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Oh I need to reiterate something I alluded to earlier in this thread but is important for my American brothers:


Israel uses US military technology including Smart Bombs. Smart bombs use loads of targeting technology. That technology means that the IDF, and the US Centcom, and the bomb manufacturer, know the target that each and every bomb is launched towards and each target hit. 


Thus, when the Hamas supporters here screech about genocide (with little knowledge of what the term means under International Law) because of "indiscriminate bombing"  they are accusing me and you, my American brothers, of that crime too. Our boys know where the bombs are going and surely share and are involved in targeting intelligence. Thats how the US and the IDF roll. 


So remember that American dudes, Hamas brutally rapes, murders (including babies) and kidnaps AMERICAN CITIZENS but we are the ones guilty of genocide. Got that?


Surrender or die Hamas scumbags



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34 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

So you think you are an umpire with the right to  judge everyone? Jeez. 

I am extremely anti-Israeli policy but most definitely not antisemitic, there is a huge difference which you can't understand.. Sometimes I get a bit carried away and applaud those who have similar ideas about the terrible Apartheid in Israel. However, I do not agree with all that Jeff wrote. 

Similarly, I would hope you don't agree with all the Islamophobic nonsense in this thread. 

There's a band of anti -Palestine on this thread, which to be honest has become a medium for Islamophobia. You gang together with your personal attacks, gaslighting, reporting things you don't agree with. For now, I am not going to partake in a discussion when I am insulted and made feel I can't freely give my opinions on this war. So I guess congratulations are in order, you got what you wanted. It would be nice to debate politely and see arguments from both sides but this is not happening, it just ain't cricket, you should be ashamed of yourself. 





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Just now, Neeranam said:

Sadly, those who spell it out are ridiculed or banished. 

Ask El Pilgrim, Morch, and you'll hear what you want. 

I would have thought the yanks here support free speech. Get back on to killing those pesky Muslims and justifying ethnic cleansing with no opposing views 😣


Free speech is fine, damn right lies are totally unacceptable.

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2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Sadly, those who spell it out are ridiculed or banished. 

Ask El Pilgrim, Morch, and you'll hear what you want. 

I would have thought the yanks here support free speech. Get back on to killing those pesky Muslims and justifying ethnic cleansing with no opposing views 😣


Yanks support your right to babble your ignorant tripe. We reserve the right to call you out for it.


Killing pesky Muslims? Well they need to :


Surrender or die. Surrender? Well then the killing stops.

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36 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

OK, Palestinians in Israel have equal rights and there is no discrimination, believe that if you will.  Deep down, I suppose you don't believe this to be true. Show some integrity and admit there is an equal system, that has spawned a terrorist group.


Discrimination yes. Apartheid, no.

If you wouldn't have so many people on 'ignore' you would have known this was addressed earlier.

Further, this doesn't really have any direct bearing on the topic - which isn't a compilation of Israel's sins (imagined or real).

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13 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Sadly, those who spell it out are ridiculed or banished. 

Ask El Pilgrim, Morch, and you'll hear what you want. 

I would have thought the yanks here support free speech. Get back on to killing those pesky Muslims and justifying ethnic cleansing with no opposing views 😣



Banished how? You and others keep posting here daily. Ridiculed? Of course - that comes with posting silly stuff.

Free speech is not about spreading lies, misinformation and you getting to freely insult people while whining when slapped back.

There is no ethnic cleansing other than in your imagination.

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15 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

Oh I need to reiterate something I alluded to earlier in this thread but is important for my American brothers:


Israel uses US military technology including Smart Bombs. Smart bombs use loads of targeting technology. That technology means that the IDF, and the US Centcom, and the bomb manufacturer, know the target that each and every bomb is launched towards and each target hit. 


Thus, when the Hamas supporters here screech about genocide (with little knowledge of what the term means under International Law) because of "indiscriminate bombing"  they are accusing me and you, my American brothers, of that crime too. Our boys know where the bombs are going and surely share and are involved in targeting intelligence. Thats how the US and the IDF roll. 


