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Canada -Tundra Wonderland?


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definitely does not know a lot about Canada.


I am willing to bet he was one of those guys who pulled up at the NY/ Ontario border in July looking for a great place to go skiing.  (yes it happened)


Montreal is a nice place to visit and has a great nightlife.  Would I want to live there?  Not a chance.  


Hong couver or druggy central is a definite non-starter.  It is Canada's version of San Francisco. 


I would take Trumpism over PetitPierreism any day.


The big thing I found with Americans like the OP is that they come to Canada visit a couple of big cities for a short period and think it is great.


My niece went to NYC with a group of friends for a weekend and thought it was great.


5 hours ago, Prubangboy said:

I was broadly making fun of the popular trope that Canada is "too white" and that that makes it culturally inferior.


And then I half-heartedly dissed the midwest, which is the birthright privilege of every New Yorker.


OP I guess you have very little to say about the American midwest and think it is crap.


Living in Kingston ontario I dealt with so-called Americans on a regular basis who thought they were superior because they were from NYC area and southern NY.


The only people who had brains were those who lived along the border.


You know the greatest thing about Americans that talk like this is that they are so superior you can make a fortune drinking them under the table at bars.




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19 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:



You know the greatest thing about Americans that talk like this is that they are so superior you can make a fortune drinking them under the table at bars.





We're talking about the mildest kidding being met with this scribe of huffiness.


Then the deranged he-man alcoholism boast.


Nope, can't get anymore Canadian than that.

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As far as Canadians , locals, being smarter than Americans. I'm wondering where you got this information, as the average IQ of Canadians and Americans is about even. As far as the country itself, I have been there a few times fishing and hunting, as many of my friends have, and it's absolutely beautiful country. I don't bother with big cities as they are all much the same. It's very cold there. When I hunted in Alberta it was below zero every day with the lowest at -39. The fishing was the best I've ever had in fresh water. The air was as clean as I've ever witnessed. I would go there every year if I could afford to.

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Most countries are def more educated than America is. To quote Chris Rock, "They be thinking a book is like kryptonite".


The whole IQ-mania thing here is something I snark at, but do not participate in.  Obv. success is not even remotely about being smart. I'm prob more conventionally successful than most people here. Who's voting for me to have genius status? 


For the rest of the world, it's the Trainspotting conundrum: "Plonkers sure, but what about being conquered by plonkers?"

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from a British  Columbia newspaper this morning:


A B.C. public safety coalition including “well-known B.C. retailers” will call for tougher policing on Monday.


On Sunday afternoon, the coalition said it would release its platform on Monday morning in Vancouver and that it comprised “community and business groups, citizens, and well-known B.C. retailers.”

According to a coalition release, it “wants governments to work together and act without delay on the growing crime and violence crisis in communities across British Columbia.

“More and more British Columbians are afraid to walk in their own streets and shopping districts, employees fear being assaulted at work, and local businesses are losing millions from brazen in-store theft that leads to higher prices for B.C. families.”


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