclaim such a thing ????

A truly intelligent person would likely claim exactly the opposite. 

Yes, all truly intelligent people would claim they were stupid. I have to say, you had me fooled. 

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42 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

Well so far I have provided lots of reasons to back up my claim that JP is a clown, all you have done is whinge and cry and engaged in a hell of a lot of projection. Suck it up, buttercup, your boy is an idiot  ???? 

Now that was a really compelling argument. 

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3 hours ago, JensenZ said:

Her IQ seems quite high. If you can overcome your sadness after seeing a photo of her and take the plunge, you'll discover a more interesting topic.

Not interested, but thanks for the introduction. 

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