So remember that American dudes, Hamas brutally rapes, murders (including babies) and kidnaps AMERICAN CITIZENS but we are the ones guilty of genocide. Got that?


Surrender or die Hamas scumbags




As far as I'm aware the technology does not work the way you imply. Not with regard to smart bombs, missiles etc. The data is not transmitted in real time to the manufacturer or to CENTCOM etc. There is something of the sort with regard to the F-35 aircraft - software upgrades to system require to kinda log to manufacturer hardware, with some extra information revealed in the process. I could be wrong, and would appreciate learning, if so.


The USA got enough surveillance assets in place even without that - a bunch of drones overhead, a couple of naval battle groups with dedicated units and ships, plus all them antennas and dishes on top of the embassy. Not to mention the UK base in Cyprus.


Pretty sure the White House and the USA military are fully up to date on how things stand.

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

So you think you are an umpire with the right to  judge everyone? Jeez. 

I am extremely anti-Israeli policy but most definitely not antisemitic, there is a huge difference which you can't understand.. Sometimes I get a bit carried away and applaud those who have similar ideas about the terrible Apartheid in Israel. However, I do not agree with all that Jeff wrote. 

Similarly, I would hope you don't agree with all the Islamophobic nonsense in this thread. 

There's a band of anti -Palestine on this thread, which to be honest has become a medium for Islamophobia. You gang together with your personal attacks, gaslighting, reporting things you don't agree with. For now, I am not going to partake in a discussion when I am insulted and made feel I can't freely give my opinions on this war. So I guess congratulations are in order, you got what you wanted. It would be nice to debate politely and see arguments from both sides but this is not happening, it just ain't cricket, you should be ashamed of yourself. 



You applauded a comment that said “Palestinians/Hamas/Arabs can do as they like, as far as I’m concerned the Israeli’s have brought this down on their own heads, they are no better than the Nazi’s of WW2, in my opinion”


This is the most disgraceful comment that anyone could make given the context, and you applauded it.


Only someone that is vehemently antisemitic could possibly applaud such a comment; you thought you’d gotten away with it, but now that it’s been thrown back in your face, you claim to be a victim, and once again start deflecting and waffling on about people ganging up on you; lacking the self awareness to realise that many posters on here simply disagree with just about everything you say, and have seen through your antisemitism despite your prayers and the rabbit.


You just keep trolling this topic, adding nothing of value, and as I said earlier, just continually regurgitating anti-Israel student slogans.


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20 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

Surrender or die. Surrender? Well then the killing stops


Ah similar to when the US targeted all those Japanese civilians & were the first & hopefully last to use nukes to bomb a civilian population to dust?


Sorry but this is the problem with this kill everything in sight & justify it by saying we were chasing the bad guys & if they just surrendered then none of this had to happen???....because now in a normal mind the retaliatory are also the bad or worse guys....(if they weren't already)


This is 2023 that this kind of thing is even tolerated by the world speaks volumes about the state of humanity......ALL HUMANITY.... If alien life exists they must just look & wonder


Cue the JDL & pardon any lack of response as I know it is as futile as any Humane hope for this situation

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Actually, this is not new. Already when the first Jews came to Palestine, Palestinians worked as tenants on Arab owned manors. They had no rights, there was no Arab solidarity at all.

So, when Jews started their collective farms (kibbutz) and factories but lacked enough working force among themselves, they invited Palestinians to come and work together with them for a high salary. Many Palestinians accepted this offer. But that meant that the Arab manor owners could no longer suppress them. In order to stop this escape, they paid professional trouble makers to create riots.

It did not last long, so more Palestinians left from the Arab manors to Jewish enterprises, and the Arab nobility created a new riot, but still they failed. After the independence Israel gave its Palestinian citizens equal rights with Jews including voting rights, own schools and other institutions and cultural autonomy.

Palestinian leaders were never interested in creating their own state. When Yasser Arafat finally made an agreement with Israel it was rejected by Arab fanatics like Hamas and Hezbollah, and Fatah (led by Yasser Arafat) lost the elections. Every time since every proposal has been rejected, and most Palestinians now live as parasites (so-called refugees) in Europe and elsewhere.

