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Maxim ride hailing app - Hat Yai


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There have been adverts on Hat Yai's lampposts for a few months touting the Maxim ride hailing app. I've been using it the last month and it works well. The Maxim taxi fare around town is generally Bht70-80 and a cab is usually there within 5 minutes. The previous Hat Yai taxi meter experiment failed utterly, it's now a farcical taxi no-meter service which you can't hail in the street because of an agreement with aggrieved tuk-tuk owners. The taxi 'meter' is Bht100 to 150 fixed fare around town and you have to call them to pick up, and tuk-tuks will also quote you 100 to 150 most times and 200 at night. So Maxim is a huge step forward, no haggling, fare clearly stated when you book and most will give you a prompt pay number or QR code so no issues with "sorry no change". 



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