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2 Polish women apologise for sunbathing in Chiang Mai temple


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21 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


  How would you describe people who habitually stare at Womans covered  breasts when they are in public ? , 

Impartial observers.

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16 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Heterosexual males who are not wowsers or eunuchs.


 What do you find so interesting about looking at woman's breasts when they are wearing bras and clothes ?

   You just see the shape of the bra, rather than the shape of the breast and there's not much difference in bra shapes and sizes .

   Its rather abnormal to stare at females all day 

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2 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


 What do you find so interesting about looking at woman's breasts when they are wearing bras and clothes ?

   You just see the shape of the bra, rather than the shape of the breast and there's not much difference in bra shapes and sizes .

   Its rather abnormal to stare at females all day 

I guess it's what men who have not put themselves in a pulpit do, although personally I'm a bum admirer.


Not much difference in bra shapes, sizes and cleavage? You're kidding, right?

Edited by Lacessit
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On 1/18/2024 at 11:26 AM, Nick Carter icp said:

If the first thing that you did when opening this thread was to look at their breasts in the photo , then you are a degenerate 

Caught in the act - I suppose I am.


I was also, at the same time of trying to tear my eyes away from these delightful projections, discussing with some friends how desperate Thailand is for tourists, yet 'track down' two, (as you say, beautifully crafted young women who made the grievous and horrifically heinous crime of sunbathing - I know on temple grounds), and are then publicly humiliated in front of the entire nation, obliged to apologize, probably to a most groveling degree and all to satisfy the mean-spirited anus-man-child who reported them for a 'blatantly indecent act'.


There's 2 tourists who will now go home - recount this incident and never come back while almost everyone around the world will now have 2nd thoughts of visiting the land of smiles.


Why couldn't they have just talked politely to these girls, informed them that it was inappropriate and sent them on their merry way?


No such luck. Total humiliation is the Thai way. Disgusting display of cherry-picking, whilst ignoring their own massive sex industry problem by denying it exists!


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12 minutes ago, Bundooman said:


Why couldn't they have just talked politely to these girls, informed them that it was inappropriate and sent them on their merry way?





   That is what the Police did do , told them that it was inappropriate and let them go on their way 

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This whole issue is not news worthy. 

Such pictures are not required and reflect poorly on the Police & Thai press for publishing them.

The fact the girls faces are obscured is crazy and causes the eye to wonder.

The officers do look a bit uncomfortable maybe their faces should of been obscured too.


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1 minute ago, Derek B said:

This whole issue is not news worthy. 

Such pictures are not required and reflect poorly on the Police & Thai press for publishing them.


Agreed...  however, the 'tabloid' media worldwide (unless there is a dictatorial control on the media) behaves in the same manner - its just that Thailands 'Chanel 3' (a national news channel) as run with a trashy story of tabloid standards. 


1 minute ago, Derek B said:

The fact the girls faces are obscured is crazy and causes the eye to wonder.


Wonder to what ?...  A couple of normally dressed females ??... 

Some of the comments on this forum are rather 'monger-ish'... its just two women..  hardly the 'pervy kick' some seem to be suggesting... 



1 minute ago, Derek B said:

The officers do look a bit uncomfortable maybe their faces should of been obscured too.


I can imagine - I too would be embarrassed at being sent out as a part of a 4 man tactical squad to deal with these hardened criminals !!.. 


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On 1/18/2024 at 11:26 AM, Nick Carter icp said:

If the first thing that you did when opening this thread was to look at their breasts in the photo , then you are a degenerate 

I looked at the wall mounted fan on that pillar.  What screws did they use?   Then at the man.  Then the girls.

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On 1/18/2024 at 11:26 AM, Nick Carter icp said:

If the first thing that you did when opening this thread was to look at their breasts in the photo , then you are a degenerate 

faces are blurred.. :whistling:

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On 1/18/2024 at 7:23 PM, BritManToo said:

I feel contempt for any primatives that believe in magic or ghosts or invisible friends. That includes the Vatican and the church.


These two ladies broke no laws, so it's nothing to do with the police.

And, I'll repeat.  If you don't want to comply with their rules for their religious complexes, no one is forcing you to visit them.
You apparently know absolutely nothing about the "religion" you're critiquing.  There are no gods in Buddhism.  
Doing things just to be a jackal is so very western.

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On 1/18/2024 at 7:23 PM, BritManToo said:

I feel contempt for any primatives that believe in magic or ghosts or invisible friends. That includes the Vatican and the church.


These two ladies broke no laws, so it's nothing to do with the police.


not so fast, enforcing laws is not the only role of police.


one important role of police is "maintaining the peace". so the police has to intervene when controversies come up. that's what they have been doing here.

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On 1/18/2024 at 8:33 PM, Sig said:

These girls weren't in swimwear and they weren't inside the temple proper. They were on temple grounds, so in the strictest sense, perhaps they should have had more moderate clothing on, but MANY Thai men and women do just the same until entering the temple proper. It is not a major issue, as seen by Thai people's behavior. But if the temple thought things had gone too far, they could very easily go to the person/people and nicely inform them what they'd prefer of their guests while visiting. VERY likely, the person/people would be apologetic and quickly respond in like form. It's only an issue for people looking to make much ado about nothing, self-righteous judgemental people of no account who have nothing better to do than stir up division among society, making themselves feel so much better than everyone else. Meanwhile, blinded by their pride, they don't even realize that everyone around them has nothing but contempt for them.

The entire temple complex is included in the clothing rules.

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6 hours ago, Shetraveler said:

The entire temple complex is included in the clothing rules.

You'd certainly never know that if you looked at all of the Thai people on various temple grounds/complex. Not even close. Perhaps at the more touristy temples where they actually have people go through gates and a sort of inspection prior to entering, but NOT AT ALL at regular temples all over the place where I see those clothing rules nowhere in the slightest being paid any attention to by many, if applying it to the entire area of the temple grounds. I haven't been to a touristy temple for many years, so I don't know how they are doing things these days, but men and even women sometimes, in shorts is a regular sight. And it isn't even terribly uncommon to see a woman's shouders, let alone knees. It's only personal anecdotal experience, so it isn't the end all... just some observation.

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