They are not interested in building up their own state. And every time that they have started a new war they have lost. Today the situation is, that most Arab states turn their back on Palestinians and make agreements with Israel. As most Palestinians inside Israel see the advantages by living in Israel and not in Palestinian lead areas, and people from those areas, especially the West Bank, work in Israel every day, the trend is, that they will increasingly prefer to unite with Israel rather than live under an violent regime.

Thus Israel will just grow until the entire West Bank is officially part of the country. Those, who hate Israel and Jews too much, will move to Gaza and live in misery and poverty for generations to come. But Palestinians will never get another chance to get "their own state". The last offer came from Donald Trump, and it was a favorable one, but that too was rejected. Now the train has finally left, and there will never come a new one.

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4 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

Actually, this is not new. Already when the first Jews came to Palestine, Palestinians worked as tenants on Arab owned manors. They had no rights, there was no Arab solidarity at all.

So, when Jews started their collective farms (kibbutz) and factories but lacked enough working force among themselves, they invited Palestinians to come and work together with them for a high salary. Many Palestinians accepted this offer. But that meant that the Arab manor owners could no longer suppress them. In order to stop this escape, they paid professional trouble makers to create riots.

It did not last long, so more Palestinians left from the Arab manors to Jewish enterprises, and the Arab nobility created a new riot, but still they failed. After the independence Israel gave its Palestinian citizens equal rights with Jews including voting rights, own schools and other institutions and cultural autonomy.

Palestinian leaders were never interested in creating their own state. When Yasser Arafat finally made an agreement with Israel it was rejected by Arab fanatics like Hamas and Hezbollah, and Fatah (led by Yasser Arafat) lost the elections. Every time since every proposal has been rejected, and most Palestinians now live as parasites (so-called refugees) in Europe and elsewhere.

They are not interested in building up their own state. And every time that they have started a new war they have lost. Today the situation is, that most Arab states turn their back on Palestinians and make agreements with Israel. As most Palestinians inside Israel see the advantages by living in Israel and not in Palestinian lead areas, and people from those areas, especially the West Bank, work in Israel every day, the trend is, that they will increasingly prefer to unite with Israel rather than live under an violent regime.

Thus Israel will just grow until the entire West Bank is officially part of the country. Those, who hate Israel and Jews too much, will move to Gaza and live in misery and poverty for generations to come. But Palestinians will never get another chance to get "their own state". The last offer came from Donald Trump, and it was a favorable one, but that too was rejected. Now the train has finally left, and there will never come a new one.


I'm not about to correct all them historical tidbits you got wrong. It would be off topic and take too long.


I will comment on your notion of 'unite with Israel'. Do you see much enthusiasm for this from Israelis? I don't think so. Would this 'unification' have them Palestinians getting the same rights as Israelis? Is that a thing? And how, exactly would them other Palestinians 'move' to the Gaza Strip?


Trump's 'offer' was a 'favorable one'? In which world?


Nonsense post.

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Interesting remarks made by the reporter  IF Palestine had played the ball they would now have a healthy tourist area with up-to-date hotels and many in Gaza working in the Tourism Sector but Hamas and Hezbollah don't want this so they will carry on Hating Israel and the West and watch Gaza stay in the dark ages.

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36 minutes ago, Morch said:


As far as I'm aware the technology does not work the way you imply. Not with regard to smart bombs, missiles etc. The data is not transmitted in real time to the manufacturer or to CENTCOM etc. There is something of the sort with regard to the F-35 aircraft - software upgrades to system require to kinda log to manufacturer hardware, with some extra information revealed in the process. I could be wrong, and would appreciate learning, if so.


The USA got enough surveillance assets in place even without that - a bunch of drones overhead, a couple of naval battle groups with dedicated units and ships, plus all them antennas and dishes on top of the embassy. Not to mention the UK base in Cyprus.


