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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I have that poster you quoted on ignore, but I only watch Al Jazeera for reasons I have previously stated on this forum.

It would be pointless watching any US media, given their view on israel, the BBC ceased to be unbiased long ago, and I doubt they will be showing unbiased VDOs of the Palestinians.

It was their non-reporting of a huge, new oilfield in Scotland until after the referendum on Scottish independence that did it for me. 

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2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

From the Christian Bible.


If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

While Christians have adopted the old testament for reasons I am unaware of, I only regard the new testament as the Christian Bible. That's the one that says forgive your enemies.


I have no interest in a history of ancient Hebrews.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

While Christians have adopted the old testament for reasons I am unaware of, I only regard the new testament as the Christian Bible. That's the one that says forgive your enemies.


I have no interest in a history of ancient Hebrews.

You need to go resit basic Christian teachings.



Edited by Chomper Higgot
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Just now, Trippy said:

They've been warned to leave, if they decide to stay and support hamas, that's their decision.

Gaza is blockaded by israel. How are they expected to leave?


I'll repeat my question. How many Palestinian women and children dead will satisfy you?


Meanwhile pro Palestinian demonstrations around the world, some in western countries like America.

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24 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Thanks for the thoughtful post.

What is your solution? There are millions in Gaza and more millions in the west bank. They are not going anywhere. If israel reverts to the same oppression and military response, continues killing Palestinians with airpower and tanks, the same situation as now will occur again, and will always be a threat as long as Palestinians exist. Even if they were able to remove the Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank ( they can't ) revenge attacks would come from outside israel and also attacks on soft targets elsewhere. No israeli will be safe outside israel.


If they refuse to look for a different solution, israel will be forever a militarised country with a restive occupied enemy. Do they want perpetual war, to live for generations in fear, to brutalise their own children by sending them to oppress Palestinian women and children?


I've already given my solution.



Incidentally, I think the Israeli Defence Minister referred to Hamas rather than Gaza as animals.

Is there a difference between a Hamas fighter killing israeli women and children up close and personal, and an israeli pilot killing Palestinian women and children with bombs from far up in the sky? Not in my opinion.

I tried to explain. Short term the only solution, and it is a stopgap, is the destruction of Hamas, which otherwise will continue instigating slaughter. If they are not defeated they (with Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad) are an existential threat to Israel. That means ( they openly advocate) a genocide of the Jewish population.


Long term, remove the instigators, funders and planners. Iran, or more accurately their theocratic regime. As long as they are " players", there will never be peace. Peace needs goodwill on both sides, that goodwill, or the potential for it, exists in Israel. Iran will not allow it on the Palastinian side.

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20 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

That's like saying bomb Northern Ireland to get rid of the IRA. 

Ironically, if perhaps off topic, PIRA spent twenty years bombing Northern Ireland themselves! Destroying their own people's infrastructure, economy and jobs!


Never really understood that.

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Gaza is blockaded by israel. How are they expected to leave?


I'll repeat my question. How many Palestinian women and children dead will satisfy you?


Meanwhile pro Palestinian demonstrations around the world, some in western countries like America.


They were not asked to leave the Gaza Strip, but evacuate their homes, and stay away from Hamas facilities. And they could easily leave, if Egypt will open the gates for them - which it does not. Not a word from you on this.


Usually what happens is that some evacuate in an unorganized manner (Hamas does not help with that) and some stay. Then they tend to congregate in several areas, generally to the south of the Strip, and along the beach. Some go as close as possible to the Egyptian border, figuring Israel would be more careful bombing there.


People who celebrate the murder of innocents and civilians are scum.

Edited by Morch
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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Gaza is blockaded by israel. How are they expected to leave?


I'll repeat my question. How many Palestinian women and children dead will satisfy you?


Meanwhile pro Palestinian demonstrations around the world, some in western countries like America.

Can go to the Egypt end.

Your question is stupid. 

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2 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

I tried to explain. Short term the only solution, and it is a stopgap, is the destruction of Hamas, which otherwise will continue instigating slaughter. If they are not defeated they (with Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad) are an existential threat to Israel. That means ( they openly advocate) a genocide of the Jewish population.


Long term, remove the instigators, funders and planners. Iran, or more accurately their theocratic regime. As long as they are " players", there will never be peace. Peace needs goodwill on both sides, that goodwill, or the potential for it, exists in Israel. Iran will not allow it on the Palastinian side.

Sounds good in theory, but how do you identify Hamas from non Hamas? Given that every Gazan is now an enemy of israel, one can say that every Gazan is Hamas. So what are you suggesting happens to 2 million Hamas supporters?


If they are not defeated they (with Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad) are an existential threat to Israel. That means ( they openly advocate) a genocide of the Jewish population.

While they may not previously have advocated the destruction of israel, I can assure you that all 2 million of them now fervently want the destruction of israel, and Hamas will have all the fighters it wants after this ends. Perpetual war on israel.


Israel should listen to their own prophets.

Hosea 8:7  “For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”


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11 minutes ago, Felton Jarvis said:

Hope the Israelis flatten HAMAS. I will always stand with the most civilized country in the Middle East.

What about allowing Gaza to have an election when the current crisis is over. Allow the people of Gaza to decide their leaders. Since Hamas won the 2006 election, no election was held henceforth. Peace be with the people of Gaza and Israel. 

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2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

What about allowing Gaza to have an election when the current crisis is over. Allow the people of Gaza to decide their leaders. Since Hamas won the 2006 election, no election was held henceforth. Peace be with the people of Gaza and Israel. 

Most polls conduced over the years show Hamas enjoys solid popular support (about half of the voter base, or a bit less). This includes both Gaza residents and those on the West Bank. Further, who will 'allow' this? Israel? Then the results would be seen as illegitimate. The PA? Same thing. International involvement? Again, the same.

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45 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Just heard on Al Jazeera that the israelis have bombed Gaza 1,200 times, and they are not stopping anytime soon. Will they only stop when every last building in Gaza is rubble?

Perhaps this is why the americans are sending munitions to israel, as they may run out of bombs and artillery shells.


The world is watching.

Indeed, the world is watching too what will happen to Iranian backed terrorists organisation rulers that planned to pillage and murder.

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28 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

 Is the Israeli war yours?

The US stands with Israel and has since their inception, so yes this is my war.

If our President had any balls he would already have troops on the ground in Israel, not to attack hamas but to protect civilians and free the IDF to eradicate hamas. 

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