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US and UK launch strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen


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20 hours ago, CharlieH said:






  1. US and UK forces have carried out air strikes against Houthi rebel targets in Yemen
  2. President Biden says the strikes are in response to attacks by the Iranian-backed Houthis on ships in the Red Sea since November
  3. Royal Air Force warplanes helped carry out the "targeted strikes" against military facilities, says PM Rishi Sunak
  4. The UK PM adds that the strikes are "limited, necessary and proportionate action in self-defence"
  5. The Netherlands, Australia, Canada and Bahrain provided support as part of the mission, says Biden
  6. Houthi deputy foreign minister warns US and UK will "pay a heavy price" for this "blatant aggression"
  7. Strikes are reported in the capital Sanaa, the Houthi Red Sea port of Hudaydah, Dhamar and north-western Houthi stronghold of Saada
  8. The Houthis control much of Yemen and say they are supporting ally Hamas by targeting shipping headed to Israel



Pentagon details air strike targets

US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin has just released a statement saying that the joint military "action is intended to disrupt and degrade the Houthis’ capabilities".

The attacks "targeted the Houthis’ unmanned aerial vehicle, uncrewed surface vessel, land-attack cruise missile, and costal radar and air surveillance capabilities".

A US defense official said the Pentagon chief had monitored the operation in real time from hospital, where he has had surgery for prostate cancer.

This official said Austin was "actively involved" and has spoken to the president twice in the past 72 hours leading up to the operation.

Austin has been under political fire this week after he failed to let the White House know about his hospital admission, including time in intensive care.





The U.S. and the U.K. have been more than patient dealing with these continual attacks on international shipping.  The Houthis have played this game long enough and now it is time for hardball.  The big question now is how will Iran  react. Since they are the major sponsors of terrorism in the Middle East, they could put a halt to this if they wanted to.  Or perhaps Iran wants this to erupt into a direct confrontation with the U.S.

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Is there anything Joe cannot muck up? 


Gates, recall, famously said that Joe Biden has been "wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."


Trump designates the houthi's as a terrorist Org., proactively places them on the international terrorist list and biden removes them and next thing you know they're lobbing missiles at one another in the Red Sea which is now under the restrictions from Iran backed Houthi's.


 wtf was he trying to prove removing houthis from the terror list in his Feb 2021, weeks after he entered office? Obviously it was a dictatorial repsonse to Trump's designation, done in spite, and maybe to appease Iran which biden is good at. Either way, Biden continues to set the world on fire with his outlandish and moronic foreign policy debacle, one after another.


There are many reasons why Biden's approval and polls are swirling the drain with a bowl full of liberal turds, and it requires effort to keep up with sheer volume of the humiliating failures. LOL, what a total loser. 

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18 hours ago, illisdean said:

Is there anything Joe cannot muck up? 


Gates, recall, famously said that Joe Biden has been "wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."


Trump designates the houthi's as a terrorist Org., proactively places them on the international terrorist list and bden removes them and next thing you know they're lobbing missiles at one another in the Red Sea which is now under the restrictions from Iran backed Houthi's.


 wtf was he trying to prove removing houthis from the terror list in his Feb 2021, weeks after he entered office? Obviously it was a dictatorial repsonse to Trump's designation, done in spite, and maybe to appease Iran which biden is good at. Either way, Biden continues to set the world on fire with his outlandish and moronic foreign policy debacle, one after another.


There are many reasons why Biden's approval and polls are swirling the drain with a bowl full of liberal turds, and it requires effort to keep up with sheer volume of the humiliating failures. LOL, what a total loser. 

Biden's response to countering Trump's political actions is beyond childish.  They are now coming back to haunt him as he attempts to unravel the mess he has created.  Trump had a close relationship with MBS who was relying on U.S. weapons and support used in the Yemen conflict.  Once the Houthis were removed from the terrorist designation, the Saudis moved out and Iran moved in.  Today we are paying the price, big time,  for Biden's stupidity.

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Just been announced a few hours ago:


US Says it Shot Down Missile Heading Towards USS Laboon

U.S. fighter aircraft shot down an anti-ship cruise missile fired from Houthi militant areas of Yemen toward a U.S. destroyer operating in the Southern Red Sea, the U.S. military said on Sunday.

The midair interception is the latest incident in the Red Sea where the Houthis have been attacking international shipping in what they say is a campaign to support Palestinians under seige from Israeli forces in Gaza.

It follows a series of American and British airstrikes on Houthi targets in Yemen that have drawn threats of a "strong" response from the Iranian-backed militia.


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7 hours ago, Tug said:

houti Barley have 2 sticks to rub together to start a fire let alone take out an aircraft carrier the only anemic capability they have is through the Iranians.just who welched on the nuclear deal with Iran anyway and upped tensions with them?

"Biden’s Iran de-escalation strategy backfiring as regime close to producing atomic bomb"

 Trump brought peace and stability AND the Abraham Accords, Biden appeased and empowered iran and their terror proxy's with $6B and it is nearing weapons grade nukes! There is a reason Biden polls and job approvals are so turd like and low, (can you figure it out for yourself yet) circling the drain. The hints and clues are everywhere, even for you to see. LOL, a hard pill for you and your ilk to swallow no doubt, the sad and pathetic reality of the worst ... president EVER. 


