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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Israel and they are unified on this as much as any nation can be unified, the intention is to completely destory the terrorist Hamas government and their military capabilities.

I think they want to completely destroy more than the government, it is ethnic cleansing, and what makes it worse is that they are trying to bring the US into this to somehow justify this atrocity. 



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27 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

However, that doesn’t fit in with the antisemitic narrative that you have been continually displaying on this forum, does it; shame on you, shame on you.

Well out of order and totally wrong. I've absolutely nothing against any religion.


Edit - I'd love to you to quote what makes you think this.


Edited by Neeranam
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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

I think they want to completely destroy more than the government, it is ethnic cleansing, and what makes it worse is that they are trying to bring the US into this to somehow justify this atrocity. 



What would you think the correct response from Israel would be to its citizens being raped murdered kidnapped for ransom?all things considered it’s no surprise the retaliation .this is a horrible situation brought on by a horrible history and will have a horrible end .no one wins it’s ugly sad tragic but it’s brought on by the actions of Hamas they and their people are reaping the consequences of their actions.no more no less and so it goes……….

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3 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Why is the question crass and inconsiderate?


Now that this gentleman has first hand experience of what the last 75 years have been like for Palestinians under Israeli occupation, perhaps the lightbulb has finally flickered to life for him.

The Channel 4 journalist obviously does not have a monopoly on being crass and inconsiderate.

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8 minutes ago, Tug said:

What would you think the correct response from Israel would be to its citizens being raped murdered kidnapped for ransom?all things considered it’s no surprise the retaliation .this is a horrible situation brought on by a horrible history and will have a horrible end .no one wins it’s ugly sad tragic but it’s brought on by the actions of Hamas they and their people are reaping the consequences of their actions.no more no less and so it goes……….

I agree with you that no one wins and it's certainly tragic. 

Do you think the response of killing 140 children is the right thing to do? I know you don't, but this is what Israel have done. Anything but this would have been more correct. 



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25 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Well out of order and totally wrong. I've absolutely nothing against any religion.

OMG ........ you think antisemitism is against a religion; antisemitism is a racial prejudice or hostility against jewish people, not against their religion, which you obviously didn’t know, but is Judaism. Your lack of knowledge about things you continually comment on is breathtaking.

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3 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Are Hamas instigating or retaliating against the instigators?


Your one sided "long term" solution is nonsense. Israel has the power to unilaterally impose a border upon the Palestinians but they refuse to as it would mean an end to their ability to steal Palestinian land.


"Situating the appreciation" as opposed to "appreciating the situation".

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3 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Oh dear, here we go. Anybody criticises Israel and they're labeled antisemetic. 


No. People who make antisemitic remarks are called out. Criticizing Israel is quite fine, without crossing that line. Plenty of Israelis critic their government every day. Hell, for the past 9 months there were constant mass protests against the government.

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3 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Are Hamas instigating or retaliating against the instigators?


Your one sided "long term" solution is nonsense. Israel has the power to unilaterally impose a border upon the Palestinians but they refuse to as it would mean an end to their ability to steal Palestinian land.


Hamas instigated this attack. It was not a reaction to anything current or specific. It was a long time in the making. Took months, maybe more, to plan and train for.


Israel can do a whole lot of things, but it cannot come in place of Palestinian leadership.

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3 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Why is the question crass and inconsiderate?


Now that this gentleman has first hand experience of what the last 75 years have been like for Palestinians under Israeli occupation, perhaps the lightbulb has finally flickered to life for him.


Had he and his fellow Israeli's managed a to be a touch more empathetic towards decades of Palestinian suffering his family would not be in such an awful predicament.


We reap what we sow.


Most Palestinians have not been under Israeli rule, or occupation for 75. Citing 75 years would imply you issue is not with the occupation, but with Israel's existence. The West Bank and the Gaza Strip were taken by Israel in 1967, not 1948. Up until then, the Palestinians in the West Bank under Jordanian rule, while Egypt controlled the Gaza Strip. If you think they were totally benign, you can believe whatever.


And even so, it was not always that harsh of an occupation, and obviously there are differences between how Palestinian are treated and how they fare - in the Gaza Strip, in the West Bank, those who are citizens of Israel (or residents in Jerusalem), also those Palestinian in the diaspora all over the Middle East. It's not like they all face the same conditions as in the Gaza Strip. And the Gaza Strip Palestinians face a harsher treatment due to Hamas's actions, agenda and choices.


I doubt most Palestinian citizens of Israel would happily relocate to live under Hamas (or even PA) rule - even if it was as a free Palestinian State.


Reap what you sow, is exactly what's happening right now in the Gaza Strip.

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3 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

If the Israeli's were serious about wanting peace, they wouldn't have murdered Yitzhak Rabin.

Israel did not murder Rabin. Political opponents this this. Countries often have differing political views among the populace.

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3 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

If Israel treated Palestinians with respect would Palestinians still want to see the destruction of Israel?

Many would, yes. It would, of course, depend on what you lump under the 'respect' label. Does it include a river-to-the-sea clause?

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3 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Israel will certainly kill plenty of Palestinians, lifting their usual Palestinian murder rate by several orders of magnitude in the days and weeks ahead; but only a fool would believe this whole situation won't be repeated again and again in the years ahead.


Give it a few years and many hundreds or thousands of Israeli's will again be murdered by disgruntled Palestinians...., and so on and on it goes.

So why don't the Palestinian put a stop to it by not killing Israelis?

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I have a perhaps rude observation and it may or may not have merit, but I haven't seen it discussed before, and I think it's worth at least bringing it up.

It's about the music festival massacre.

How intentional was that? It looks very intentional.

Were the terrorists aware of the kind of crowd that would dominate that kind of festival or would any group of unarmed Israelis near the border been just as juicy for them?

I don't know.

But consider the crowd. I think its fair to assume most were probably Tel Aviv leftist types more liberal on the Israel Palestinian conflict.

The attack was planned a long time ago. I would guess that as with any operation, plans would have been modified all the time. As far as I understand this wasn't some underground party, so no secret. Considering the number of assailants evident from clips and testimonies, I'd say it was not a coincidence.


As for the crowd, it doesn't exactly work like that, no. Not in an 'official' venue' like this, anyway.

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3 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

75 years Palestinians have survived Israeli occupation.


I think it is much more likely that, within the next 75 years, that there is Palestinian state than the Israeli occupation still existing.


Without unquestioning US support, Israel would be in an immediate existential crises.

US global hegemony will likely only decrease in the decades ahead.

Uh oh!

More 75 years occupation misleading nonsense? Give it a rest.

Israel did without US support up until the mid-60's. The US did not help Israel during the 1948 war, for example.

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