Pretty sure the White House and the USA military are fully up to date on how things stand.

I made my point. It works that way. Israel is using F35s btw

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3 minutes ago, still kicking said:

What is different war is war just different countries 


Surely you understand that there are many different topics on Asean Now, and this one is about the war in Israel / Gaza; not sure why you're finding that difficult to understand unless you are just being contrary.

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28 minutes ago, mania said:


Ah similar to when the US targeted all those Japanese civilians & were the first & hopefully last to use nukes to bomb a civilian population to dust?


Sorry but this is the problem with this kill everything in sight & justify it by saying we were chasing the bad guys & if they just surrendered then none of this had to happen???....because now in a normal mind the retaliatory are also the bad or worse guys....(if they weren't already)


This is 2023 that this kind of thing is even tolerated by the world speaks volumes about the state of humanity......ALL HUMANITY.... If alien life exists they must just look & wonder


Cue the JDL & pardon any lack of response as I know it is as futile as any Humane hope for this situation

I tried to respond but your point is nonsensical and indecipherable.

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2 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

I made my point. It works that way. Israel is using F35s btw


Made your point how? You said it works this way. I'm not familiar with it actually working this way, and asked for clarification.

Israel is using F-35's, yes - and as I recall the updates issue was discussed around the time of the purchase and cited as a concern. I don't know if they just accepted it, or some other arrangement was arrived at. Would assume it could be an issue with other countries as well.

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16 minutes ago, still kicking said:


There is such a dedication to a singular desire  for mass human extermination that renders the exponents of that desire in this topic incapable of being able to contemplate a now relegated inferior war  zone that is also not attracting  favourable outcomes.

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1 hour ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


You applauded a comment that said “Palestinians/Hamas/Arabs can do as they like, as far as I’m concerned the Israeli’s have brought this down on their own heads, they are no better than the Nazi’s of WW2, in my opinion”


This is the most disgraceful comment that anyone could make given the context, and you applauded it.


Only someone that is vehemently antisemitic could possibly applaud such a comment; you thought you’d gotten away with it, but now that it’s been thrown back in your face, you claim to be a victim, and once again start deflecting and waffling on about people ganging up on you; lacking the self awareness to realise that many posters on here simply disagree with just about everything you say, and have seen through your antisemitism despite your prayers and the rabbit.


You just keep trolling this topic, adding nothing of value, and as I said earlier, just continually regurgitating anti-Israel student slogans.


As I thought, and this is the last word you'll hear from me. Not only have I better things to do, but you have no integrity and I don't do that. 

I asked you politely to share something I've written that is antisemitic, reminded you twice, and you can't find anything. I have never once been rude to you, despite totally disagreeing with nearly everything you say. 


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51 minutes ago, Morch said:


I'm not about to correct all them historical tidbits you got wrong. It would be off topic and take too long.


I will comment on your notion of 'unite with Israel'. Do you see much enthusiasm for this from Israelis? I don't think so. Would this 'unification' have them Palestinians getting the same rights as Israelis? Is that a thing? And how, exactly would them other Palestinians 'move' to the Gaza Strip?


Trump's 'offer' was a 'favorable one'? In which world?


Nonsense post.

Who on earth asked to? You seem to think you are some kind of expert on this thread, or have to defend your opinion, just because you have 2,000 posts in it jeez.  

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1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

As I thought, and this is the last word you'll hear from me. Not only have I better things to do, but you have no integrity and I don't do that. 

I asked you politely to share something I've written that is antisemitic, reminded you twice, and you can't find anything. I have never once been rude to you, despite totally disagreeing with nearly everything you say. 



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29 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

As I thought, and this is the last word you'll hear from me. Not only have I better things to do, but you have no integrity and I don't do that. 

I asked you politely to share something I've written that is antisemitic, reminded you twice, and you can't find anything. I have never once been rude to you, despite totally disagreeing with nearly everything you say. 






But also...


You wish you had a dollar
For every time he hollered
That he's leavin'
And he's never comin' back


("Semi Suite", Tom Waits).

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