Biden and Irans nuclear attainment



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12 hours ago, Hawaiian said:

 Trump had a close relationship with MBS who was relying on U.S. weapons and support used in the Yemen conflict.  Once the Houthis were removed from the terrorist designation, the Saudis moved out and Iran moved in.  

Where did the Saudis move out from? Where did the Iranians move into?

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8 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

One question at a time.


Explain how removing the obligations Iran had under the treaty to provide international oversight and allow inspections of their nuclear programs was a good move?

I look forward to you giving it your best try.


What difference does ancient history make? As I said before, our enemies rely on us pointing fingers instead of getting things done, and you've fallen into that trap rather nicely. 

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26 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Yes It gave them a very strong incentive not to misbehave. It also strengthened the position of the moderates in Iran which showed that negotiating could be a good thing.


How's that working out?


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1 minute ago, placeholder said:

What don't you understand about the fact that the Trump administration is killing of the nuclear agreement destroyed that as an incentive?


Here's what I understand.  Under Obama, Putin took Crimea.  Under Biden, Putin took Donbas, Palestinians attacked Israel, Iranian backed Houthis are attacking shipping in the Red Sea.


Under Trump, Putin behaved, and so did Iran, their surrogates and the Palestinians.


I miss mean tweets.  And peace.  The rest of it is just gum flapping.


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30 minutes ago, placeholder said:

How ignorant does someone have to be to allege that Putin and Iran behaved well when Trump was President? Under Trump, the US engaged in wholesale and enthusiastic support of the Saudi's disastrous war against the Houthis. I haven't read anywhere that the Iranians withdrew their support for the Houthis during the Trump administration.

As for Putin, did Trump deter him from stepping up his support of the rebels in the Donbas region? or Moldova? Or Georgia?

In fact, Trump tried to starve Ukraine of weaponry but was halted in his attempt by the threat from Congress to take him to court over his clearly illegal attempt.


Do you honestly believe that you and I understand the cause and effects of foreign policy based on what our politicians and pundits tell us?


Or believe that we understand the dynamics of ethnic relations in the FSU? 


(Just like I get a kick out of the guys that think they understand politics in Thailand)


Results are the only fair way to judge an administration.  And based only on results, hundreds of thousands of Ukes and Russkies and tens of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis didn't die, under Trump.  They died on Biden's watch.  And hundreds of billions of US tax money has been spent.  I don't claim to know why that is.  It would be arrogant to think I know why, or claim to know what went on behind closed doors or in the minds of world leaders.

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1 minute ago, impulse said:


Do you honestly believe that you and I understand the cause and effects of foreign policy based on what our politicians and pundits tell us?


Or believe that we understand the dynamics of ethnic relations in the FSU? 


(Just like I get a kick out of the guys that think they understand politics in Thailand)


Results are the only fair way to judge an administration.  And based only on results, hundreds of thousands of Ukes and Russkies and tens of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis didn't die, under Trump.  They died under Biden.  And hundreds of billions of US tax money has been spent.  I don't claim to know why that is.  It would be arrogant to think I know why, or claim to know what went on behind closed doors or in the minds of world leaders.

There's a logical fallacy that logicians have labelled "post hoc ergo propter hoc"  Which translates to "after this therefore because of this". So, to your way of thinking is that because during Trump's presidency russia didn't massively invade Ukraine or Hamas didn't stage its attack on Israel, therefore it's because of Trump. Yet on the other hand you claim that these issues are too complicated for us to understand. So how do you square your simplistic thinking with your claims of complexity in foreign affairs? Good luck with that.

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1 hour ago, Trippy said:

What difference does ancient history make? As I said before, our enemies rely on us pointing fingers instead of getting things done, and you've fallen into that trap rather nicely. 

Removing all oversight and inspections on Iran’s nuclear programs got things done for two of the U.S.’ enemies.


The hawks in Iran and Russia which had stepped up its aid and influence over Iran.


This is not ‘ancient history’ it’s the direct consequence of Trump’s deliberate policy of doing exactly the opposite of what was right for America and world peace, and coincidentally exactly what was of benefit to Putin.


Not once, multiple times.


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27 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Removing all oversight and inspections on Iran’s nuclear programs got things done for two of the U.S.’ enemies.


The hawks in Iran and Russia which had stepped up its aid and influence over Iran.


This is not ‘ancient history’ it’s the direct consequence of Trump’s deliberate policy of doing exactly the opposite of what was right for America and world peace, and coincidentally exactly what was of benefit to Putin.


Not once, multiple times.


Since you want to keep harping on the treaty, it was not a permanent fix, it was only meant to slow down not abolish Iran's nuclear program. That's why Netanyahu spoke at the US congress asking them to not ratify the treaty. The only thing that works is to not let them sell their oil.   

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31 minutes ago, Trippy said:

Since you want to keep harping on the treaty, it was not a permanent fix, it was only meant to slow down not abolish Iran's nuclear program. That's why Netanyahu spoke at the US congress asking them to not ratify the treaty. The only thing that works is to not let them sell their oil.   

Trump blew it with dishonoring the treaty it removed all restraint on Iran to behave those mullas over there are on shaky ground allready how do you think the Iranian people would have reacted if the sanctions had been lifted they were enjoying normal commerce in the world and we as Americans could have been buying oil at a better price hummm?? I’d bet money those mullas wouldn’t be allowing the houties to be acting up.and we would be taking baby steps towards normalization of relations with that ancient civilization 

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